Saturday, November 30, 2019

Conquering Those who Seek To Conquer US Part 3 #usethegospelforprotection

Blogs Read outloud on videos 3 parts

Part 1 How To Use The Gospel For Protection God With US! Co-Dependency w PG

Part 2   

Jesus Christ Baptize US the Holy Spirit and With Fire! Part 2 #usethegos...

Part 3Conquering Those who Seek To Conquer US Part 3 #usethegospelforprotection

3 separate blogs

How To Use The Gospel For Protection God With US! Co-Dependency Part 1


Jesus Christ Baptize US the Holy Spirit and With Fire! Part 2 #usethegospelforprotection


Conquering Those who Seek To Conquer US Part 3 #usethegospelforprotection

Jesus Christ Baptize US the Holy Spirit and With Fire! Part 2 #usethegos...

Blogs Read outloud on videos 3 parts

Part 1 How To Use The Gospel For Protection God With US! Co-Dependency w PG

Part 2   

Jesus Christ Baptize US the Holy Spirit and With Fire! Part 2 #usethegos...

Part 3Conquering Those who Seek To Conquer US Part 3 #usethegospelforprotection

3 separate blogs

How To Use The Gospel For Protection God With US! Co-Dependency Part 1


Jesus Christ Baptize US the Holy Spirit and With Fire! Part 2 #usethegospelforprotection


Conquering Those who Seek To Conquer US Part 3 #usethegospelforprotection

How To Use The Gospel For Protection God With US! Co-Dependency w PG

Blogs Read outloud on videos 3 parts

Part 1 How To Use The Gospel For Protection God With US! Co-Dependency w PG

Part 2   

Jesus Christ Baptize US the Holy Spirit and With Fire! Part 2 #usethegos...

Part 3Conquering Those who Seek To Conquer US Part 3 #usethegospelforprotection

3 separate blogs

How To Use The Gospel For Protection God With US! Co-Dependency Part 1


Jesus Christ Baptize US the Holy Spirit and With Fire! Part 2 #usethegospelforprotection


Conquering Those who Seek To Conquer US Part 3 #usethegospelforprotection

How To Use The Gospel For Protection God With US! Co-Dependency Part 1


A lot of information doesn't fit.  Many reasons to question the narrative. Political Gain, lost of rights, liberty, given State more power. First Merkel you lose freedoms to stay free oxymoron, now Theresa May wants to add more regulations to the internet right before and election. 

Conquering Those who Seek To Conquer US Part 3 #usethegospelforprotection

The Scoffer says in his worldly wisdom, "I know the ways of the world". Shouts in his ignorance of the Supernatural Divine love and Power of God. "It's Impossible!" "With God All things are Possible". With men it is impossible! Only God can save. Jesus said, "With God" "All Things are Possible!" Ohio's Motto.  Look at the Christmas Spirit you can see it and feel it. Why just one time of the Year?Everyone is turning to the name of  Jesus "Christ"mas. It's on their lips! If God can be known at Christmas, he can be known every second, every minute, and every day of the Year. 
Men are free. This is a gift God gives to all men freely. 
Turning to God to receive this gift is kind of like picking up a package at the post office. You have to turn towards the post office or mailbox to get it. 

If you do not look at God, turn away from the world you can not receive the free gift of salvation from God.  All who call on Jesus name shall be saved!  Jesus Christ reconciled the world unto himself. 
And about the angels he says:
He makes his angels winds,
and his servants a fiery flame,
Men do not have to be held captive by the Devil Any more. Men do not need to sin any more. 
Men have seen a Great light!  A Star!  The coming of the Savior who will save all men from their sins and bring  goodwill on earth.
So the devil uses any means necessary to put men in bondage to his darkness.  Using spells of "magic". A "light" to deceive people.
SJW  are caught in the false "light," wisdom, deception of the lies they have been told. 
Men leaning on their own understanding, their own wisdom, knowledge, discoveries, Inventions.  They  are all ploys of the devil to hold men in captivity in their souls. 
To turn to God is to turn to the
beat of another drummer.
Marching in time, as an army has
a drummer as the army marches on ward. 
Serving Darkness and love to sin. In their sin they hurt others. They hurt people  all the way a crossed the sea! Never facing the consequences of their actions. "Guilt", "remorse", "Oh what have I done!?  
People do not see the slaves in the pacific ocean areas or China who make our clothes or make other things we use every day as an example.  
Satan's lie:
"I didn't sin!  I paid for it!"  The sin was buying from a slave owner and those trafficking in human slavery,   using fiat fake printed money. The money keeps them in business. 

EVERYONE IS DOING IT!  Demonic Supernatural Beat of drum. The pressure of the people who are very organized. All hearing the marching sounds from Fiat dollars, the MSM, Property and Income  taxes, Public schools.   Those are Satanic, Demonic pressures of "masses" of people, psi, a  weight on our souls. psi The pound per square inch or, more accurately, pound-force per square inch is a unit of pressure or of stress based on avoirdupois units.
Through Preaching the Gospel, as a nation, a country, we can take down this evil force.  
   Just telling the truth to one another; praying, seeking God, meditating  every day on the Gospel, reading the Bible, listening to it on tape.  Hashtag: #usethegospel for protection or #The gospelofjesusechrist  You are spreading the Fire of God's good news of Jesus Christ Birth, his Life and his Death. 

Defending our Rights! On the Offense not the defense! Fear is
Faith in what God can do as we obey him and preach his Gospel is being on the Offense to Conquer those who seek to conquer us! 
  Then the last enemy Jesus conquered was death!    
The Gospel in Action
Renounce Satan and his works of darkness! 
Be baptized in water, The Holy Spirit and Fire! In the name of The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 
Turning your back on the drum beat of this world.
The world is  Satan's dominion;  Worldliness, Superficiality, ungodly, lust for things, possessions, money, fame, attention, "people "big names", stars, fancy cars, boats, Fiat fake paper, loans, mortgages, leases, credit cards, fancy expense houses, apartment complexes, Malls, Super Markets, convenient stores,  boats.  so much more.      

   Just think of the Amish lifestyle, as a really good innocent, healthy, sinless life.  Anything outside of that is Satan's dominion.  
Turn to God. Ask God to forgive you! Ask God to help you fix what ever is broken. Whether you broke others souls or you were broken by others etc.  "All" in a Life of sin.  Ask God to help you make up for what you have done!
We can do this as a country and pray. #usethegospelforprotection. As a "WE", "US", in unity as the body of Christ.  As we do, we can see those damaged, broken by our sin or someone else's sins restored, healed, healthy again.  Sound minded.
What ever we have stolen using fiat we, with God's Supernatural power helping us,  repay Double, what was stolen. Stolen From us, our families is the past, Grand Fathers and Mothers, our inheritance.   

God does it working through you/us! Miracles happen. 
We the people have caused enough damage or trouble in our blindness, captivity to MSM, Public Schools, government, Fiat   Luciferian occult bankers, etc.      
We were slaves under their spells
What is important is when God forgives, he forgives since Birth.
  As  far as the East is from the West  that is how far God removes our sins and the sins of others. This is why we pray "forgive us our sins and the sins of others."  
Then God fixes All of it.  Then he heals you, others and tells you don't sin any more. Go back to your hometown, your family. Use my gospel for protection. Jesus would say: Using the power I have given you, the power of the Holy Spirit and the Fire.  
I am with you! 

Do the right thing. You will have no more problems.  There is nothing you or others are doing wrong so nothing is being broke.  People  around us are healthy because we are not abusing and  using ourselves or others around us any more.   
Men are doing the right thing. God working with them to do the right thing, the right way. Submitting to Jesus Christ Supernatural Spirit's love and Dominion  "God's Kingdom" on the earth connected to God  the Father in Heaven.  (Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is done in Heaven.) 
With God working in and through everyone helping everyone.  Everyone leaning on God for Divine Perfect wisdom, understanding, knowledge, gifts. 
The Gospel of Good News spreads. God sets everyone free from Satan's Power and we are all filled with the Supernatural Power anointing of God.  We have full, healthy, free lives.   Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
The right road. The Right Path, Doing everything the Right Way.
Loving God, who set us free from Satan's power, praying without ceasing.  Men delivered out of the Darkness, who have turned towards the Light of God's Great Powerful Love!  Jesus Christ.
All people hear only one voice and obey only one voice on earth the Divine voice of Jesus Christ!  

Quote from John Quincy Adams

Why is it, Friends and Fellow Citizens, that you are here assembled? Why is it, that, entering upon the sixty-second year of our national existence, you have honored with an invitation to address you from this place, a fellow citizen of a former age, bearing in the records of his memory, the warm and vivid affections which attached him, at the distance of a full half century, to your town, and to your forefathers, then the cherished associates of his youthful days? 
Why is it that, next to the birth day of the Savior of the World, your most joyous and most venerated festival returns on this day?—And why is it that, among the swarming myriads of our population, thousands and tens of thousands among us, abstaining, under the dictate of religious principle, from the commemoration of that birth-day of Him, who brought life and immortality to light, yet unite with all their brethren of this community, year after year, in celebrating this the birthday of the nation?
Is it not that, in the chain of human events, the birthday of the nation is indissolubly linked with the birthday of the Savior? That it forms a leading event in the progress of the gospel dispensation? Is it not that the Declaration of Independence first organized the social compact on the foundation of the Redeemer’s mission upon the earth? That it laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity, and gave to the world the first irrevocable pledge of the fulfilment of the prophecies, announced directly from Heaven at the birth of the Savior and predicted by the greatest of the Hebrew prophets six hundred years before?
Cast your eyes backwards upon the progress of time, sixty-one years from this day; and in the midst of the horrors and desolations of civil war, you behold an assembly of Planters, Shopkeepers and Lawyers, the Representatives of the People of thirteen English Colonies in North America, sitting in the City of Philadelphia. These fifty-five men on that day, unanimously adopt and publish to the world, a state paper under the simple title of ’A Declaration’.
The object of this Declaration was two-fold.
First, to proclaim the People of the thirteen United Colonies, one People, and in their name, and by their authority, to dissolve the political bands which had connected them with another People, that is, the People of Great Britain.
Secondly, to assume, in the name of this one People, of the thirteen United Colonies, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station, to which the Laws of Nature, and of Nature’s God, entitled them.


The Ancient Great Work; America's Secret Destiny

Disclaimer what is said here about any of the Founding Fathers is false.  
Satan copies everything God does. 
Right is Might, God's Righteousness

Satan switches it: Might is Right
Anything God does has a counterpart in the darkness; Halloween, the Other side Martin Luther's Reformation Day. God redeems everything. Darkness to light.  If you destroy and wipe out all the darkness then why would you need a light. Everything can be "used" for evil. Christmas, Easter, 666, but there are more than 666 pages in the Bible?
To the defiled all things are defile, to the pure all things are pure.  The Eye of Ra, others call the eye of God's Providence. Pyramids, to some it means Satanism, the occult.  But a triangle is an excellent tool from strengthen any structure. The children of Israel left Egypt with all the "Wealth of the Egyptians".  God blessed Israel with all the wealth of the Egyptians. 
Comments left on this video.  

Christmas can be said to have Satanic cult roots then you find out the Star Bethlehem actually was over Bethlehem on Dec. 25th. It is mathematically precise. They said Jesus had a demon in order to do miracles. There is a lot left out of this information, a lot twisted in it also. The Christian writings of the founding Fathers brings people closer to God. This video puts fear in people turns them away from God away from their founding Fathers. This video takes you right into the heart of the cult and traps it's listeners in fear. This narrators loves these mystery schools, illuminate etc. So he studies them saying it's just to bring the evil to light. Sorry the first half of the video I kept thinking "this guys i putting these evil Satanist on a pedal stool He likes them. He is boasting about them." Then he starts making the founding Fathers one of them. I thinking he is asking God what is going on here show me. This is man on his without the help guidance of the Holy Spirit of God. If he was people would come closer to God and be brought into a relation with the God who founding this country based on the Workings of his son Jesus Christ who paid the price, hiss very blood for our liberty. In Ohio our Constitution 1852... We are thankful to almighty God for our freedom then the rest of it mirrors the Constitution because it s God. You can not wipe all heathens out of a Christian society. The weeds grow up next to the "real plant." That is all you have in a lot of this, nothing more. The societies are secret because America would kill these people if they came out in the open. They still work in secret darkness.
The Scoffer says in his worldly wisdom, "I know the ways of the world". Shouts in his ignorance of the Supernatural Divine love and Power of God. "It's Impossible!" "With God All things are Possible". With men it is impossible! Only God can save. Jesus said, "With God" "All Things are Possible!" Ohio's Motto.  Look at the Christmas Spirit you can see it and feel it. Why just one time of the Year?Everyone is turning to the name of  Jesus "Christ"mas. It's on their lips! If God can be known at Christmas, he can be known every second, every minute, and every day of the Year. 

Jesus Christ Baptize US the Holy Spirit and With Fire! Part 2 #usethegospelforprotection

The Scoffer says in his worldly wisdom, "I know the ways of the world". Shouts in his ignorance of the Supernatural Divine love and Power of God. "It's Impossible! "With God All things are Possible". With men it is impossible! Only God can save. Jesus said, "With God" "All Things are Possible!" Ohio's Motto.  Look at the Christmas Spirit you can see it and feel it. Why just one time of the Year?Everyone is turning to the name of  Jesus "Christ"mas. It's on their lips! If God can be known at Christmas, he can be known every second, every minute, and every day of the Year. 

                It's a cycle for good, health, life, happiness.  No Fear!  
Prodigal Son, Cast not your pearls before swine. When captured by Satan, Humans are considered by Jesus as swine, just animals. 
Prodigal Son  

Luke 15:11-32 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)

11 And He said, There was a certain man who had two sons;
12 And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the part of the property that falls [to me]. And he divided the estate between them.
13 And not many days after that, the younger son gathered up all that he had and journeyed into a distant country, and there he wasted his fortune in reckless and loose [from restraint] living.
14 And when he had spent all he had, a [a]mighty famine came upon that country, and he began to fall behind and be in want.
Dependent on themselves
Money, others
"god helps those who help
themselves to others things!"
15 So he went and forced (glued) himself upon one of the citizens of that country, who sent him into his fields to feed hogs.
16 And he would gladly have fed on and [b]filled his belly with the [c]carob pods that the hogs were eating, but [they could not satisfy his hunger and] nobody gave him anything [better].
17 Then when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father have enough food, and [even food] to spare, but I am perishing (dying) here of hunger!
18 I will get up and go to my father, and I will say to him, Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight.
19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; [just] make me like one of your hired servants.
20 So he got up and came to his [own] father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was moved with pity and tenderness [for him]; and he ran and embraced him and kissed him [[d]fervently].
21 And the son said to him, Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight; I am no longer worthy to be called your son [I no longer deserve to be recognized as a son of yours]!
22 But the father said to his bond servants, Bring quickly the best robe (the festive robe of honor) and put it on him; and give him a ring for his hand and sandals for his feet.
23 And bring out [e]that [wheat-]fattened calf and kill it; and let us [f]revel and feast and be happy and make merry,
24 Because this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found! And they began to [g]revel and feast and make merry.
25 But his older son was in the field; and as he returned and came near the house, he heard music and dancing.
26 And having called one of the servant [boys] to him, he began to ask what this meant.
27 And he said to him, Your brother has come, and your father has killed [h]that [wheat-]fattened calf, because he has received him back safe and well.
28 But [the elder brother] was angry [with deep-seated wrath] and resolved not to go in. Then his father came out and began to plead with him,
29 But he answered his father, Look! These many years I have served you, and I have never disobeyed your command. Yet you never gave me [so much as] a [little] kid, that I might [i]revel and feast and be happy and make merry with my friends;
30 But when this son of yours arrived, who has devoured your estate with immoral women, you have killed for him [j]that [wheat-] fattened calf!
31 And the father said to him, Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours.
32 But it was fitting to make merry, to [k]revel and feast and rejoice, for this brother of yours was dead and is alive again! He was lost and is found!
"Acknowledge" you have a problem with a Supernatural entity that is powerful.
When a person acknowledge there is nothing they can do about sin! 
(Because it is Demonic Supernatural Power!) The person  is going to go looking for someone with that has equal or greater to power to set them free. 
We need someone with Power over all that satanic Demon's Power.

Who is worthy to open the seal"  Who has God given that power over Satan to?  Jesus Christ 
God gives us an abundance of Life!  A full Life!  He gives us a Supernatural Powerful Spirit, his Spirit!  A spirit of love, a Supernatural Godly, divine, heavenly All powerful, "might" LOVE!                "Right is Might"

Only a Christian can see that love and be guided by it! Men need to be humble and realize when they sin they have hurt someone" Human Life"  is "a dominion"   a kingdom. They have hurt all  of people in it, when you hurt one. 
 The person they hurt will go from them . Start hurting all the people around them. Once a person is hurt, if they don't turn to Jesus and have Justice and be healed,  when they come in contact with others their brokeness the person hurts others. Then those people go from them and hurt others.  
It is endless.  Pain, hurt, suffering are Satanic Supernatural forces of pressure on everyone. With No Justice
Justice only comes from God. Man without God is just and animal unable to do justly. Justice HEALS, makes amends, restores, rebuilds lives that were shattered by the sin. 

The Endless cycle is only stopped by a more powerful Supernatural force for good. Going in the other direction.  Health, Healing, honesty, Love, good are also  supernatural forces for good for healing.
God redeems our souls, our minds, heals and restores them. God saves us from what Satan did to our souls.  This is why you hear say "You must be saved!" No one can continue going around free in society, hurting everyone they come in contact with.  It is a kin to spreading a very extremely contagious deadly disease.
A Part of the Endless Cycle
Men completely without God
Satan means sinners. Those who worship Satan. Sinners are Men who get ideas, make plans, organize with others to take the souls of men into captivity, to dominate people. Slavery, tyranny, men who want to rule the world etc.  Sinners are anyone who hasn't come to Jesus Christ and put their Faith in God.  Or someone who was hurt by someone else then they go around hurting everyone. 
Cancel Culture are men without the slightest clue of what the Declaration of Independence Means, the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. 
All those supporting Documents of the Republic are written in the souls, minds of men free from Sin.
  Cancel Culture are the most broken children and Satanically controlled.  
Q, "Puppet and Puppet Master." Satan, Demonic power is what is keeping them blind. 
When Jesus saves us, he frees us from "voices".  The only voice a Saint will hear is Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ voice is "The anointing" of the  Holy Spirit. Emmanuel "God with us" helping us to  obey God's commandments and not hurting someone else.
Look at the "POWER" Evil, sin, Satan uses:
 the voices of sinners!  
TV, Radio, DVD's, YouTube videos, commercials, teachers, university professors, etc. Satan, Demons,  works through sinners. It is Dark Evil Demonic.  Evil Sinners use Heathenistic, Barbaric , ancient, pre-civilization.  The voices of sinners  "MEANS"  TO CAUSE MEN TO COME BACK UNDER Lucifers DOMINATION.     
The Media, the democrats are a blatant example that everyone can see their lies, forces, pressures.  Any means necessary to Take Captive minds, souls, you!  Ever watch a TV show or a movie and you can not pull yourself away from it?  A book?   You have been taken captive. 
Did you ever have a Teach demand you pay attention?  You have been taken captive.  The squeaky wheel gets oil. Loud people who refuse to stop until they get what they want!  
Satan copies everything God does. (see the very end for special note)
Right is Might, God's Righteousness
Satan switches it: Might is Right

Jesus Takes people captive too!  Jesus urges people to go to God and do not stop   praying until God answers your prayer! 
Apostle, teachers, etc. are the gifts. 
Geneva Bible excellent commentary.  Psalms 68:18,  Ephesians 4:8 
4:1 Paul a Prisoner of Christ.
Jesus Christ saved the world.  Through his death, Jesus took people captive in their sins and set the captives free!  He lead the captive out of captivity.  Satan had people under his demonic spells, darkness, lies, delusions.   Jesus shines the light of the truth with his supernatural power, love of God into the darkness.  (The Gospel of Jesus Christ)
example:  He led them out of the Dem party, out of MSM; A dominion where there are no real laws, no justice, no morals, no love, no humor, no honesty, framing people, child sacrifice, friends with criminal elements or perverted elements of society, etc.  
Christianity gives people a conscious, ethics, treating people fairly, justly which will bring health, healing, freedom,  Mr. Kanye West is an example, He is listening to the voice of God, Jesus his Savior.
End Part 2