Tuesday, May 2, 2017

UC Berkeley the 70 year dark deep old secret! It Ended Free Speech in 1960!

In the time's of Jesus Christ "men" had to know how to sew. It was used in every day life for shoes, clothes, blankets, sandals, fishing, loading and unloading, ropes, the list is endless.

 It was much easier to make a quick twine thread than a medal wire to tie and bind things.

Jesus said it is easier for a camel to go through the Eye of a Needle than to enter the kingdom of heaven.

Most people just read it the way it written, meaning a real sewing needle.

But as human beings we can not leave things alone, without God we tend to complicate matters.

   Some one goes to Jerusalem and finds a little hole in an old wall that looks like a old Key hole,  skeleton key.

  It is assumed that:

Image result for Walls of Jerusalem eye of the needle gate
The "Eye of the Needle" has been claimed to be a gate in Jerusalem, which opened after the main gate was closed at night. A camel could only pass through this smaller gate if it was stooped and had its baggage removed.

   So there are reasons explaining both ideas.  The easiest explanation is a camel has to get down on  
his knees to go through this gate so a rich man would have to get down on his knees and pray.

   I've always just thought it takes a "miracle", a sovereign act of God.

After receiving much healing from "lies of the deep state" I found another way to understand this scripture.
Teachers, government's, "anyone" who
lies to another person is a thief
(Psychology also proves what I am going to explain to be true.) You have to go back and remember when you were young and started to believe the lies. As human beings, without mental disabilities like down syndrome, we are born with "the Truth" in our heads. We are faced every day whether to believe and tell  the truth or make up a lie. We have have a choice to sin or not sin. We know right from wrong.    
The more we "might" lie or we are around other human beings that "lie" we forget right and wrong, we forget the truth. It has to be "lied out" of us or "forced out of our minds", replaced with illusions and delusions. It is called brain washing or psych ops!  A lie, a Severe Trauma puts our minds into a state of "SHOCK"  or extreme fear, confusion, alarm, state of horror!
Example of John 10: 1-15: As soon as you found out about the deep State you stepped away!
Once you step away from evil   the Bible becomes more useful. 
1. Knowing God loves you is first! 
2. Next Knowing God loves you and 2. sent Jesus to die for you is second. 
3.That is "Love".  
God sets us free to "love" one another. Love is a feeling an emotion, thoughts, dealing with the mind.
Public school separates children from their parents so they forget being loved an loving your parents, the evil, deep state, government wants everyone child to forget"Love". So they can make you afraid and control everyone! Love cast out fear!
4. Then we need power, the gospel is: God loves you and sent Jesus to die to forgive our sins is the power of God to "Salvation!
  Right Now our minds are in a state of "shock" extreme fear, confusion, disillusioned, caught in an illusion of the imagination!
Let me explain. 
Somewhere in our sound minds we know that Gold and Silver coins are "real", "honest""to Goodness",  MONEY!
In our imaginations, in our delusional state of mind, illusions we think a piece of paper that someone printed  actually has some value!
We were lied to, conned, ripped off. There is no difference between a paper dollar and a wooden needle!
Now try to change 20, 30, 40, years of believing a paper dollar actually had some kind of value!  
Does God Know You?
It's impossible without God's help.   Because you were being robbed, enslaved or you were robbing others, thinking/believing you were free, thinking you were being honest, thinking/believing others were being honest with you.
What I am saying is unless you use a silver dollar to buy what you claim to be yours, it isn't yours. You stole everything. If you did a job for someone and they paid you  paper dollars. you were working for nothing! Zero Zip, slavery!   
Wait Wait.  Don't get all mad at the messenger.  We are talking about God. Your mind demands absolute honesty! God demands absolutely Honesty!  This type of Honesty only comes from "Knowing God""God knowing you", in the love and power of the Gospel, the Holy Spirit revealing this truth!
There is a big difference between
The Truth
 and deception 
Honesty, Falsehood/lie
Light , dark
Freedom, slavery
We have to seek the truth with all that's in us, but truth with the balance 
of God's love.  

We can get caught believing more lies, which is very painful without passing everything we believe in prayer to God. 
God help me! "I think this is the Truth?" 
Sinners lie
 Saints tell the Truth
1."With the Truth" human beings always think of the 2."love of God", 3.the "power" of God, 4.the "peace" that comes upon your soul, the 5."Holy Spirit", 6."Jesus Christ", 7."wow that's wisdom"!

   It's like a chain link fence, each piece is a part of the healing,  your minds and emotions bound up by God. Like "healing" bandages".  Missing any one part means there is still a small  "splinter" still in your thoughts, thanks to God that God will remove it.
It's a horrible, horrible thing to lie to someone you have just ruined their lives. 
When we find someone who lies we get rid of them!  They're dangerous to society!  A lie causes a person to make the wrong choice even a deadly choice! (Not about their hair or looks that is arbitrary, different for everyone.)

Getting back to the eye of the needle. 

      We are going through the eye of the needle right now in society. We are going back to UC Berkeley. 

Did you know they were never for free speech? They were stopping free speech it for sexual revolution, feminism, homosexuality, abortion, communism!
UC Berkley destroy the Constitution freedoms that come from God!  Communism,  socialism, fascism had to destroy Pastors, churches, the Bible Christianity in order to overthrow the rightful government,"We the People" in these riots!

America became a country of slaves
 Communistic, socialistic, police State
Crony Capitalism,
Media propaganda, Deep State CIA,
America has been lied to ever since!
No Christianity!  All rights come from God without god you have no rights!
    Where the lies, most Americans believe today, started!
These Students had experienced Government Brainwashing. The students were being used, they  gave the whole country over to  our enemies!
That's right. They just wanted to "shut up" Christian conservative education and speech and they did!  It was Christian discrimination! They took over the school and took all Christian principles, ideas, quotes out of every sector of College. They stopped freedom of speech and the free exercise of religion! They are doing exactly what they did then they had the courts, the government the media in this destruction of Christian free America.  There wasn't any opposing voices in public the media praised this rioters and lied about the Constitution and about honest christian standing against them. The honest people were shut up and shut down!
Fascist  took over America
started lying to the entire world
and to the students, media, news
  immorality and communist propaganda
      As Americans we have to go back and fix it, apologies to the Christians who were trying to stop the liars from taking over the campus!  

      They are communists, socialist, liars, pressuring all students to conform to their ideology of immorality, co-ed dorms, sex, drugs, rock n roll and other lies they have been telling for over 60 to 
Seek the Whole Truth
There are a lot of liars!
We have a saying "The way in is the way out!"  When you sew and put the needle through the wrong hole you in order not to cut the thread and put a couple knots in.  You have to be very careful and go through the exact hole you went through to get knotted up on the inside of you, messed up in your head.  
Go back take God, the Holy Spirit, scripture if you can, Jesus, power if you caught it, (it's there), love to the place were you are stuck.It 
Like with paper money, no one told me the constitution says Gold and silver coins can only be used! Silver coin is a dollar. 
We are at War with our Masters!
                             We Fight For Liberty!

Gold and silver coins minted and
used by everyone s the only God Given Right,
Around the world!        Everything else is slavery
Anyone enslaves you is at War with You our Enemy,
You are the Slave, they are the Master
God set us Free
Justice is to enforce the laws
written in the Constitution!
America is going to shut down, start over
to our defaults,
The Constitution based on
the foundation of
The Declaration of Independence!

As first written, slavery is illegal!!
If I had known I would have wonder why the founding fathers wrote that specific law and I would have found out it is very hard to deceive and defraud because gold and silver always weigh the same!  The weight doesn't change!  

Farm, Home School, Independence! That what the Declaration of Independence gives you freedom to farm raise and train your own children. No one is responsible for you or your children but you! Live Free independent lives, grow your own food, raise your own meat, dig your own outhouse and your own well, hopefully far away from each other. Leave your neighbor alone, he doesn't owe you anything but to love and respect your freedoms to be independent and don't ask others to pay for you! Don't ask others to do something that you are very capable of doing for yourself! America is a collective! Resistance isn't futile! Resistance Chicks, Farms for everyone!

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