Monday, April 2, 2018

What Really Happened w/Mike Rivero - Commercial Free - Monday (4-2-18)

Hey Mike I think you are a great newscaster and reporter, you know a lot and are very professional. When it comes to Israel and Palestine I had no opinion. I've noticed that you hate Israel and are sympathetic towards Palestine. As a Christian I've made a choice between the two. The religion or ideology that "shall not be named" Doesn't believe in freedom or liberty. It is a Theocracy trying to conquer the World and make everyone submit and worship Satan through Muhammad's lies. the·oc·ra·cy
THēˈäkrəsē/Submit noun a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god. noun: Theocracy; noun: the Theocracy Anyone in that movement, "Empire" is my "mortal' enemy completely.. They force women to marry against their will. They force people to submit to moral laws that are actually immoral. I see the horror these men do to women and children around the world. We, the free people, must stop this and put a permanent end to "the religion that shall not be named". Raping women can not be tolerated by anyone. They also practice slavery. Jesus said who ever is for me is not against me, who ever is against me is not for me. If Palestine denounces slavery, rape, other Satanic practices of gang rape, promoting the Koran that teaches world domination in the name of a false god & Mohammed then they can expect fair treatment. This ideology in it's existence "declares "it is at War" with all people on the entire planet.This ideology must be destroyed. It refuses to acknowledge that "all men are created equal" and are "endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", inheriting from God their rights to: freedom of press, speech, religion, to worship God according to their conscience, etc. Freedom of religion doesn't apply to beliefs and religions that refuse to acknowledge what the Declaration of Independence states above. Witchcraft, Satanism isn't protected any more than pornography. Anything, anyone that demeans, belittles, degrades other people has no rights. Anyone who seeks to control, get people addicted, manipulates through spells, drugs, hypnotism, fear, lust is against the law. Like this garbage of pronouns. Making laws without representation, controlling speech is controlling how someone worships God, what they believe their religion. It's against the law to force a religion or "believe" on the majority of people arbitrary.. Brainwashing children this way, against nature and nature's God is against the law! God created them male and female!

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