Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Q 7-25-18 "No Flags/No Logs/No Records"

Resistance Chicks
Published by Leah Svensson3 mins
Q post 1694 What is next on Trump's Agenda? Could it to turn the America people back to God? Jesus said you can not serve God and Money. 7-25-18 In the wee early morning, 12:43am a Q post emerges. Trump's comments with his/our nation's #1 enemy CNBC: Trump's words on the Federal Reserve. ***MSM*** in an earlier post is the #1 threat to America's National Security.
Think about it. President Trump is talking about America's Enemies #1 Weapon of Mass Destruction ***A system Global Slavery***
Fake Wealth Distributors
The Penalty for unjust weights and balances,scales, is Death. John Locke inspiration for the words of the Declaration of Independence Quote:
***"Who ever tries to enslave you, is ^^^at War^^^ with you!"***
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 142c4e No.2275151 📁
Jul 25 2018 00:43:52 (EST)…/trump-poised-to-take-control-of-the-…
Honest money is a 99% Silver dime.
You are a good person. You would't steal or rob someone.
Could you be forced to and not know it?
Yes! Every time you by buy something using Federal Reserve issued money you are stealing, you are breaking the law.
When you pray ask God to forgive you and deliver you. You'll see and understand why you need to God to saved from your sins. You cannot save yourself. You need the ***POWER*** OF God's Holy Spirit to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel is the thing that will set you free from using Federal Reserve currency. The gospel is the Declaration of Independence followed by The Constitution. It takes the***POWER*** OF KNOWING GOD'S LOVE FOR You THAT WILL SET YOU Free FROM YEARS AND YEARS OF CONDITIONING BY THE **system**.A system controlled by Evil that lied to you saying it was OK to use Federal Reserve Issued currency, when it never was OK. It's stealing. Yeah you are who you are today because of the things you experienced. you are an unknowing thief. The Wealthy know they are thieves! They don't want you to know you are a thief because you will repent even suffer if necessary to make amends for what you've done using Federal Reserve Currency. Right and Wrong comes from God not men.

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