Wednesday, August 22, 2018

USD PLUNGES, Bursting the Strong Dollar Myth… by Lynette Zang

Lynette Zang,

Hi, Leah and Michelle's Mom.  I just love it when you are so honest. I saw someone give you a negative comment saying you were just trying to sell gold. Well, that is what you do. What you teach I had already figured out on my own. So i know you are telling the truth. I don't know anything about International Banking, Stocks, Stock market etc. Jesus himself told me Silver is real money and I read the coinage law of 1792.   Jesus told me George Washington signed it and he is right! Gold 99% silver 99% is God's perfect will if you debase money you will suffer death because it is stealing.But you do not compromise to sell gold and silver. A lot of these traders seem to compromised hoping Trump is successful and we can have a quiet easy transition.  It could be if Trump would just get on the TV, MSM, ALl ALt Medias going "live" around the country at a pre-planned time so all Americans can watch. He needs to tell the real history. How we got here,  the crocks in 1911-1913-1933, etc. We are living and have been living to well because of this fake fiat. We need to cut back on spending. Get rid of everything, start gardening, don't drive unless it's an emergency, collect water etc. Then Trump need to start circulating gold and silver to those who lost their great grand parents land through Federal land grabs for highways, interstates, who lost their land through gold confiscation, who lost their banks through the establishment of the Federal Reserve, through property taxes. etc.  The first to lose are the first to be restore what was stolen.  People are going to have to have rations.  Until we turn this thing around. Telling people what you have today, you are going to have to lose.
it was a lie. But you will get more in the end, land, profit yourself on your land with  the work you put into your land. Others who are lazy will go hungry try to steal what you have. Everyone needs a gun to protect his and and property from thieves.  Those who have gold and silver will become Independent Bankers again.  Sorry if I've made mistakes I type too fast and miss letters. I don't press down enough.

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