Monday, October 22, 2018

Trump Considers Defining 'Transgender' Out of Existence!!!

People are surprised by Democrats,  MSM, UC Berkeley, ACLU, Tech giants censoring those who tell the Truth. Those   badly  effected by the free speech movement were silenced. The Gospel of Jesus Christ, Christianity,Prayer, The Ten Commandments Christians participating in their  government became illegal in all public parts of  Society. Christians were forced to hide how they felt and what they believed or be outcast in Society. Christians were forced into the closet. Christian had to sit down and shut up and not protest immoral acts done in public. The vilest and crudest took over MSM, all other media, the government and even the church itself. The Free Speech movement of "Univ. Berkeley", "ACLU"  Flipped Speech Upside Down Legalized Lying, immoral, dirty Speech which in turned banned The Truth, Clean Moral Speech.  With YouTube and Social medias Christians got their "voice" back. People are telling the Truth exposing corruption, lies, propagandist, schools indoctrinating students into fascist, Marxist, communist, feminism, sexually preying on school children, breaking down their morals,  even crony teaching Capitalism.  Everything but HONESTY in government and the rights of each individual. Now we are  speaking freely!   Everyone can see the hypocrisy of the so called "Free Speech" movement because it wasn't wasn't about free Speech it was about being corrupt, debased, immoral and shutting down anyone who would oppose them, speak out and stand against them and their evil deeds!

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