Saturday, October 19, 2019

Boris' Deal: The Facts - Nigel Farage

God says you are already Free just let UK Parliament and the EU task Master know it! God says you are free! Take Back Control. You are not alone. You may be leaders of a world Wide movement but it isn't your doing. It's God. God said he would write his laws on our hearts and minds after the Messiah came. Jesus was that Messiah now World Wide through the centuries men write about and fight for their freedom, Liberty. It's always the same. Flood Your churches Sunday Make a Statement a Declaration of your Liberty, Freedom is a gift of God not man and it isn't negotiable. You have a covenant with God and all government contract, business deals must line up with the covenant God has made with each individual. John Locke an English Statesman Jurist Philosopher, Physician.. Wrote the 2nd Treaties of government in the 1600's. United States wrote the Declaration of Independence almost word for word from John Locke's writings. Every country world Wide is calling out Viva, vive Liberty as written in John Locke's description of governments Godly rights, why men form governments. Flood UK churches, kick out the fake clergy, traitors, invaders out of your churches. Claim UK by claiming all your churches, Read John Locke out loud distribute copies or make t available for everyone even the children, elderly available to read. Stand unified. Don't do this for yourselves only, do it South Africa farmers, do it for the Netherlands, Brazil, Hungary, Poland, Hong Kong, Frances Yellow Vest, Venezuela, the people of China, America, Canada, All men around the world Unified in Godly principles through Jesus Christ which is: The Ten Commandments America's bill of rights, UK's Common law....God wrote the same laws for freedom in every person on the face of the earth and it is the same for everyone. Sovereign Countries! Sovereign individuals.. God is Sovereign over All men! No one is above the laws of God. Another English Statesman who wrote the law, William Blackstone!

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