Monday, February 24, 2020

Blog "Thrive" Movie Description and Critique Part 1A, 1B World View

Video  Time, Thrive Movie Description and Critique Part 1A, World View
Video    Thrive Movie Description and Critique Part 1B World View Commentary
Read Out Loud on video

1.)     Blog Part 1 "Make America Great Again", "America is Great Because she is GOOD!"

Video Part 1 Make America Great Again America is Great Because She Is Good

2.)     Blog Part 2 "Make America Great Again", "America is Great Because she is GOOD!"

Video  Part 2 "Make America Great Again", "America is Great Because she is GOOD!"

3.a.b.)     Blog "Thrive" Movie Description and Critique Part 1A, 1B World View

Find Blog to read a long:
Video  Time, Thrive Movie Description and Critique Part 1A, World View
Video    Thrive Movie Description and Critique Part 1B World View Commentary

 4.) Blog "Thrive" Movie Description and Critique Part 2 God's View

Video   Thrive Movie Description and Critique Part 2 God's View

5.) Blog Star Gate, Kanye West, Jesus Is King #usethegospelforprotection

Made in 2011. The Movie "Thrive" is an ideology that many famous "influencers" adhere to. This is what they believe. They want to "Dominate others" into "their Believe System". They present here  theories, and  sciences as "fact". When they are still unproven theories not fact. Many aspects of the movie is the political, social, and "spiritual" problems, root of the problems, and solutions  personal "statements"  based on their religion and not factual evidence.   An Example of one of the cornerstones or Theories throughout the movie is "Evolution." A religious belief quoted as fact when it is just a scientific theory. As a theory it is "a belief system", "a religion". People put their "Faith" in this religious belief. Here it is spoken of as if it is True.

 "Humanitarian Religion," Not Christianity though it may sound like it. What is espoused here isn't Constitutional. The foundation of the Declaration and the Constitution  both have the corner stone of Christianity. Or the Teachings, believes of Jesus Christ as Head over America and Our Law Giver. The presenters realize this. It is hinted here that there would have to be a "Destruction of the Old Constitution" and a "New Constitution" based on their religious Beliefs.  Over throw of the government.
This is based on the
If you listen to "Influencers", Alternative media personalities, Congressmen, Corporation leaders, Movie Stars, Radio personalities,  President Trump, Q, Alex Jones, Many, Many others in the "Truth Movement" or 'The Awakening".their words "hint" towards this leaning. So let us examine "Their Humanitarian Religious Beliefs."  It is "The Belief" that there  are "Many Ways to Salvation."           Not only one Narrow Way through Jesus Christ.
   Let us examine their statements, beliefs, points of centrality, goals, solutions by looking at some Highlights of the Movie.
Read bottom comments first.
The movie is 2 hours long and most of it is already known by most people. 
Probably 10 to 15 minutes long.  

Taken from Youtube. Show Notes Very long probably an hour long

(Official Movie) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?

Film Synopsis:
THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.
1:40-2:00 thrive Genesis God created all of it.
2:29-3:30 Single Cell, "Thriving" to Suffering, just Survival,
3:30-3:45 Universe labor for 14 Billion Years
Evolution a belief system, a theory not a fact. Christianity: God Created the Earth in 7 days.
3:45-4:20 Foster Gamble trying to figure out the problem, his life long quest.
A result of brainwashing, He had a very bad education
***The Declaration States emphatically history as proven men suffer when evils are tolerated.***
4:20-5:25 Solution is "Technology", "Energy", based on his religion, his experiences, his personal beliefs. He had a very "White Privileged", Globalist up bringing. The best of everything technology could provide for. Ends with a "globalist" solution. "Human Beings are greedy sinners destroying the earth. We have just been blind to our greatness, our ingeniousness. "Worship of the creature" not the Creator. "Man is god." Man in complete arrogance.
Economic system is rigged but doesn't blame "the suffering" on the rigged economic system.
Again a very bad education. The rigged system created all the cushiony technology he is espousing. Without the rigged system there would be no technology.
For 6,000 years before technology people were suffering. NO! They owned land, marriages for life, morals, had nice homes, large families of 10 to 12 children. Plenty of food. People were relatively healthier than those in a technological world. Mentally more at peace. "Technology" actually makes people ill and causes suffering.
Doesn't admit man are weak in their sinfulness.
Out in nature away from technology people are more at peace.
Single shots
5:52-6:00 6 Media Companies, Sustainability, Progress Globaiism
7:30-7:55 He has been Groomed to be a leader in Globalistic Society. This is what this Movie is!
Goes on the Universal Energy, "Man is the Center", "Light" in each man rant, BELIEF
1921 Einstein Photoelectirc Effect, Patterns, all the same
(Made by the "Life of Almighty God" who brought Life into existence. It will all be symmetrical, designed, have similar patterns, not in movie, Biblical))

9:20-10:06 Quantum, Energy, Justice, Will fix everything!
10:06-10:29 TORUS "is the energy" A mathematical Equation of a cell. v=2(pie)(squared)Rr(squared) A pattern
Vibrating Patterns energy travels up through into one end circulates around the center exist out.

11:00 -11:32 Duane Elgin
"Evolution" Atom The form of an apple or orange.
"Evolution" is moving,changing.
Using Quantum, TORUS
He calls the Torus
"Self-organizing" Systems

Not as Creationist or Christians call, "Designed by God. Created By God".
Anything "Evolutionist" is Globalism
Whole Universe is Torus Growing Factory
12:26-14:50 Again bad Education. God Spoke: "Let there be light!" It will all be symmetrical, Similar. Scientist are just giving names to God's Creations power. It is in those who call on God to Save them. The Holy Spirit, The power to Create, heal, forgive. Virtue went out of Jesus, healed the women with an issue of Blood.

Everything is a Torus: "Energy" "flowing", Of course this give balance to everything. "Vector Equilibrium". Showing a Creator, a Design. Not happenstance Planned, organized!
I am not a scientist and when doing research I found there were issues that didn't fit this "ideology of Quantum Torus". There are scientist who disagree on the subject.
14:50-15:36 Globalism: "Theory" stated as fact when it is a blatant lie: [That all suffering on earth is caused by a lack of energy, a lack of technology. Free Energy, Clean Free Energy.]
Foster Gamble has yet to take responsibility for the suffering his Great Grandfather caused by Corporatization. Others have caused. Stealing all the land and forcing people off their land forcing them onto assembly lines. Feudal System or Oppression of the masses. Using the rigged financial system.
Side Note:
It is so easy to be taken by a presentation like this because of "public School" education. We all just sat there believing it was all true. When it left out the most important part of education! #1 God and his Word, #2 Money is a "99% pure silver dollar coin", and $10 is a 99% pure gold coin.
Everything else is not Balanced, not having equilibrium, lacks real awesome powerful energy from God's Holy Spirit full of Life! The energy coming out of man with God's Holy Spirit in him can not be measured like this quantum, (quantity) of energy. Because God's power is infinite! No quantifying limits. See above "Vector Equilibrium"
We end up believing these lies because we aren't yet made whole from fractions in our minds due to public Education.
16:00 History False gods, aliens, Quantum TORUS Theory found in Ancient cultures, pyramids, Spheres, Aztec, Greek, Osyrarian temple Icon, Egypt, Sun god RA, China
Arrogance. Men do not believe that ancient civilizations were able to figure this out on their own. Ancient civilizations Named all the planets, Map the Stars, used Mathematics to know when there would be eclipses, other celestial happens, So much more.
17:00-18:05 Vector Equilibrium, 12 equal energy lines radiating out from the center, 64 energy pyramids, tetrahedron, spheres, TORUS,
19:00-19:20 All Occult Symbolism, China symbol of Wisdom, All Globalism, DNA
Goes on to Aliens, Advance Alien civilization coming through time. From other planets, Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Inter Stellar, Interplanetary, transfer through space time, UFO's,
25:35-28:28 Crop Circles. Look what else is there perfectly plowed fields, Tractors, Huge Agriculture, Most of them in England, where the "tractor was introduced"
Evil men in their arrogance like this refuse to acknowledge the Truth that their "technologies" like "the Tractor" are hurting life on the planet. Farming should be slow natural, A man and a horse. Clearing land slowly so animals can move instead of being slaughter.

Romans 8:22-24 New International Version (NIV)

22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have?
The body produces pain, bruises, telling us when somethings wrong. We yell ouch, cry, etc. The earth will do the same thing. The crops circles are screaming,
STOP, I am Alive!
GREED, domination, control over masses, power!
30:05-31:00 very important play a couple time : extend ***"careless reach",  "Careless Reach" beyond our planet.  
Arrogance. Men who do not listen, do not think ancient civilization can know what they know, nor do they believe the earth can speak, or cry out in pain! 
Satanist  Love Pyramids!
crop circle sarcasm: "Oh look how pretty!"
"How can we get rich off this?" "Use it in a documentary to push more technology to destroy more life on earth!"  
More UFO's abduction, the aliens are here communicating with us because we might be on the verge of self-destruction.
authors note: on the verge of self-destruction due to technology! 
33:10-33:50  Free Energy source is so important:  Man can sell more products that take electricity,. Other resources are still limited. Man needs to goes off planet because Men are using up the natural resources too fast. Destroying the earth now men have to go out into space to strip other planets of their resources. **Reference is Alex Jones.
Great Grand Daddy Gamble
smack Dad in the middle!
The only sound minded solution, the only  possible conclusion to Mr. Gambles original Quest. As  society has become so deviant, savage, so immoral, sacrificing children, pedophilia, sex trafficking, pornography, drug addiction, out of control corruption with out of control spending,  women walking down the Streets of France topless, divorce rampant, Ignorance, starvation, world wide oppression of billions, Killing for organs, euthanasia, The World Living as Sodom and Gomorrah, conclusion: there would be a lot more 
Satanic, Demonic manifestations, Tempting men to even enter the heavens where only God is to resideAliens are demonic manifestations, Spaceship, UFO's etc. 
Who wouldn't want free energy? Those who love God, love the earth God created, love their children and families. 
 The rest of the movie goes on to: Tesla, Free Energy,  JP Morgan bad guy
Rockefeller was a bad guy,
 Unlimited fiat, a few end up with all the wealth,
Ford, Carnegie bad guys
Pharmaceutical companies, 
Natural Remedies are good, 
Elites control all the money supply
Corpotacracy, David Icke
Fractional Reserve Banking,
Serfdom, Catherine Austin Fitts,
G. Edward Griffin, Creatures of Jekyll Isle,
Woodrow Wilson
Bill Still

Disclaimer Farthest bottom Left hand corner
LEVEL  5 Love and Light of Infinite Creator
At the Bottom That would be the False Jewish believ
of sinning as much as you can to bring
in perfection, peace, God.
The true God would be Above Level 1
In the Heaven's leading men
To the Truth. 
Bankers, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan others Getting extremely Rich from the creation of the Federal Reserve and the Stock Market Crash. Why leave the  "Kennedy's" off the list?  Harrimans, Shiffs, Warberg
These few men control everything, Money, Energy, Food, Land, Health, Education, Wealth Distribution
Secret Societies
New world Order
Divide and Conquer
Global Domination European Union, African Union, American Union, Pacific Union
NSA surveillance
Freedom of Speech, 2nd amendment
Crypto Currency
Carbon World Tax
Problems listed, Reaction, Solution
   authors note ***Corona Virus:  Penpoint 

God knew this was coming. Kanye West Came to know God. God gave him a word to tell all of us #Use the Gospel for Protection. God Gave Constantine a similar word: "In this sign Conquer. If giving out the bad news Please Give the Good News! Why? It is the right thing to do. Problem + Solution paradigm Brings action, peace and ends problems the fastest. For the good of Humanity. Paradigm Shift in Problem Solving. A paradigm is a collection of rules and guidelines that helps us achieve success within the boundaries. These boundaries are drawn keeping in mind the definition of success and failure within that system. People in unity combating a World Wide problem victoriously! No division among the people.
Vietnam War False Flag
Directed Energy Weapons
FEMA Detainment Camps for pandemenmics
Government experimenting on the people with Chemicals, Vaccines
Depolulation using GMO's War and Vaccines
Tyranny or rights?
Solutions: World View  
Part 2 is God's View

"Thrive" Movie Description and Critique Part 2 God's View

Witches Evolutionary Biologist
Foundation for conscience Evolution, (changing morality as man evolves)
Millions connected to the Internet Electronically
Activist force
Restoring the earth
Ghandi "Evolutionary Life Force"
{Products of Public School}
Thrive. com
           ** I could have been listening to Alex Jones, anyone in alternative media, Q, President Trump. It's all the same stuff!  
End The Fed, Development of Alternative "currencies"
    **For an "Honest Money system", Only gold and Silver coins will ever be an honest money System
Solutions come from Ludwig Von Mises
   "Libertarian Movement," "humanitarian religion", Parents Railroad Money, Banking, under Rockefeller Foundation
Rockefeller sponsored his immigration to America
Law is based on Non-Violation of you or your property, except in cases of self-defense. 
Goes on to be politically correct stating "The White Man Stole" the land from the Indians, Mass Murdered the Indians and Broke Treaties with the Indians 
*** For Youtube Video Comments first.  
Comment:Video on "Thrive Mr. Gamble said he was influenced by Ludwig Von, Mises.   Misses was an immigrant: Rockefeller sponsored his immigration and set him up in Universities. 
Mises wrote and lectured extensively on behalf of classical liberalism.[24] In his magnum opus Human Action, Mises adopted praxeology as a general conceptual foundation of the social sciences and set forth his methodological approach to economics.

Mises was for economic non-interventionism[25] and was an anti-imperialist.[26] He referred to the Great War as such a watershed event in human history and wrote that "war has become more fearful and destructive than ever before because it is now waged with all the means of the highly developed technique that the free economy has created. Bourgeois civilization has built railroads and electric power plants, has invented explosives and airplanes, in order to create wealth. Imperialism has placed the tools of peace in the service of destruction. With modern means it would be easy to wipe out humanity at one blow."[
In 1940, Mises and his wife fled the German advance in Europe and emigrated to New York City in the United States.[6]:xi He had come to the United States under a grant by the Rockefeller Foundation. Like many other classical liberal scholars who fled to the United States, he received support by the William Volker Fund to obtain a position in American universities.[14] Mises became a visiting professor at New York University and held this position from 1945 until his retirement in 1969, though he was not salaried by the university.[10] Businessman and libertarian commentator Lawrence Fertig, a member of the New York University Board of Trustees, funded Mises and his work.[15][16]
Comment left on WEGO   So you lost me when he is a decedent of Proctor and Gamble. But I watched all of it. There is a lot that everyone knows and can agree with Creatures of Jekyll Isle, End the Fed, End corporate control, Clean air, water, earth. But Come on. I'm from Cincinnati. This is a globalist propaganda movie. Please allow me to give basic points.    

Not edited sorry! Thanks for sharing. Great info. He went to elitist private schools growing up, most wealthiest in society, went to Princeton. I don't believe he ever road a school bus. Lived in the most affluent parts of town. The "libertarian," "Humanist" he quotes at the end Ludwig, Von Mises familiy were bankers and railroad owners, Sponsored by Rockefeller as an immigrant, set for life as a professor I'm sure as a cover for his affluent wealth hid from the world, his families banking and railroad dynasty. Thrive lays out many problems, but all caused by mankind's sinfulness and greed that he doesn't address. He mentioned as we get closer to take our "carelessness" into outer-space". Well, stop. You'll destroy space like you destroyed the earth! He never mentions Stopping the "progressive", "Evolution".

 Which he has 2 witches at the end "Evolutionist Biologist" and an "Evolutionist Conscience" founder? I took notes ask me i have times and notes written down. A very cleverly crafted Globalist "Utopian" propaganda movie, "But we are the good guys" Speech. We are the Scientist evolutionist running and teaching in the Public Schools and Universities. I agree with problems, but those who are a part of the problem without complete repentance to Almighty God will only carry on their ancestors solutions. Demonic, Evil, Without the "power" of God's Holy Spirit helping them. They live in an imaginary World. Only Man with Almighty God's Spirit can heal society that his family and his elitist society destroyed. He missed the Biggest problem "The broken minds of the Human race". "Only God can heal" that. Not technology. Sorry way to long. I could go on for hours. Took notes. Crop Circles. Maybe the plants, planet is screaming STOP! Stop using tractors! Stop corporate Farming. Family farming with a horse is natural with manure! End For now. Great collection of information in a short period of time. Wonder who paid for it. It was very professionally done. .

Febraury 15, 2020 Comment on WEGO  OOPs! I lost someone. I shared a comment on a post listed under "Popular Posts" and It's Gone today. I was making comments on the Movie "Thrive". I agreed with some, I disagreed with some. I watched the whole Movie took notes, times, references etc. Went back to finish my comment today it's gone. hum? Censorship on WG1WGA? I agreed with most of it. But I know "political correctness" has wiped from the Internet "the bloody massacre" of the Indians of my "White" forefathers who settle Eastern side of Cincinnati, area in Ohio. It wasn't fair of Mr. Gamble, who is also from Cincinnati, to defraud the memory of my Great Grandparents calling them greedy genocidal maniacs, slaughtering Indians. It isn't true. For him to side at the end of the documentary just with the Indians was very unjust, wrong!
Round Bottom
His family that he is a decedent of a founder of Proctor and Gamble can probably be said guilty of such crimes of greed and slaughter of White people in Cincinnati, stealing our land. History like divorce has two sides!
My Comment on Bix Weir,  X22report  1.)   "This is a tangible World". Currency must be "tangible". 2.) Your crypto is a con and you become the liar with crypto. Lies like fiat and crypto messes with the human soul.If I chop down my neighbors tree; for my work I now have "silver" or "gold". Currency must have "real intrinsic value" so a human being actually can look and see "Your work" has a reward. With fiat or crypto men lose their minds because it is a con, pretend and you have to imagine or hallucinate some kind of feeling or emotions of value because the value isn't intrinsic. Honestly it is a worthless piece of paper or some electric dots on a compute screen!

3.) On the positive side yes Silver should be at $600 to $700. Silver will always be 10 to 1 with gold. It is Universal. It is the Truth. It is God who decides the value of Gold and Silver $10 Gold Eagle equals 10 (99% Pure Silver), dollars. It's perfection. Like the God particle. When you see that Equation you are looking at God or Mathematics. Perfection.
4.) No such thing as "free energy." All society in ancient times who use that "Quantum theory" self-destructed. You are stealing, or sucking "life" "energy" out of something else > That needs that energy to keep life on earth healthy "thriving". You "pretend" that with energy men will "thrive" but instead, some thing else has to stop thriving for "free energy".
Example: Somebody lived until they were 98 years old, true story. This sucked the live out of hundreds of people. Those people used, abused, manipulated, ended up dying earlier than they should. This person sucked the life out of anyone who knew them. It is Satanic, Demonic, you are stealing. Life only comes from God, knowing him, loving him, living by the power, energy, strength given to men from God when they repent. Power is the Ten Commandments written in the hearts and minds of men by God and the power of the Holy Spirit to obey God's commandments.
This  Farm represents Life, Liberty, Pursuit of happiness, Healthiest way to live!
Good, Wholesome, Men who work and use their own two hands to provide for themselves
According to the Word of Gd and The Ten Commandments. Trusting and Loving
Almighty God's love for them to sustain them. 

Without this people suffer!
 Super Natural "Power" from God to heal, Liberate, turn men from sinners to saints. Power over Satan's power, Sin. God sets us free from sins power over us and gives us power to bring justice and heal.

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