Monday, May 18, 2020

Blog What is the "True" Value of Gold and Silver Coins Does the "True" Value Matter


Blog What is the "True" Value of Gold and Silver Coins Does the "True" Value Matter

Blog Post Industrial Christian Civilization "The Light of the World"


What is the "True" Value of Gold and Silver Coins ? Does the "True" Value Matter?

As a Tree Puts Forth Its Leaves In Springtime: America Comes to Life!

Today, May 13, 2020, like every other day. Get out of bed ready to pray for 4 hours. I plan what I'm going to do afterwards. 

1. Wash trays cell packs, different size pots
2The weather broke, everything out of the Greenhouse
                                     everything off the porch
3. Empty greenhouse, (we store summer items in there, planting items)
4. All pots out, hanging basket 
5. Ashes from wood burning stove out for planting, "Pot Ash" 
     except for tomatoes, they don't it as much as everything else.
6. Dirt out of basement, 2 bags of potting soil 
7. All on deck. Make the Deck a working deck, for now.

The Bible says," those that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength." I'm waiting on the Lord as I write my list!
  God gives power to the weak, the faint, the weary, down trodden.  Ends Fatigue.

I'm thinking: Once The Greenhouse is cleaned out completely empty. Turn it into  a working Greenhouse. (2) trays, (Plugs) of spinach ready to go with (1) tray of  an array of left over seeds of different sorts ready to go in there.
   The other day I saw a vision in my minds eye, Silver dollars dancing or marching out of the green house into the basement with a tray of spinach.

  I'm thinking this. One thought lead to another thought leads to another thought!

****  I have been thinking that a silver dollar is way too much for a spinach plant!  Today I  found this: A walking half silver dollar. The value of this silver has been debased by using 90% silver and 10 % copper.  So this would make more sense. Now that it has been debased it would be called Junk silver. But it is walking!

The Walking Liberty half dollar is a silver 50-cent piece or half dollar coin that was issued by the United States Mint from 1916 to 1947  
Rightful Remedy
**** The scheme of the Federal Reserve was acted upon in 1911. After 1911 United States pure good, Gold and Silver metal started disappearing and being replaced with "debased material." Which ,if you are a viewer of our channel, you know the punishment for debasing United States gold and silver is. The Utmost punishment a person can receive.

 Was it a vision from God?
1. Liberty, "growing our own food?" Walking into the basement?
2.The coin is suppose to represent "Optimism". 
The basement is down hill walking towards
the West, The setting of the Sun.
3.But Liberty is walking East towards the Sun, What I saw The Coin walking into the basement is heading West?           
  4. Could it simply symbolize the end of this corruption and the end of the debasement of the United States Money = Coins.
   I think that hits the nail on the Head with the info I receive today and am about to share here.

****Disclaimer. Visions can have multiple interruptions.  Some visions aren't from God. This vision isn't scripture. But I think using Christian principles can apply. 

2 Peter 1:19-21 (AMPC)

19 And we have the prophetic word [made] firmer still. You will do well to pay close attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dismal (squalid and dark) place, until the day breaks through [the gloom] and the Morning Star rises ([a]comes into being) in your hearts.
20 [Yet] first [you must] understand this, that no prophecy of Scripture is [a matter] of any personal or private or special interpretation (loosening, solving).
21 For no prophecy ever originated because some man willed it [to do so—it never came by human impulse], but men spoke from God who were borne along (moved and impelled) by the Holy Spirit.
I will tell you what I received from God next. But please, because no vision or prophesy is of private interruption. Leave a comment of your interruption. 
What is wrong with Fiat
Gold backed, Crypto
It unleashes Hell! 
Any time humans devalue Silver, as in debasing it's value. mixing it with other metals. As in 1916 with the  Liberty Half Dollar or in  1933. In 1933 the gold value was changed to way above it's original face value of $10. ($10 meaning 10 Silver dollars.) The value became $32 silver dollars. Extremely over valuing the Gold piece, called "An Eagle" and extremely undervaluing the Silver dollar. Value meaning purchasing power. You could instantly buy a lot more with the gold piece and a lot less with the silver coins. An unfair, unjust transference of wealth or an imbalance of wealth happened with a pen! Those with all the gold became very wealthy compared to those with silver. 
A robbery.FDR  will always be known as a thief a long with President Nixon.  Nixon took America completely off the gold system which was already corrupt and unfair, from it's origins. Nixon threw any justice or fairness, equality out the window!
History is not written by the Victors. History is always the Truth though men will commit "the crime", to cover up the truth, of rewriting and twist the facts in history books. People with original documentation, Those who know God. God reveals the Truth. You can not change history just by lying in some books.   
A Great Man, An Honest Man would
debase the "price" of goods
and services! People could buy more with less
Silver and Less Gold coins.
Jesus told me the "Real Value"
of a silver dime is 3 Flour sacks full.
Basic food for any Family!  
 The debasement of gold and silver coins from their original face values, (a robbery),  did far more damage to The American people psychologically, (mental; emotions, soul, sound mindedness, peace of mind) and in turn the mind had been everted, turned inside out, then  physical changes happened. Sickness, Diseases, aliments, too many to list.   This devaluing  did far more damage than has been reported since that time.  It was worse than having an army attack and enslave all America. The chains are now on the minds! 
Jesus made it possible through his death,
Mankind received the "Power" of God's
Word, his Holy Spirit to Evert it back
Inside it out again! Those who
know scripture
 We are to be lead by the Spirit
not by the Flesh!
 It opened the very pit of Hell. Hell's Gates to swallow up America. America as a Nation fell from the grace of God.  A monstrous swarm of demonic powers, principalities had an open door to take over Leadership.  America's  citizens', churches, institution, governments began to be run by these unholy, defiled, unclean powers. 
Ephesians 6
Matthew 16
Joel 2  
When they devalued the Silver Dollar the devalued HONESTY, PURITY, VIRTUE, INTEGRITY, HONOR. They devalued the life of human beings. 
Making gold worth so much more than silver they were increasing the value of GREED; Corruption, Crime, Breaking the Ten Commandments.  

Top left to bottom right:
 Benjamin Franklin, George Washington,
John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams,
 James Monroe, John Marshall,
Patrick Henry, George Mason and James Madison
 Jesus made it possible through his death, Mankind received the "Power" of God's 
Word, his Holy Spirit to Evert it back again. Inside it out again! Those who
know scripture, "We are to be lead by the Spirit not by the Flesh!  (Flesh meaning Greed, the Lusting after things, etc)

Let me explain:  Men use to value above everything else:  Honesty, Integrity.  So each man could live in peace, security, leave his windows and doors open at night on a cool summer's evening! He could trust his fellowman. 
      This was the work of God grace, in the souls of men.
The grace of God is the knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Teaching, sharing, talking about it. Because it is on the doorpost of everyone's mind all the time. Forefront of everyone's mind. Men holding, nation wide, Honesty and honest men  in the Highest Esteem and  loathing lying, deceitful men
  1. the leading or most important position or place.
    "we are at the forefront of developments"
    front line
    cutting edge
With Devaluing Silver, men devalued Honesty and Integrity in themselves and in others. 
   This action Exalted Gold, GREEDY People were and today are EXALTED: Morgan Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie, Etc. 
The Men who built America did so with cheap, actually Zero money. It was all a scam. The money they used deserved the >>>>> Penalty. So they were, are Mass murderers! They murdered so many people it can not be numbered. Every WAR, Every Cancer, Every car accident, Every heart Attack, etc. can be traced back and God holds them accountable! Every abortion, or child sacrifice. All these lives were their human sacrifices to their god: Lucifer.  
Satan's Henchmen 

The action of Exalting Gold over silver, (should be 1 to 10.) Exalted Greed, corruption in personal lives, business, governments. It corrupted Education, The health system. Everything was and is Corrupted. The system that was shut down March 11, 2020: Devalued; Silver Coins, honesty, integrity, exalted Gold, Greed, sin, perversion, pedophilia, human sacrifice, pornography, abuse of men, tyranny, etc.
Satan's Henchmen:  hench·man
plural noun: henchmen
    a faithful follower or political supporter, especially one prepared to engage in crime or dishonest practices by way of service.
    "the dictator's henchman"

Corrupt systems. Men except corruption in themselves and in others. Not only except it but Highly Exalt it and Praise it!  All based now on the dollar. A worthless piece of paper.
They exalt all they have, all they have done, above Almighty God!
Exalting Manipulating. skimming, profit, cheap products, lying. scheming, perversion, debauchery, hatred, etc.

Exalting: Bondage, Captivity, Addictions, Greed. With it  comes; Domestic Violence, Government, Business, Violence, men become savages, cannibals even, Full of Lust, perversion, immorality, murder deceit.  
Technology: Telephones, electricity, music, cars, boats, planes, buildings, homes, etc.
Unleashing Hell on earth: sickness, diseases, mass starvation, poverty, cancers, unknown diseasesbio weapons, Great, Great Mental Emotional problems, phobias, suicides! 
Using worthless pieces of paper, or electronic numbers on a computer screen. All an illusion, unearned, worthless. Men filling themselves with false hopes, false dreams: gambling, "maybe some day I win the lottery," or men will do anything to acquire these kinds of untold wealth. They lie, murder, sacrifice to Satan human beings, do drugs, rape pillage, back stab, falsely accuse others, frame innocent people, etc. 
Filling themselves with immorality. Cold hearts of ice stone and filling others with the same. Lying to themselves and to others that some how the ENDS JUSTFIES the Means! Success at all and any cost.
Modern Day men are doing the exact
same thing if not worse to each others
for the same tribal, greedy reason.
There is no difference.
Internally perverted, no love,
no understanding,
no knowledge of God, no morals.  
Devaluing themselves and everyone around the,. Devaluing LIFE! The life of a human being has become meaningless, worthless, because the dollar they exalt is worthless! People cheapen everything!  
Aborigine Cannibals of Australia 1935 would beat themselves over the head with wooden clubs until they bled. Just like they did to the animals.  Then they would start killing each other. All according the the law of the "Bush".  Men who don't see themselves as any more than just animals.  
You see it every where in modern society: "I trust my gut." "I trust my instincts."  "My guts never wrong." Without prayer. 
 According to some an unknown, undefined value system based on the "system" or world they grew up in. 
 Jesus came to heal all of that. Change man on the inside: Heart, mind, emotions, to save men's souls. 
Even my heart gasp as I was gathering picture of the most eye popping wealth to post here. Jesus came to change our hearts, change our value system. 
Hillary Clinton, politicians  talk about a value system. The above collages are the value system she wants to hold onto. Where a few chosen individuals own all the wealth in the world. To do so they subject the rest of the world to poverty and slavery to them.    
Newest Military Technology, Lasers
Their theme to the little guy: "If you become as corrupt as I am" and my Friends, you can have what I have: all this wealth. We have relatives say similar things to us. Thinking of us ignorant peasants, Not knowing we know that and turned our backs on it. We are smarter than that. It's a fools life, in end you have nothing, no love, no friends, no family, and you just die go to hell completely forgotten by everyone.
 Their wealth above came from or comes from being able to subject your fellowman to addiction to cocaine: heroine, CIA, selling drugs, weapons, starting Wars, stealing resources world wide, enslaving and  murdering millions of people. 
Most of you know the list of the Elites unthinkable crimes against Humanity I won't spell them all out. Over 60 million Abortions, Infecting Africans, Homosexuals with AIDS, Endless Wars,etc. 
Modern Day men are doing the exact same thing as the Aborigine Cannibals if not worse to each others for the same tribal, greedy reason. Internally, mentally, Morally  there is no difference. Not knowing the simplest right from wrong.
Rothschild, Rockefeller, Clinton's, renown Men
 giants of industries, enslaving human beings
With their wealth and power
Full of The Devil
All because men over 100 years ago debased the value of silver debasing the valuing of Life, Honesty and Integrity, peace and security. Started to gamble with the laws given to men by God. Started skimming, debasing silver and gold coins. Exalted the value of gold, exalted Greed, murder, corruption
Those who REPENT!  Turn and come out of this corrupt system become "Mighty Men",  Men of Renown . Joined and becoming one with God Bearing "Fruit for God." Converting men from sinners to Saints Like Peter. Fisher of men
  1. a person's natural height.
    "a man of short stature"
    physical makeup
    • importance or reputation gained by ability or achievement.
      "an architect of international stature"
Real "Men of Renown", "of Great Stature".  Understand the "True Value" of Silver and of Gold coins. The "True Value" of Gold and Silver Coins does Matter
The Meaning and purpose of Life come from Getting Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding viewed from the eyes of God's living spirit with us, in us. Becoming one with God Does Matter! 
Giving man back his "True Value"
for·ti·tude       =   An internal "FORT"
  1. courage in pain or adversity.
    "she endured her illness with great fortitude"
    strength of mind
    strength of character
    moral strength
    toughness of spirit
    firmness of purpose
    Dunkirk spirit
Gold     =    A Man
                  Does  Big Jobs.  Taking a lot of physical Muscles, less emotions, attention                   to details. 
                 Strength internally, fortitude 
Silver     =  A woman
                  Does a lot of smaller jobs requiring love, patience, kindness
                   Strength internally fortitude
The gold  does big jobs, The silver does a lot of smaller jobs.  They are equal!
A man does some big jobs, the woman a lot of smaller jobs.   They are equal
All adds up to same value.
Reading this principle being laid out with Scripture. The Bible.  Through Gospel of Jesus Christ
Jesus is "Love",  "Truth", "Clean", "Pure" 
Gold and Silver Coins are to be 99% Pure and Clean    
Through Jesus Christ Gospel, forgiveness of our sins, receiving God's "Power" of his "Holy Spirit" Our minds are transformed from sinners to Saints.
The word of God is written on our minds. 
You might not feel his power or see his word, his laws written in you but they are there!
The enemy came in like a Flood. What comes with a Flood?   🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕🕖🕗🕘🕙🕚🕣🕤🕥🕦🕧???????
Mud!  Dirt!  A lot of it. Defilement, 
debasement!   Lies! Decpetion!
We'll just go to Jesus to wash off the mud, the dirt with "Honesty!" Exalting Honesty, Integrity! Clean Minds, thoughts!
A lot of the dirt, the more years you have this earth needs a jack hammer to remove of God's power and anointing, but God does it. It takes some patience. "You can't teach an old dog new tricks".
What is impossible with man is very easy for God's love and power> The Gospel> "God loves me!" 
Men are clean/er like 99 % Pure Gold Coins, Women clean/er like 99 % Pure Silver coins
Most of us see men as dogs and women as feline based on "fleshly" characteristics.
Through the understanding of 99% pure gold and silver we can see our "own value" after our souls are touched and joined to become one with God. We are clean, our minds, thoughts are clean! It is vey valuable to have the "Holy Spirit".
We value ourselves so much more, we value others so much more.   Seeing ourselves and others mentally cleaner than pure gold and silver. No filthy thoughts! 
We'll watch are words around others because we don't want to defile others with "curse" "words", "perverted" dirty words or conversations.  Knowing Jesus gave his very life so their minds could be clean and pure! People's minds can "Be at peace!" "Peace" in our souls comes from having clean, pure thoughts. Jesus is the Prince of peace for the soul, minds. This Frees men from any guilt once they have repented. People Going to Jesus and receiving the truth from his Holy Spirit. 
Who can find a virtuous women? Their value is far above Rubies.  
This scripture shows men should value women, (vice  versa)  who thoughts are very good, very clean, very pure, full of kindnessintegrity, honesty. Knowing God loves her. A real man would fight to keep his wife's mind clean and pure putting aside all filthy talk and language far from himself and his wife and children. 
Men can look upon a baby and see the purest, cleanest innocent soul.  An example of Heaven. The Kingdom of God. 
Far, Far, Far more valuable than 99 % pure gold and silver.
A Baby soul is Just like Jesus. Of course man kind is made in the image of God. 
God's image is "Holy", "Clean", "Pure".  Full of Truth, Love, Peace.  Purer than the cleanest gold or silver.  
A Baby's soul is made in the image of their creator "Jesus." God "the Father" "The Word of God," "The Son", and the "Holy Spirit". 3 in one the "Trinity". 

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Disclaimer: I fight with God as he leads. But if you come with a story like this it unfair to mislead people. If you were truly sincere. You'd act like it:
Why doesn't someone in your country, "Illinois" Become a "real Leader" Ask 5 to 10 million people to defy the government! They can not stop anything done by millions of people! These guys need to stop pretending to be leaders! Either you are or you aren't. This is stupid! A few against millions! Come on.
You don't need a gun to defy an unconstitutional law just fortitude. Or is all the fluoride in the water causing men to lose their you know whats.
courage in pain or adversity.
"she endured her illness with great fortitude"
bravery, strength of mind, strength of character, moral strength, toughness of spirit
firmness of purpose, strong-mindedness, resilience, backbone, spine, mettle
spirit, nerve, pluck, pluckiness, doughtiness, fearlessness, valor, intrepidity
stout-heartedness, endurance, stoicism, steadfastness, patience, long-suffering
forbearance, tenacity, pertinacity, perseverance, resolve, resolution, resoluteness
determination, Dunkirk spirit, guts, grit
I fight or curse the root of the problem cut down the whole corrupt system, Tree!
Blogger: What is the "True" Value of Gold and Silver Coins Does the "True" Value Matter The debasement of gold and silver coins from their original face values, (a robbery), did far more damage to The American people psychologically...........It opened the very pit of Hell. Hell's Gates to swallow up America. America as a Nation fell from the grace of God. A monstrous swarm of demonic powers, principalities had an open door to take over Leadership. America's citizens', churches, institution, governments began to be run by these unholy, defiled, unclean powers.
Ephesians 6
Matthew 16
Joel 2
When they devalued the Silver Dollar the devalued HONESTY, PURITY, VIRTUE, INTEGRITY, HONOR. They devalued the life of human beings.
Making gold worth so much more than silver they were increasing the value of GREED; Corruption, Crime, Breaking the Ten Commandments.
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Modern Day men are doing the exact same thing as the Aborigine Cannibals if not worse to each others for the same tribal, greedy reason. Internally, mentally, Morally there is no difference. Not knowing the simplest right from wrong.
Find Out why you won't prevail. Without God and I huge revival, repentance. What is the "True" Value of Gold and Silver Coins Does the "True" Value Matter
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pg/jc Do you remember the "fear" wave that went through the country earlier this year? Fear dominated everyone's thoughts. I just felt another Wave coming. I prepare myself by planting my feet firmly on the "rock": of Jesus Christ. 90 % of the things we fear will never happen? Something like that. Jesus didn't give us a spirit of fear but of love, power and sound mindedness. New Blog, not edited, not on video just typed it up. ***What is the "True" Value of Gold and Silver Coins Does the "True" Value Matter*** Love Comments but more I love corrections! Send them!
Kathryn Scripture:

Jeremiah 5 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)

Run to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem, and see now and take notice! Seek in her broad squares to see if you can find a man [as Abraham sought in Sodom], one who does justice, who seeks truth, sincerity, and faithfulness; and I will pardon [Jerusalem—for one uncompromisingly righteous person].
And though they say, As the Lord lives, surely they swear falsely.
O Lord, do not your eyes look on the truth? [They have meant to please You outwardly, but You look on their hearts.] You have stricken them, but they have not grieved; You have consumed them, but they have refused to take correction or instruction. They have made their faces harder than a rock, they have refused to repent and return to You.
Then I said, Surely these are only the poor; they are [sinfully] foolish and have no understanding, for they know not the way of the Lord, the judgment (the just and righteous law) of their God.
I will go to the great men and will speak to them, for they must know the way of the Lord, the judgment (the just and righteous law) of their God. But [I found the very reverse to be true] these had all alike broken the yoke [of God’s law] and had burst the bonds [of obedience to Him].
Therefore a lion out of the forest shall slay them, a wolf of the desert shall destroy them, a leopard or panther shall lie in wait against their cities. Everyone who goes out of them shall be torn in pieces, because their transgressions are many, their backslidings and total desertion of faith are increased and have become great and mighty.
Why should I and how can I pass over this and forgive you for it? Your children have forsaken Me and sworn by those that are no gods. When I had fed them to the full and bound them to Me by oath, they committed [spiritual] adultery, assembling themselves in troops at the houses of [idol] harlots.
They were like fed stallions roaming at large; each one neighed after his neighbor’s wife.
Shall I not punish them for these things? says the Lord; and shall I not avenge Myself on such a nation as this?
10 Go up within [Jerusalem’s] walls and destroy [her vines], but do not make a full and complete end. Trim away the tendrils [of her vines], for they are not the Lord’s.
11 For the house of Israel and the house of Judah have dealt very faithlessly and treacherously against Me, says the Lord.
12 They have lied about and denied the Lord by saying, It is not He [Who speaks through His prophets]! Evil shall not come upon us; nor shall we see war or famine.
13 And [say they] the prophets will become wind [what they prophesy will not come to pass], and the word [of God] is not in them. Thus shall it be done to them [as they threatened would be done to us].
14 Therefore thus says the Lord God of hosts: Because you [the people] have spoken this word, behold, I will make My words fire in your mouth [Jeremiah] and this people wood, and it will devour them.
15 Behold, I am bringing a nation upon you from afar, O house of Israel, says the Lord. It is a mighty and enduring nation, it is an ancient nation, a nation whose language you do not know, nor can you understand what they say.
16 Their quiver is [filled with deadly missiles] like an open sepulcher [filled with dead bodies; the foes] are all mighty men (heroes).
17 They shall consume your harvest and your food; they shall consume your sons and your daughters; they shall consume your flocks and your herds; they shall consume your vines and your fig trees. They shall break down and impoverish your fortified cities in which you trust, with the sword [they shall destroy them].
18 But even in those days, says the Lord, I will not make a full and complete end of you.
19 And when your people say, Why has the Lord our God done all these things to us? then you shall answer them, As you have forsaken Me, says the Lord, and have served strange gods in your land, so shall you serve strangers (gods) in a land that is not yours.
20 Declare this in the house of Jacob and publish it in Judah:
21 Hear now this, O foolish people without understanding or heart, who have eyes and see not, who have ears and hear not:
22 Do you not fear and reverence Me? says the Lord. Do you not tremble before Me? I placed the sand for the boundary of the sea, a perpetual barrier beyond which it cannot pass and by an everlasting ordinance beyond which it cannot go? And though the waves of the sea toss and shake themselves, yet they cannot prevail [against the feeble grains of sand which God has ordained by nature to be sufficient for His purpose]; though [the billows] roar, yet they cannot pass over that [barrier]. [Is not such a God to be reverently feared and worshiped?]
23 But these people have hearts that draw back from God and wills that rebel against Him; they have revolted and quit His service and have gone away [into idolatry].
24 Nor do they say in their hearts, Let us now reverently fear and worship the Lord our God, Who gives rain, both the autumn and the spring rain in its season, Who reserves and keeps for us the appointed weeks of the harvest.
25 Your iniquities have turned these blessings away, and your sins have kept good [harvests] from you.
26 For among My people are found wicked men; they watch like fowlers who lie in wait; they set a trap, they catch men.
27 As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit and treachery; therefore they have become great and grown rich,
28 They have grown fat and sleek. Yes, they surpass in deeds of wickedness; they do not judge and plead with justice the cause of the fatherless, that they may prosper, and they do not defend the rights of the needy.
29 Shall I not punish them for these things? says the Lord. Shall I not avenge Myself on such a nation as this?
30 An appalling and horrible thing [bringing desolation and destruction] has come to pass in the land:
31 The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests exercise rule at their own hands and by means of the prophets. And My people love to have it so! But what will you do when the end comes?

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