Sunday, November 22, 2020

Thanksgiving Special! Leo Martin, David Knight, Recapturing The Reins/Reigns 2020

Reins are items of horse tack, used to direct a horse or other animal used for riding. They are long straps that can be made of leather, nylon, metal, or other materials, and attach to a bridle via either its bit or its noseband.

Read through, meditate, on

Perfect Example of reins/reigns

President Trump, Rona, Election, Solution, Our Father Thy Will Be Done
🦃🦃🤴✝🙏😁 Leo Martin is an expert historian on the Pilgrims and their landing at Plymouth Rock. In his tours he makes it a point to highlight the fact that the Pilgrims trusted in God, watched for, and relied on His Miraculous Hand in preserving their lives. Mr. Martin recently authored a new book called "Pilgrim Pursuit of Promise". He is also the Director of Education of Jenney Museum, Produced / Directed / Edited by Ken Cromar of

Presidential Election 2020, Lockdowns, The Rona, Tyranny, confusion, etc. War between "powers". All comes from Greed, sin men breaking the Ten Commandments of God. Who can help us have peace. How can we contribute to Shutting it all down? The opposite of what we see in the news, the North to the South, The East from the West. We turn from men to God For Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace who calms the Storm. Peace Be still!

Pic. Act of Faith not a gamble. The New Nation, 1783–1815

Why? How? Did a perfect government get so corrupt?
Perfect government is based on God's word who created government to be without sin. Just like he made humans to be without sin. The 

Founding Fathers were seeking a perfect honest, Union/government. See: Part 2 Great Awakening is Great Reformation October 31th, 1517 2017, 500 years.

ALEX JONES (Full Show) Tuesday - 11/23/20.. Brighteon
18:58-23:00  Education...
education, indoctrination into socialism communism, dependents the State, Taxes>>everyone putting their money together in one big fund>>government is socialism. The direct opposite of Independence with complete dependence on God. Limited taxes, limited government.

They Don't Want Us To Know This | David Icke

David Icke is saying the same thing as David Knight

Created by Divine Design is a place where people can with God's help work and get their Freewill back. Full of the Truth free from lies. It is that easy.  

Isaiah 58 Ministries                           JAMES CHAPTER 3

Sunday Sermon                                                                                    November 22, 2020

Transportation, Quarter Horses, Working Horses

By Faith in God's forgiveness, I was forgiven by God, his spirit turned me into a Saint, Anointed by God, filled with Love, (Gospel of Jesus Christ, God loves me), which is God's power. By birth 5th child born of Ralph and Patricia

In Jesus Christ Name : Father, Son, and Holy Spirit 

The Holy Spirit is my comforter.

There are great new medicines and tech·no·log·i·cal

powers, even spiritual, psychological powers. It is called Wizardry, witchcraft, voodoo, spells, drugs, potion, inventions of men, etc.
There will always be side effects causing you to be ill in other ways, if it isn't God healing you. Through God leading you to the truth, by his spirit of Truth, the truth that is from heaven, divine truth. Divine Holy Spirit love and power's truth that sets you free and you turn to GOD's LOVE, POWER, kingdom within you asking for forgiveness.
After doing this everyday you start to see God. Soon you are face to face to God. You directly talk to God and God directly talks back.

See history, the Bible, The Pilgrims, Many many more Saints, William Penn, George Washington, John Adams, Martin Luther, 1517, 95 theses. Men who are free start
Convicting others of their sins and separation from those who sin. Separate from the institutions, kingdoms of Satan, men who keep other men under them in bondage. Dictators. Through God's forgiveness and leadership separate from those who are at war with them trying to enslave them, trap people with/in their lies, darkness and oppression.

Oppressions by others equals
Men always is perpetual debt, always ill, mad, sad, unhappy, miserable, suffering. Always pretending to smile and be happy outwardly free and happy. But they are outside the Kingdom of God. Separated from God's great love and power and peace in their/our souls.

Never free. Every breathe, second, oppressions has your mind, your hands, thoughts, your whole being working for Satan or other men. A great Storm or cloud of doom hangs over your entire family.

God blesses his/the Saint, freeman with a farm! Marriage, good health, Happiness, lots of children to share your love, power, PEACE, God's has given you with.

1. Everyone should be completely for medicine. Go to doctor if you need to but...
The Goal of God

Outside the real true one God there will be side affects. Criminal activity and no justice. rampant crime. Outside of God, what we use today. Is Pharma witchcraft, voodoo, magic, etc. Humanitarianism offers people:

Break the Ten Commandments we will heal you. Where will all those suffering children healed miraculously by witchcraft end up when they die. Now that "men" and technology are their god? So? will you have a lot of healed very healthy criminals.

What about their eternal souls? Will their bodies never, will their eternal souls never have to face how they lived their lives on this earth. Santa Clause: be good because Santa's watching will not help children but
hinder their growing up, maturing into adulthood, sound minded.

I sought to be forgiven by God. When forgiven, you turn from the sin or sins done to you and you turn to God's love, his love power, peace. People, the Saint starts to heal. A goodman/woman will have, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. A sound mind from filling our minds with the Truth.. Truth is light from God, wisdom, understanding and knowledge, turning from all darkness.. LIES.

These Mean justify the End sound mind and body.
Jesus came to save mens souls!

I have been accused of being like a child before. Many times actually.

Writing a Will: You need "salvation" to honestly sign...**I being of sound mind and body...***

Lies make us a little off mentally, physically ill some how. A child well versed in the knowledge of the World. "Street smart". All based on shifting sand. Lies.
You see it everyday. The media, globalist build everything you see today based on lies. Fiat paper is backed by gold so is equivalent to gold. Lie!

You don't need to obey The Constitution or God's monetary system. Here we made up a monetary system out of our bag on
schemes, scams, cons, black magical illusions of law and order, right and wrong, religion, tradition, morals throw them out the window with truth. We don't need them.
2. Our Constitution was written so men can seek God, Proclaim Liberty, Leviticus. Liberty a gift from God for those who seek God and obey him. Then God, in with his spirit men, men can be Liberated, forgiven, healed, have life, pursue happiness.

People, A country Breaking all the Ten Commandments always getting sick and keeping coming back to Witch Doctors. Big Pharma, Big AG, Big Tech.
I completely believe in doctors, finding ways to help people heal. John Locke was a physician, so was Luke. (Gospel)

Both also told people to get their lives right with God. They were ill because someone was harming them, oppression or they were sinning. John Locke: Liberty Declaration of Independence freedom from oppression and sin. Luke the kingdom of God is within you. Jesus is King.

3.But God is the easiest and the best road for all men! As we turn from sin we are healed, by God. Stay healthy! With Medicine, technology you might keep some from knowing and having a personal relationship with God and from going to heaven. Now they will be dependent all "Pharma", "witchcraft", not independent. You sin or are sinned against causes illness.

You turn to God for justice and for forgiveness or justice, (someone sinned against you), trespassed, and are healed. Simple.

Christ is King, Jesus: Love Your Great Grandparents, MAGA Million March PACKS DC

Land of Pleasure

The Gold Reserve Act of 1934 made gold clauses unenforceable and authorized the President to establish the gold value of the dollar by proclamation. Immediately following its passage, Roosevelt changed the statutory price of gold from $20.67 to $35 per ounce, thereby devaluing the US dollar, which was based on gold. Executive Order 6102 - Wikipedia
Let's not compromise the Constitution not tempt the people to sin. Only gold and silver coins are money. Psychological: holding a gold coin in your hand or silver real money equals self-respect. Like dressing up. You feel and act different. Honesty, sinlessness. God created gold and silver to be melted down and turned into coins to easily carry. Why is it in the Bible thousands of time if it isn't important to have it in your possession? Why?
The Fox and Deceiver

Did God give the idea of "Gold backed" to his prophets or to Jesus Christ who actually held gold coins, and was sinless. Isn't holding gold and silver a test of God? How do you think when you have it. Sinful, to you give into pride, lust or are you pure, holy when you have the real metals. Anything outside God's word is a sin. Sin means death. The punishment for sin is death. Cancer, multiple illness skyrocketed became pandemic since the gold standard. No one can break God's word and not be harmed. Sin bequeaths death.
They laugh at People
Believing  their lies
Fiat, Rona bug,
Life  of Pleasure

We should all feel like Pinocchio, It started at the turn of the 20th Century. Great idea. Turn gold and silver coins into paper backed money. We shaved the worth of those pieces of paper off right from the start. FDR to cheat! Gold was worth $35 instead $10 silver dollars. Little by little the money was debased by criminals. The American people did not stop this criminal actions. We became corrupted like Pinocchio justifying crime more and more. Now our entire system is so corrupt that the most murderous Satanic child sacrificing, human traffickers, human slavery, sex trade evil high Priest of Satan, Lucifer Run the entire World. The corrupt destroyed our Liberty. We need to be like Pinnochio and return to our Father. Be changed from sinners to Saints by Jesus Christ. ​
A House, A Nation of Prayer

Alive! Reunite to God Our

Our country was born by God to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To proclaim Liberty to everyone on earth! Declaration of Independence and The Constitution. All laws are under God come from God. Each person needs a personal relationship with God,. Be reconciled to God and be, through God's spirit and Word All men are expected to be Honest good men. America our country made of Honest men. Prove yourself brave, truthful, and unselfish, and someday, you will be a real boy.” ―The Blue Fairy to Pinocchio
Stop being Puppets on Strings
Stop being Liars

Pinocchio is the titular protagonist of Disney's 1940 animated feature film of the same name. He is a wooden puppet created by Geppetto and brought to life by the Blue Fairy. In order to become a real boy, Pinocchio must prove himself brave, truthful, and unselfish, with the help of Jiminy Cricket as his conscience. Trailer...

William Penn stated that Religion and Government are the Same. The Founding Fathers said they are Twin Sisters, working together, compliment each other.
SGT REPORT: "Your Power", a Man's "Solution" against Lockdowns/ A Tyrant's decrees. With legal forms you can use in a man's court of law to protect your rights and the rights of others using "Man's Court" which is not Civil, a Service Corporation/ organization, procedures but before Man and God.


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