Sunday, December 6, 2020

Parts 2, 3, 4 Peace for Europe USA Comes From Justice Christmas Special

Part 2

 Going Deeper into the subject

 Each State Has A Guardian Angel. Gold and Silver Coins are The Kings Money!

Peace for Europe and USA  comes from Justice.  

Who disturbed the peace of the World?

Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany in 1933 following a series of electoral victories by the Nazi Party. He ruled absolutely until his death by suicide in April 1945.


FDR, was an American politician who served as the 32nd president of the United States from 1933 until his death in 1945.

FDR Gold coins, Money confiscated, Stolen by "gun point"  from Americans 1933

Jesus is the tithe.  One tenth.
It is for Peace 
World Wide. 

Why Did Hitler rise in power? Who is writing history?  Not God's Holy Spirit which is the Spirit of Truth.  To get to the truth we need to be lead by the Holy Spirit.

The word I received from the Spirit of Truth was The people did not Stand Up for what was Right! They didn't stand for the Truth. For God!

 Germany 1517..Martin Luther of the reformation, stood for what was right. He stood up for Jesus Christ, For God and for his fellowman's right to obey the Word of God. Not men! To live free, by his conscience. Martin Luther accused the leadership of Lying about God's will for people.  The People had to obey The Pope, not the Bible, not God.

A small little
silver dime could have stopped all those Wars!

Jesus told me the value of his tithe/silver Dime is for all men, not to make each person "wealthy". To quote a TV evangelist God is a God of "Too" much".  No, that isn't God's will. The tithe isn't to make anyone wealthy. Jesus is the tithe.  One tenth. It is for Peace World Wide.

Let's begin our study of the Lord's Supper with Jesus' basic statement at the Table relating bread to his body and wine to his blood. We can analyze this statement as follows: go to link

Each person can obey God. You take a silver dime buy Flour. Bake Bread. Obey Jesus Christ. Break Bread  at home in remembrance of Jesus Christ. At Home!

Simon Dewey (British painter, 1962- ), Last Supper (2001)

This act of obedience World Wide at home can break the spell of evil by Criminals,  Witches and Wizards, Vodoo doctors, Magicians, Occultist.

 Lesson from our Great Grandparents; "Humbug" is a real modern term. From 1751, slang word for corruption fraud, the British in 1776.  Humbug means Fraud, a lie, a con, not real, a FF.  Click Link go to description

HUMBUG:   Fraud Distraction, Or "Rona Bugging", NWO should be called "RonaBugs!"

X22 REPORT  12.5.2020   1:48 "NWO"  4:35


Wheelbarrows of Money,buy%20a%20loaf%20of%20bread. 

Debunking, Wheelbarrow of Money for a Loaf of Bread vs 1 Silver Dime

Contrast the above, Wheel Barrow of pieces of paper for a loaf of Bread with the Bible.   Bring all the tithes into the storehouse.  A silver dime! 

You can buy 3 flour sacks of flour and baked your own Bread. With one silver dime. When you bake bread your house smells wonderful. Like a home!

Picture is 50 lb. sacks from 1874.

Silver coins. 1lb flour equals $0.05 cents so these 50lb flour sacks would cost $2.50. 2 silver dollars and a half dollar.   

I had a vision Daniel 10, I  saw 3 flour small sacks. Around 5 to 7 lbs. for a silver dime. A tithe. 

The  reason  prices had rising Was Abraham Lincoln was using green backs, pieces of IOU's to fund the civil War. Prices rose everywhere. Below charts: End of below article said the prices did come down. The higher figures for 1872 are not typos… the cost of almost everything rose dramatically that year but had dropped again in most instances six years later.

Prices for 1860, 1872, 1878 and 1882 — Groceries, Provisions, Dry Goods & More

Historical Prices from original articles:  This page will give you source material you can click on and read for yourself. Food Timeline FAQs: historic food prices.

People are  going to obey a man or God, someone. God is right, perfect, Holy. 
Everyone is accountable to God for their actions while alive on earth. During the aftermath of the election, the people involved in the hearings always ended with the  same conclusion to this fraud. The conclusion  was people should be held accountable. What does that mean? Charged, arrested, giving a fair trial.  If found guilty, punished.  Everyone in America will be held accountable to stand before God.  God knows everything and he can see if their own conscience holds them guilty for disobeying God.  God is a mind reader, heart reader, nothing is concealed before him.

Peter asked, "should a man obey men or God." Knowing the answer is "God". Obeying God means obeying the Bible. The Bible says to obey the Constitution.

It doesn't matter if Gov. Newsome or Mike Dewine makes a degree or a law, a rule then tells people to obey. Was this rule or law from God? 

These men serve the people in God's place. God ordained government to punish the wicked  according to his word and reward good behavior for him on this earth. The Bible says no one should fear government for doing the right thing but to be fearful if they are doing wrong. Criminals should fear the government. 

Part 3
There are "safe guards" put in place in America by the Founding Fathers. To protect the people from the likes of dictators. To keep us all safe. 
Why would Thomas Jefferson say to Chain down the government with the Constitution?
 He was saying the Constitution stands alone!  Long after these men have passed from this world to eternity in heaven.  
What is in the Constitution? What can one individual do?  How does an individual wield the power written into the Constitution? 

Since the late 1800's the judicial system has been twisting the Constitution and given those with evil purposes rights that do not come from God.  The result is always injustice. A crime against an innocent person or people. This makes for judicial tyrants!

To be in the government, whomever they are, we the people must hold them accountable before God.  
 They are charged by God to upholding their Biblical God Given obligations to punish wicked doings and reward good behavior. Governments authority, a parents authority is called God given power and authority. Out of love for God from the consent of the people. 
What needs to be fix, God with us to do so: We have had for too long gov. officials, lawyers and judges who have been rewarding evil people as a weapon against innocent people.  

Safe guards are written in the Constitution.  Safe guards are locks, keys, doors. Like a vault or a fortress. To protect everyone and keep "All" the people safe!
Picture: Our chickens put themselves to bed every night. It is fascinating. At dusk, they just march in. No one tells them. Their Creator put this information in them. We humans build the Chicken Coup out of love for the chickens to protect them. The chickens know we love them and at night the door is closed and they are safe! They perch or roost up high off the ground as nature teaches them. To be safe. It is written in them.

God has written laws, instincts, reason skills, gifts from nature in us also. So much more than the animal kingdom. This is where God can be a God of too much. In endowing men with incredible wisdom and gifts. Rivers of living water will flow out of him. You will have Life and Life more abundantly. Has nothing to do with money. Happiness, love, Joy are feelings emotions, philosophies. It all has to do with the SOUL> MINDS! Jesus came to heal the broken hearted, bruised, etc. When your mind and emotions are sound, stable, sober, calm. Your body is healed. Jesus brings supernatural PEACE to our souls. 


God has written his laws, rules, principles in our hearts and minds! 
Why aren't we safe?  If you leave the gate or paddock door open all the animals will escape.  


Tom Pemberton Farm Life

Or if you leave the door to the Chicken Coup, Hen House open at night the Fox, raccoon, or other predator will get in and harm the chickens. 

When are not living by God's laws, the Laws of nature  God has written in us when we are born.  This is when evil people who   scream and shout and accuse each other of crimes outside of nature and the laws of nature, temper tantum get their own way.

"Squeaky wheel gets oiled. The loudest. Just to shut up the squeaky wheel. Spoiled ROTTEN worse than cabbage!  Sinners, selfish people make up selfish, self center laws, made up religions.  To control and dominate. Tyranny! All Humbug! Fraudulent!  

When anyone disobeys God in America and it isn't corrected it is like leaving the gate open or the door open and all the animals are endangered or escape. Imagine a bank being robbed everyday and no one ever does anything about it? Would you not have any money left in the bank.  

To Sin, is to  be selfish. It happens when people  do not think  about God or others. When people are not reminded  that  God has laws written in people that each person must live by to be well, healthy, happy and have long lives. It is very very evil, selfish.  Criminals, Men who are breaking the law is equal sin. Sin is forgetting God and his Great powerful love for  us! The Gospel of Jesus Christ! God is our Father who leads us away from Satan's lies to fills us with the Truth
Reptilians, Swamp Creatures
Have forgotten God,
 Forgotten their grandparents
who loved God

Whole heartedly, Farming!
Highly intelligent  very smart.
Chicken always goes Home to Roost
Bank Robbers!

When anyone disobeys God in America. Next step,  it isn't corrected. It is like leaving the gate open or the door open and all the animals are endangered or escape. Imagine a bank being robbed everyday and no one ever does anything about it? Would you have any money left in the bank?  

Eventually you run out of all rights, protections, possessions, etc. Anything you value is soon all stolen.  
   To break the Ten Commandments comes down to Satan. Evil, selfish people get into "public view", "public eye" to kill, steal, and destroy using deception, lies, deceit by the Father of all lies. 
tithe=***Silver*** Dimes
French word
Tithe equal God loves me like
a Farmer loves his chickens

God loves us, he writes the above scripture not to chastise people but to protect us. It is in the Constitution to protect us
Don't Cross the Road!

Jesus Christ death on the cross, religion, Christian principles. The Bible, is in acknowledging God and what belongs to God. Tithe is "God loves me!" A Silver tithe/Dime. A huge Warning:  "Chicken don't cross the Road!", "Don't go over to the enemies side of the street." "Stay on the proven road, the sure Road, the steady Road!"

The narrow road. The Constitution. 

Go through the narrow gate. 

Each State Has A Guardian Angel. Gold and Silver Coins are The Kings Money!

Getting into Deeper Details.  Dominion is the perfect system to explain the monetary system we use today. Like Santa Clause,  Wilson with McAdoo set up this fraud, humbug system.   
 Evil running the printing presses. Printing up ballots, fake dollars,  and legalizing them as legitimate. Then put through the machine over and over again.  FDR starts building infrastructure, WW2, Corporations grew all over the country. Mens income went up. Power plants, telephone company, McDonalds, Wendy's, Truck and car manufacturing..

No longer happy Mothers at home
raising her children
Communist type uniform!

 All built using illegal ballots/ counterfeit money. State Parks, Social Security, three letter agencies. All built with  illegal counterfeit money.  Some of the money was backed by gold but most of it was just printed up run through the  machine over and over devaluering, debasing all of the Gold Certificates. The rest of the pieces of paper which said, "Gold Certificate" became just as worthless.
   Dominion is equal to the phony monetary system.  All fraud all communism. No President has been elected by the people since. They all know the system just like Joe Biden, Georgia's Stacy Abrams, Soros, Gates, Hitler. All deeply embedded into Satan's kingdom to  Kill, steal and destroy! Lie! Lie! and Lie! some more. Bill Clinton said, "Your prosperous aren't you?"  Greed that is all that matter.

All work, jobs was possible through the Satanic Human sacrifices of over 60 million infants.  All your work was and with these counterfeiters. The whole system is illegal. All it h done is caused  great pain, suffering and illnesses, sicknesses, death World Wide pandemics every where, heart disease, obesity, addictions, suicides, so much more.  This suffering and theft of the early 1900's is kept a secret the millions who died in America all kept secret.  

For when evil is tolerated people suffer.  The very inventions that heal cause ten times more suffering. New inventions to make things easier make everything 1,000 times harder. Do not be deceived whatever a man sows that is what he will eat, reap  Did you sow into building your own well for water? Grow your own food, bake your own bread?   God ask of each man to do for himself? No where in the Bible did god tell man to get together with other men, unite and devour others lands, resources nor turn human beings into human resources another term for slave.
  Transcript Declaration of Independence. 

that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Communism: 1 child very
encouraged, both parents
working for the good
of the STATE!

Americans "Loved the money," the new appliances, transportation, etc. Did they ever ask?   Is this Right? Where is this money coming from. Like Democrats today. It doesn't matter where the votes come from as long as Biden is President! Where does the McDonald Hamburger come from, The Diamonds for wedding rings, The fancy cars?   Evil men stole it all! From innocent people. James 5:  You have condemned and murdered the innocent one, who was not opposing you.

This same Dominion system started in 1913 with the "PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT". This is  where everything you own comes from; house, clothes, food, car, cell phone, internet, electricity, medical help.  Who are you really working for?Not God.  When you work for God what you do is an action of your love for God Knowing God loves you.

Evil men of business, government, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, etc. Luciferians, counterfeiters

Flesh, self

Before 1913 people would seek their vocation, their calling. Most people did what nature said was the right thing to do. An honest living.  A piece of land, to settle down raise a family. 

What plan did God have for their lives work to spread his gospel and to increase Jesus Christ Government on this earth. ("Kingdom of God within men's hearts and minds".) Liberated from Satan's power over their souls.

With Evil leading everyone:  Everyone is sick, lonely, divorced, addicted, obsessed, angry, etc.

Break  comments on Rona Bug, tyranny.  1.)Honest Men Stand and Fight! Farming! Everyone exercising helping your neighbors get outside exercising in the sunshine giving the population Zinc, Vitamins A & D, C, The Roxy or Tonic Water. etc. Attack!

 ​Laws rules decrees must be sound minded, make sense, be wholesome and intelligent! Within the bounds of the laws of nature and nature's God. It isn't natural to run and hide inside when faced with a pandemic but charge into it! heart disease, obesity, drug addictions all due to over socializing! Those are all pandemics World Wide! Turn the Other Cheek!
2.) This is not election season. It is Christmas season! Maybe they compliment each other explain each other. Coming soon read out loud on video. Are all systems religion, politics, home family, money system all intertwined, dependent on each other to be "good". Honest, filled with Truth. With God?
3.) Peter asked, "should a man obey men or God." Knowing the answer is "God". Obeying God means obeying the Bible. The Bible says to obey the Constitution.
It doesn't matter if Gov. Newsome or Mike Dewine makes a degree or a law, a rule then tells people to obey. Was this from God?
These men serve the people in God's place. God ordained government to punish the wicked and reward good behavior for him on this earth. The Bible says no one should fear government for doing the right thing but to be fearful if they are doing wrong. Criminals should fear the government.

4.) Peter asked, "should a man obey men or God." Knowing the answer is "God". Obeying God means obeying the Bible. The Bible says to obey the Constitution.

It doesn't matter if Gov. Whether it is the Canadian Gov. Newsome or Mike Dewine makes a degree or a law, a rule then tells people to obey. Was this from God? As Saints we have to obey God first. Great Men: Martin Luther reformation, Founding Fathers, Peter and the other Disciples, Jesus himself stood up to tyranny and said you brood of vipers, evil people your Father is the Devil My Father's God. No I will not obey you, I will obey God!

Part 4
Conclusion is always the easiest old fashion
way of our Great Great Grand Parents were not indoctrinated by such evil.
Mass Communication, Public School, Fast Pace World, Treadmill, Did not have whips on their backs of the IRS, Federal Reserve. I could feel them hitting me over the head with a big stick. It was ***Satan's congregation of evil men who sit at the feet of Satan and worship him. *** Evil men want me to use their Money. God told me, "Do not use their money".
Paper Ballots. A piece of Paper, given to each registered voter. Each Person takes their vote fold the piece of paper and put it in a locked box. Just on election Day. At the End of the Day, A Democrat, A Republican With people all around. All can see the ballot! Count the ballots together. You can stream that on NBC!
Constitution. Lock the Gate! Double Check the lock and the gate to make sure it is secure. Make sure the Chicken coup, the Hen House is locked at night! Double check.

We the people retain all political power
! We are the double Check System! A whistle blower system of private random citizens like the jury system. Made up of registered voters, or people with an address of legal age to randomly pick to investigate, check out, act on any accusations of government officials not upholding their obligation based on the Bible. Laws of nature and Nature's God. Self-evident written in each of us. Common Law System!

"Keep your word before God and Man!"
God lead me to the Truth, I internally told the Truth. It took the internal power of God to say that!
Throwing off Tyranny, for everyone in America!
God explained it to me. The Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution. These signatures bring all Americans into the equation. They were signing for Us! They stood in our place representing us! Those are our signatures too! They represented the people in their States. As each State Joins the Union those signature represent everyone is those states!

President George Washington, Thomas Jefferson signed these documents
other documents like the Coinage Act of 1792.
God has repeatedly told me to submit to George Washington. Why? When he signed documents he was signing for everyone one, who ***willingly*** in Virginia and their posterity and those who join the union later.

I personally can trace my family roots back to Virginia! To the Revolutionary War. Land in Ohio was payment for military service in the Virginia Army, Militia. God lead me to say "Ohio is my country!
With his internal power, "Power and love" for Ohio. President George Washington was signing for my Great, Great Grandparents, He was signing for me! My Grandparents signed also the Ohio Constitution!
 Great  Christmas 
Present   Poster
Acts 1: 1-7 Power of God
There is
no eternal way out of it!
It was the right thing to do.
It is exactly what God planned and lead men to do. God working in them and through them full of the Truth. It is for eternity. The only happiness for men is obeying or keeping our Word. Obeying God's Spirit and bringing the life, love and power to these documents.Liberty!
We The People before God retain God given power and authority to uphold these documents. "Citizens arrest", etc.
The signatures are done with the blood of Jesus Christ and as Abraham Lincoln said "these men hollowed the very ground, made it holy with their blood."
Blood covenants are real. They are serious. Both in the revolutionary War and the Civil War.
The blood was for the crime of slavery. The punishment for sin is death. Blood must be shed. The British Empire Revolutionary War, the South the Civil War could have repented, remembered God. Cross over to the "right" side of the road.

Those in the "wrong" when confronted by their accusers, the British, or Southern States had surrendered their would have been no war!
Then claimed the blood of Jesus Christ as a sacrifice for their crimes, sins.
Make amends for what they had stolen! Out of pride they stood against God. They gave the lives of their sons, daughters, slaves, even their own stubbornly refusing to repent! When you sin your children suffer for your sins Unless they repent turn from their parents sins and not continue on the "wrong road."
The chicken crosses over to the "Right and Protected side of the Road!"
Millions of Horses were slaughter
For cars, infrastructure. 

When people sin and tolerate sin people suffer over 60 million children have been tortured horribly while in their mother's womb their blood cries out to God for justice!
Human sacrifes!

As a country, a nation made of many countries, nations, States: all we have to do is STOP! Using the power and Authority that is within us from Almighty God!. As lead by God's Holy Spirit. Demand everyone turn to God, become humble, ask for forgiveness of our sins Ask for forgiveness for those who sinned before us, our parents, grand parents. For helping these evil

people carry out their wickedness, building their roads, cars, abortion mills, corporations, etc.
(Northern States, the Union took so long to stop Slavery for this reason:) We supported them, enjoyed their products, With the Stock Market we share in their profits. Stop!
Then keep our Word to acknowledge God, acknowledge the authority and power of the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution.
Millions of Americans 
were murdered, like communist
 Russia Kept a secret

All come from God and we acknowledge the tithe, a silver dime. Belongs to God, to buy bread bake it and remember Jesus Body was Broken for our sins. So we obey God and break bread that we baked at home!
Only use gold and silver coins! Keep your word! You pledged your sacred honor and lives and fortunes with he Founding Fathers to carry out it's full meaning and intentions. Almighty God set us all Free, Liberated all men. Now we live by his words, his principles, his ways, laws.
Fruit of the Graft Great Christmas Present. by Wayne Jett

Free from sin. Honest people. Using God's Holy Spirit in us and God's laws written within each MAN,everyone, on this planet!
With that we the people wield the power of government ourselves. It is called Political Power. It comes from and is spiritual coming from a deep connect to God. All this truth was giving to me by God's Holy Spirit! The lie is revealed to my conscience with the Holy Spirit the lie is over thrown, removed with the power of God's love, the Spirit of Truth!
Germany had the equivalent of buying bread with a wheelbarrow on fake counterfeit paper for a loaf of bread! It starts with the lie of being backed by Gold or Silver when it never is!

It is counterfeit gold and silver coins.
Imagine a wheelbarrow full of pieces of paper going down the road with it.
Then fill that wheelbarrow with gold and silver.

The wheelbarrow will not move!

Pic. Fake coins, paper fiat, cryptos, stocks, portfolio, thumbs up

A wheelbarrow full of gold and silver is so much more valuable! That is a lot of gold and silver. You'd be a millionaire! Extremely wealthy.
Written within you by God is to know the value of a wheelbarrow full of Gold and Silver coins!

But not they fake counterfeit German marks, stock portfolio, crypto, fake friends on internet.
Nothing can replace real money. Nothing.
It is called witchcraft, wizardry, alchemy, using chemistry to try to change material objects into gold and silver. It is impossible. Can not be done. It is just a lot of chaos, confusion, 1,000 times harder, more complex, complicated. A bunch of nothingness, lies! It takes an Empire like FDR, Hitler to keep the people blinded in the dark. To keep up the lies!
It was an illusion. Fiat is an illusion. Worthless. Instead of going down to the store to buy "A Loaf of bread with a wheelbarrow of paper.
Pick up a little silver dime. Go down the street, Buy 3 Flour sacks of flour, Sugar Salt.
Make your own Bread. Break the bread with your families. Remember what Jesus did for you, for everyone.
Be thankful for his sacrifice.

Ending chaos and confusion bring

All wars are bankers Wars! Wars keep people in bondage under evil people. WW1, WW2, Vietnam War, Korean War, The Middle Eastern Wars,

Just keep our word to only us gold and silver coins! No crypto, no fiat, no credit cards, no checkbooks.
At Christmas Everyone turning to God, to Jesus and obey him. His servants the Founding Fathers, Using a small little silver dimes.

The Only real Legal Money

So a man can feed his family EASILY!
Put bread on the Table for a year with a roll of silver dimes! Make our own Bread!

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