Part 1 of Blog: Video Prophesy Interpretation, by the Spirit the Word of God Power of God in 1960's On Bitchute video:
L & M
A combination of 3 different videos cut and edited for YouTube specifications. Interpreting the signs of the times and prophesies by the Holy Spirit and The word of God. You decide for yourself. With small clips from President Trump's CPAC Speech. 2-28- 2021 Purim is A Time when the Jewish people were going to be slaughtered by the Kings decree. God turned the tables, those who had planned this evil scheme were the ones slaughtered instead. Was there a turn in America? World Wide? Biden threatened a puppet of a few globalist, international terrorist threatened to wipe all Christianity, all religion off the face of the earth. All men were going to have to worship the Devil. I Have Fire Shut Up In My Bones The Devil Can't Stop Me Now DUDE! Trump CPAC Speech Was Epic! Go Watch It! The Moment You've Been Waiting For: Trump Speaks At CPAC 2021's God's Power and Authority Protecting America, Richard Nixon Removed video
Part 3 Read out loud:
Everyone, Patriots, Honest People must preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Have The Holy Spirit. All people must definitely know right from wrong.
Why do the right thing if you are never punished? Others are never punished when they do something wrong? A child knows better. The reason we seek God, read his word to obey him is because bad things happen to people when they disobey God.
Own your own land, work for yourself, off your land. King of your own castle.
Teaching children honor! Honesty, gold and silver coins only as money. Honest money.
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The Alpha and The Omega |
Human Resources is Slavery---->>> With God, Jesus Christ Blood covenant, the Holy Spirit, The Ten Commandments--->>>No one works for someone else.
Horses are have always been will always be continue to this Day to be our transportation.
Evil verse Good. War
Factions---->>>2021 prophesy, the future, the reset, God, liberty, The Devil NWO Globalism --->>Elite billionaire terrorist --->>> Communism
6.5 Billion -->>Georgia Guide Stones, Timothy Dixon
Does anyone have a choice? 6.5 Billion people looking at extermination.
PART 2 WINS IN GA & AZ; CPAC VS MAGA RAND PAUL GRILLS HEALTH SEC NOMINEE 2/26/21 Leah and Michelle tell the story of Esther at the end of their broadcast.
19:00-23:00 Esther was between 2 death sentences. If she goes before he King she may die, If she doesn't go before God she will die. Esther was not going to be saved.
Americans are here now. Either way you might die.
Take the Shot in the arm---->> Russian roulette---->>>Globalism, slavery to sin ---->>>peace with evil, no fight, as the murder billions
Jesus Christ, Liberty, Farming, horses, gold and silver coins ---->>> It is a Dangerous Life. Each free man will have to be dependent on God, family, friends, good neighbors.
Our laws are easy. The Ten Commandments of God. Will always be, Have always been, will always be. The Ten Commandments.
Jesus, the Word of God, Jesus the very essence of God. The law of God. The Ten Commandments, the law giver.
Jesus the law, Is the beginning, Jesus is the End. Jesus is the Alpha and the the Omega. The beginning and the End. Jesus was, Jesus is, Jesus will always be. Of his kingdom there will never be an end.
The world--->>Kingdoms of this world, PG, GE, Ma Bell, Ford, Pizza Hut, Kroger, GM, MIC, CIA, Delta. All Empires, Kingdoms of the World and Corrupt governments will come to an end.
The kingdom of God will never end.
Times: Minister of the Gospel Truck Driver Outpouring the the Holy Spirit 50-60 seconds, shaken 1:00-1:10
A dream: Statue of Liberty 3:00 flames is just a flicker on her knees, head bowed, a lot of people around the Liberty
Inside an old building, 5:00 Supreme Court Justice, looks very evil, dreaming God visited him in a dream, taking to heaven stood before God, 6:00-6:40 Judge goes in the Building Justice Amy Barrett and Justice John Roberts went inside. 7:20- 9:15 turn the table A general gives the judge an envelope this will change everything, 500, to 1,000 people get copies, Law Enforcement uncovers a ring of traffickers, New York, Pennsylvania, Arrested, then more States even out West, 15:00 people being Blackmail about the election 16:00-16:20 they'll do things to do and no one will find you any more
Blackmailed to the highest level, more rioting in cities, national guard. 17:50 liberty stands up, President Trump to the end.
Timothy Dixon Prophetic Dream about Ţrump: "Pelosi, Congress, and Coming Events"
2:24 starts his dream lion
It happened in One Day! Jesus died on the cross. Destroyed the old Temple, destroyed old covenant and made a new covenant with all men. Carried out through 70AD
It is Happening. New Covenant every moment.
Isaiah 9
6 For unto us a child is born, and unto us a Son is given: and the government is upon his shoulder, and he shall call his name, Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting [j]Father, The prince of peace.
7 The increase of his government and peace shall have none end: he shall sit upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to stablish it with judgment, and with justice, from henceforth, even forever: [k]the zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.
What America needs. One solution: The Gospel is preached.
- Isaiah 9:4 Thou gavest them perfect joy by delivering them, and by destroying the tyrants, that had kept them in cruel bondage, as thou didst deliver them by Gideon from the Midianites, Judg. 7:21.
- Isaiah 9:5 He speaketh of the deliverance of his Church, which he hath delivered miraculously from his enemies, but especially by the coming of Christ, of whom he prophesieth in the next verse.
- Isaiah 9:6 The author of eternity, and by whom the Church and every member thereof shall be preserved forever, and have immortal life.
- Isaiah 9:7 His singular love and care for his elect.
Timothy Dixon Extremely Powerful Message: "Hidden Sin Revealed - Justice Will Be CARRIED OUT"
Men are going to come out of their boxed neighborhoods, boxed apartments. Take a sledge hammer to this slave homes, the mortgages, the car payments. Men eyes are open to realizing cars, homes, electricity, telephones was, is, will always be slavery!
Just let everything Multiply. Don't mess with or try to improve what God created. God created everything then he said ***It is Good!*** Only God is perfect, Only ***God is Good.*** So Nature is a part of God vice a versa and it is perfect the way God created it.
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Ten Commandments on Wall |
Fallen man is not perfect, not good without God.
Wait until everyone finds out it was easy to heal, fix, stop, prevent, etc. The Founding Fathers actually had it all right. People need horses for transportation. Horses are "free" just let them multiply. Men have Farms, build their own homes with their own two hands, no electricity, no telephones.
Instead of the things men invented people will have, real love, real peace in their souls.
Only gold and silver coins ***are*** money, ***were*** the only money, ***are still the only money,*** ***will always be the only money.***
Everything men did the last 100 years, everything they have learned, have been a part of, ***was a lie*** . And men have turn from all of it. Repent and we have to give it all back. Return to the Founding of this country and live by every word of God, the Ten Commandments.
God did write his laws in our hearts and minds, God does live in us, God did give all people HIS Supernatural power.
Like Jesus said: Satanist have been blinding everyone's minds, eyes, ears, souls. etc.
Each one of us personally knows God himself intimately! Every word of the Bible is true.
(except those destined to not know God, a lot fewer than people think.)
Jesus Christ did not die so just a few of God’s Creation would go to heaven. That is ridiculous. I like to boast on God liberate Everyone! No one needs Money! ***Read the Bible.*** God created it all. Everything is from nature. What you ***need*** is "Free" it all multiplies. What men ***need*** is a relationship with Jesus! He created it all and freely gives it to everyone.
Question : What did I miss? Cynthia a through k. The last question was What did I miss?
No more campaigns, elections, politicians or centralized government.
1) congress shall be comprised of qualified citizens who:
a)were born here, to parents who were born here.
b)have an IQ of at e least 110-slightly above average.
c)can pass a U. S. Constitution test with a 100%.
d)serve only one term.
e)are selected in the same fashion as jury duty ( lobbyists won’t know who will be selected, or have access to bribe them.)
Answer: PG, Patriot Gallery, here Leah and Michell's Mom. A worldly answer. I was a Senior Supervisor at a "BANK" credit card company actually, a call center, a credit collection center. I was Over 3 different departments. Checks, 60 day late, 30 day late. over 200 employees some times. This is a great "Job requirement, description and expectations. "To base employee reviews on. I repented of that worldly position 20 years ago I work for God now. So I have another answer to. Of course only Gold and silver coins are real money. The whole thing was a scam. All made up. The Federal laws, Banking laws, Corporate laws, Human Resources laws, insurance for the credit cards all made up to rip people off.
Answer: The gospel is the Power of God to Salvation. Doing the Good work of God on the earth. To answer you last question....
. Must be good! (Only God is good.) Obey all Ten Commandments. Have the highest standards of morality know the Bible as experts. To make just laws uphold just laws. We can not have a bad person, a criminal makings laws?
.. Our power and Authority is the witness that God has placed his Holy Spirit in us. We obey the Holy Spirit which leads us into all the Truth. All our wisdom is not random from a bad experience or a lie, or maybe we were broken. In everything, "All" we do and say, our actions, our wisdom is constant from the Holy Spirit of God. For the good of ourselves and those around us. We love everyone the way God does. We give the The Ten Commandments all day long to everyone to live by. If anyone breaks one they are stopped in their crimes by everyone else in closest proximity to the crime. punished right away. The person or persons harmed are restored. Whether it is their name, reputation, personal property. Or their health. Perfection in Government by he people for the people With God as our councilor, judge, Father, mentor helper, everything watching over his Creation.
There is only one Constitutional Power available to Americans The Bible. Just like gold and silver coins are God’s Money Constitutional Money. There is only one legal Power and Authority. Both side are wrong if we aren’t dependent on the word of God for justice Use it! #Thoushallnotsteal. The Ten Commandments are written or engraved in the Supreme Court room and building over 100 times, in some way!
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