Pray About this. Ask God for wisdom. Don't believe but take everything to God in prayer first. God confirms his word.
Addition: This is a word to the Body of Christ from God. To be ready to be called to Battle. Pete Santilli is calling everyone to battle Right now!
Using these words: My blog is a confirmation that Pete is being lead by God. Watch Alex Jones and WarRoom last week to understand... We ignore abusive controlling people. We have to uphold the law. We the people.. Now is the Time!
On Resistance Chicks Web Page you will find 3 videos starring Dr. Syed Haider, full disclosure for our Christian Friends. Dr Haider is a Muslim.
He becomes a person's tele-doctor before they get sick specializing in preventive medicines. These medicine are almost on the black market because the government wants everyone to get sick. He can tell you where you can get the medicine you need before you get sick. Evil men want to continue imaging the can enslave the world which is the devil's lie to everyone. They just believe the devil.
Jesus paid the price for our sins. Those who turn to Jesus believe him are freemen. Jesus fills men with his Holy Spirit and Human beings become Saints. Whole, children of God. Freed from Satan's tyranny, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, Fascist. Free ***Satanic Demonic Power of his lies.*** No more can one man or group of men use domination, to rule others.
All men must be saved, turn to God be healed and obey God. Become honest men seeking the Truth from: Jesus, the Words of God, Written in the Holy Sacred Bible. All men are created the same equal before God. These evil people want to claim using wizardry that they can destroy you and what Jesus did. They did the same thing, use lies to legalize Abortion, slavery. Satan's children always claim those they enslave and murder are not quiet human.
So the can legally enslave and murder. Here they are continuing their enslavement and murders. It is up to us not the believe them or spread their lies. Continuing the illegal emergency powers and continuing to change everyone's DNA so they can ***Falsely claim***no one is human. Bill Gates, Fauci, many others bankers Klaus Schwab Claim they own everyone because of the patented material in their bodies. They falsely and illegally claim everyone is their slaves. The alternative is you will be murdered. Put to death as an enemy combatant run away slave even.
Revision: The Word ***Posse*** is on ***Part 4a*** towards the End. Video links below For Bitchute and Rumble.
Spiritual Warfare, Battle. We wrestle not with flesh and blood. Against spiritual forces, demonic, over cities, towns, states, countries, lives.
***Another use of the posse comitatus*** in the United States was the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which was passed at the end of Reconstruction (1865–77) in order to prevent the use of the U.S. military for the enforcement of domestic law in the occupied South.
PG here I posted a blog on July 6th, 2021.
I got a word from the Lord. ***Posse.*** I think I just received the interpretation today From Pete Santilli on WarRoom with Owen Shroyer. Posse Comitatus.
***I used the first definition: posse comitatus, (Latin: “force of the county”) ancient English institution consisting of the shire’s force of able-bodied private citizens summoned to assist in maintaining public order. Originally raised and commanded by the sheriff, the posse comitatus became a purely civil instrument as the office of sheriff later lost its military functions. From time to time, legislation gave authority to other peace officers and magistrates to call upon the power of the county.
posse comitatus
***2nd definition. New Definition: Go to link will not let me copy and paste off this link.
18 U.S. Code § 1385 - Use of Army and Air Force as posse comitatus
18 U.S. Code § 1385 - Use of Army and Air Force as posse comitatus
Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.
Part 4a Counterfeiting, Ohio Be ready at any time to be called to Battle Revised written blog January 9, 2022
On video:
Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.
Part 4a Counterfeiting, Ohio Be ready at any time to be called to Battle Revised written blog January 9, 2022
On video:
I had to take down the videos from YouTube because the Music company would not give their permission to play the song. They are not political even though the song is political.
Words from the Lord:
God brought Jesus Gold to establish his kingdom on this earth.
Jesus is KING!
Jesus said the Kingdom of God has come!
The New Jerusalem in Revelation 21, streets of gold cites made of the purest gold. Jesus said, "ask and it shall be given to you if your ask according to God's will." Ask God to help US, help you, as he is in us, not to sin and be in perpetual debt.
July 1st, 2021 #3. Congress shall have power...To Provide punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coins of the Untied States Art. 1, sec 8, Clause 6
God is in us. He gave us power to Forgive ourselves, our debts and others, for trespassing on some else's land, property. In the previous videos in the 4th of July series God established the absolute necessity of only using gold and silver coins. God doesn't do things in a sinful way. God does not sin. God says over and over in scripture to use only gold and silver coins. God is just, God is fair, God is honest. His words, his will are Perfect! Without sin.
It is All counterfeit money. God you are in us by your spirit. God live through us to use your love, power and authority to uphold the Constitution. Lead us as our King. Use Your Almighty Power and Authority in each of us to apprehend Counterfeiters.
According to your covenant with America. Jesus is King
God is Holy, his name is Holy, He is Right. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it it is done in heaven.
Is Praying for Everyone to be Holy. In heaven everyone is clean, forgiven, holy, obedient to God, no tears, everyone healed and at peace.
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It Takes God's power, his Holy Spirit To MAKE our own Honest Gold and Silver coins. To Obey God's Holy Word. |
God create Ohio! To Be Good Honest Men, Women and Children
God created the United States of America.
Each State is a country, like "Ohio"
Each State is a Sovereign Country.
Every man a sovereign man.
To establish that sovereignty, we the people, each state, a man, a woman, we each make our own gold and silver coins.
Communities coming together to do the right thing. To do Good: to secure the blessings of Liberty.
Government by the People, For the People, by the Holy Spirit of God is :
A Farm for everyone. Do not Trespass. Do labor on your own land.
When your eyes are darkened. The Letter of the Law Kills. Reading the Bible without the Holy Spirit interpreting it you end up with Capitalism, Communism, Socialism. But Capitalism is not in the Bible.
Joel 2: Spirit of Grace!
July 1st. All who call on Jesus Christ to save them :Are forgiven
He pours out his Holy Spirit,
Satisfied Fully with his righteousness, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled" (Matthew 5:6)
Repay the years the Locust have eaten
Jesus Christ is the Head of his army
He will repay the wicked for their counterfeiting gold and silver coins.
Jesus Christ Restores, returns our (Fore) GrandFathers free land back to it's rightful owners. God will repay we the people of the United States, We The People were robbed of the Blessings God gave our (Fore) GrandFathers. God will restore what stolen from us that were gifts from God's out pouring of his very Spirit of the Living God. Free land: reference: Jesus Said in Matthew the Beatitudes that the meek shall "inherit" the land. Old Testament those who Obey God, Are meek, God will bring them into a land that is safe, into the promised LAND. Land is a gift from God.)
Joel Chapter 2
Then you will know that I am in Israel,
that I am the Lord your God,
and that there is no other;
never again will my people be shamed.
Every State has it's own gold and silver coins to establish their sovereignty that comes from God creating their boundaries and their laws: Their own Constitutions. Each State the people in each State are sovereign. But Only God is sovereign. A Man, A Woman, are sovereign when God lives in them and they have been made a Saint. No longer a sinner. No longer a criminal.
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Each person in America is to Govern. Each person needs to be a Saint. |
{A Saint: Someone who Obeys all Ten Commandments of God; lives by all God's ways, decrees and principles because they "Know them" personally, They are written in the person. They are alive, active, sharper than any two bladed sword. Out of Jesus Mouth comes a two blade sword, Jesus is the Word of God. They KNOW JESUS!}
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Common Law is Self Evident in Each Man That comes from God's Holy Spirit Living in them. |
The States Power and Authority is retained in the people that comes from Obedience to God's Spirit and laws written within each man. In US! We, Servants of Almighty God! We keep our covenant with God, With each other and we keep the peace!
We establish Justice: Blackstone's law books.
First law: No one is above the laws of God! Each Man must turn from a life of crime. Of Using counterfeited Money. Counterfeiter Silver dollars, $10 Gold Eagles. Turn to God be forgiven, feel remorse for his crime, be filled and made whole by God's spirit within them. Show Proof of Salvation by a wholesome life to live according to the Holy Spirit within them. Live by the Christian ways and principles. Of Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness.
Turn to God and Be healed! Forgiven by God. Then God works with the person to heal every wrong the man has done and heal every wrong done to the man. This is the work of Jesus Christ in each person. Lead into the Truth by the Holy Spirit and the Truth, God's love, power, and wisdom sets people free. To be healed and delivered.
Evil men, dark spirits lead into Lies that bind people, breaks the covenant, breaks minds, emotions, the souls. I'm stronger than evil leaders in the Church: Catholic or Protestant. Who are not leaders but Satan's Servants!
We, the Body of Christ, "Man" received our Life from God. We receive eternal life from God. From Jesus Christ living within us! Through the Spirit of Jesus Christ, The Anointing of God, Christ Spirit in us Liberates and sets people free! We share the love, power and life with others we have received from God. The Holy Spirit.
We are FREEMEN! We are no longer slaves to man or man made laws! Manmade paper or crypto currencies or quantum AI tracked and traced money.
Ohio, each state has to make their own smelterig House! God brings the Gold and silver! The state who has the purest coins will be loved by the people. People will want their gold and silver coins!
https://www.churchofjesuschrist. org/music/library/hymns/ america-the-beautiful?lang=eng |
"Liberating Strife"
"Love their country"
May God thy "Gold refine"
Tis "all success be nobleness"
every gain "Divine"
The People "Each" have their own gold and silver coins.
Each man in Ohio, (State), has their own gold and silver coins in their own pocket!
A States sovereign "Money" is Proof of their legitimacy. Their love for God and love for Each other comes from God dwelling in them. Their right to form their own government, exist! It comes from Almighty God! (1776-1800's)
Each man is an individual, Independent. Together we make-up Ohio. We the People are the Church, The Body of Jesus Christ and Ohio's government. Your house or home is not who you are. Government buildings, official pieces of paper, certificates, badges, etc. are not proof of government or any "Power and Authority".
When God is in a person and that person is close to God they will show their power and authority comes from God in them. To be a leader in the Body of Christ and In the government. Without God no one as any power or authority. In Ohio, every State, All laws must come from God.
"A word spoken into our souls from Jesus Christ" |
Saints we make up the Armies of God!
A private name "..." build a new house for your family to live in! Body, Temple of God!
We serve the Master Plan of God!
Abraham had to use gold and silver coins. So do we. I am repeating this it came from God.
(Repeats of phrases received from Jesus are cleansing to your soul. The word of God cleanses the soul of filth and lies and heals broken shattered minds or souls)
Everyone in heaven is seeing and thinking of gold all day long. Crystal clear and they love God because of it. They glorify God. Golden cities. Where there is no sin, no greed and no crime. The streets are made of gold, the cities are made of gold. When you look at something you actually describe it in a hair of a second.
We should be thinking that too! Not fiat fake manmade counterfeited cryptos, paper, checkbooks, or credit cards. All fake deceiving money. Pretend Wealth. It isn't "legal tender". It is all things you have to still pay for. Only gold and silver coins are legitimate legal tender.
Animals go to heaven! The Bible is always talking about horses as transportation. On earth our transportation, legitimately is horses. Legitimate. Millions of horses in heaven.
Man doesn't throw his life to the wolves. He counteracts with heaven Gold and Horses. The purest and the best.
Kingdom of God is within man. Golden Rule.
Heart of Gold. Heaven is very Pure and Holy Clean!
Think about what is Holy, Pure and clean.
Heaven, Eternity, Eternal Life
Each man must have his own gun. Be ready at any time to be called to Battle. To defend his neighbors. Then in a broader sense each country, state nation defends others around them.
Posse is the 2nd Amendment.
God creates Borders, separates and Divide States.
(Satan is going to try to destroy divisions made by God, that separates like borders. NWO. So He can force everyone into sin , which is bondage, slavery, tyranny, at one time)
God created Individuals. So when one falls and becomes corrupted into sin, the rest do not follow!
Each person, Each county, Each State, Follow only the Light of God in them!
The Word of God , the Bible says "Follow the Light," The Truth, The Holy spirit with in each INDIVIDUAL.
The Bible, ( for those who read it and act on it). The Bible is Only powerful when God is in you doing the work of The word written in you is called to do. The Bible, alive in you, submits to one "Spirit" God's Holy Spirit. Read twice.
Reminder from above: {A Saint: Someone who Obeys all Ten Commandments of God; lives by all God's ways, decrees and principles because they "Know them" personally, They are written in the person. They are alive, active, sharper than any two bladed sword. Out of Jesus Mouth comes a two blade sword, Jesus is the Word of God.}
Get "a right" from talking to or with God, from hearing from him first. Power and Authority must be from Heaven in you! Pray to God. Talk to him. Get your information From God in you! God Dwelling in you! Get your wisdom from his light!
Pieces of Paper, Bible pages, etc. do not give God's spirit, gifts or anointing to people!
God is a living Spirit!
The spirit gives God's love, Power and Authority. The spirit fills our bodies, our mind, with God himself. God is with you with signs and wonders following, when what you do lines up! Lines up with the Word of God! The Word of God is a confirmation. The Word, pages of the Bible, are not the giver of life and light, deliverance and love etc. Only God the Living Spirit can do that!
Who are you lined up with?
Without God himself the Bible is a useless book. It is only good when you do what the person writing told you God's will was and you do it.
Teachers, preachers, Christians have read the Bible over and over. Myself included to no avail. I was always listening to the teaching of fake fiat counterfeiters rules, laws, teachings. Example: "The stock Market has lasted over time. Even during the Depression. If you left it alone it came back." Worldly advice makes void God's wisdom. Destroys the soul. Or Men go to Work, women stay home raise the Children, Children go to school.... None of it is in the Bible!
Baseball Practice?
A word from the God
The Enemy loses all his power. The Enemy has no power over the Saints. Saints called to Battle have all the power. Obedience to God changes a man into a Saint! Men know in themselves from God dwelling in them exactly what to do!
God is Glorified in Ohio again! President Trump has no power over Ohio any more! Or Sarasota! Ohio is above it! God is more important! Men answering only the call of God!
No Giants in Ohio any more. Men in Ohio rise above it all. Men Answer the call of God. People rejoice Every where When the Righteous are in power. Everyone Rejoice!
Delta variant is Hay fever. They lie about it to enslave everyone . Put everyone into bondage then label or tag the slaves: put a bracelet on everyone. Only one voice, take everyone captive all at once.
Criminals, Bad guys, liars, Satan's children developed Quantum AI, Financial System, Voting System, economic system. These wicked men hate people. Globalism.
It is not New technology, It is ancient One Eye watching everyone. Slavery. Enslaving the entire Planet!
Men are to be ruled by God internally! Those who turn their backs on God will be ruled by the outside One eye System. Satan. Trillions of written laws.
Men who dwell in darkness, conceal their identity: TV, media, convey the made up Laws that have controlled people for over 100 years. The internet revealed to men they were being controlled by spells, Black Magic, wizardry, and witchcraft. To cause Psychosis: A mental disorder characterized by a disconnection from reality.
The foundation. Quantum AI is the perverted out growth of this Satanic creature call the internet.
The goal of the bad guys is to make people believe everything is so corrupt it is irredeemable. Men are so corrupt they are irredeemable.
BAD GUYS HERDING PEOPLE INTO GESERE, NESERE Introduce men to the "need" for this outside machine. A Machine controlled by higher beings, men who have ascended, the corruption of fourth and fifth dimensionale beings to be care takers of the machine.
"Central Control": To put everyone back under the globalist control again. They become '"god" with "Unlimited" capacity for information, calculations, UNLIMITED LAWS, RULES, CONTROLS, TYRANNY!
An unlimited Dictatorship. Bad guys usurping All people and everything on earth. Usurping All God given rights to live by God's internal laws!
Side note: Do Not Fear! God is All Powerful and that power is in you. You can remove 47,000 satellites and 5G and 6G towers with a word from God. The Holy Spirit does the work. That is how earth was created. Faith!
Men are internally ruled by God's Holy Spirit in them. Men love, worship God and reverence God's word! They Obey God Only.
Evil men will rule you, everyone with lies deceit, manipulation, then hook people to a computer.
You are no more!
They own your body and mind!
What you think and say! Lust, perversion, violence, war against each other. Cursing one another with spells, (cuss words) abound! F ...y ... Black Magic, darkness, a witches curse, spell. The most powerful of them, rule, it will all be earthly things ruling you.
Good Guys: Honor in doing the right thing. Having the most wholesome laws. (Declaration of Independence states this.)
Man keeps himself and his neighbors thoughts clean and pure, holy! Brotherly love. Philadelphia! Love one another! You must be forgiven by God to be a Part of society! (Or you will harm someone else)
Live by The Spirit of God in them! (Like at Christmas, people world wide do this for a whole month)
God writes his laws on the hearts and minds of Good Honest People. Truth that comes from a relationship of God living with in Men!
Christian Laws: You Love God, God Loves You! Love your neighbor.
Each Man doing everything for himself!
Build his own house with his own 2 hands.
Builds his own barn.
People raise their own children. Raise your own children!
Man taking care of himself.
Get your own Water Out of your own well.
Grow your own food!
Raise your own animals.
Own your own land! No Property Taxes. No one else owns a man's land! God provides for people off the land he gives them. Don't Dare touch a persons livelihood****LAND****! Governments formed by the people. The people united with each other and protect each other's property from this form of seizure or confiscation by criminals. Just like confiscated gold or silver. to protect this Right! Time for a posse!
It is Impossible without God!
God is your help! With God then it is Possible!
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