Read Out Loud:
New Blog Series Explaining what a Christian is compared to todays "hybrid" pseudo mind full of lies, lost in their imagination Christians. Christian means a very Holy person, because God lives in us. His Holy Spirit. "Holy Matrimony" actually means two very holy pure clean minded people joined by the power of God's love. No course jesting or impure language so the children are very clean minded, pure, mentally stable.
Hear Ye, Hear Ye Hear Ye, Court is now in session. The American people will be so much healthier without the food/processors the CIA is destroying in America. Owning land, food, transportation it is all spiritual. We have been lied too and told ***OPPRESSION*** slavery to the grindstone, treadmill of life was freedom.
That being away from family, spouses, children for at least 40 to 80 hours a week was freedom. All lies.
Once they are off our backs. You and the people you know will have a strength, internally and mentally that you can not imagine. A true love that comes from God. Jesus does this for us.
What they are doing to starve us out, to bankrupt America is actually making people internally stronger, mentally sharper.
Embrace God's Holy Spirit today during Pentecost. Ask Jesus, your Father God to help you understand what it is to be the SONS of GOD ALMIGHTY, you'll love it. Stop being mere workers, Human Resources, peasants, working for the man. You will be REAL FATHERS and Mothers.
We will have healthier happier animals when animals like chickens are raised at home. Not factory farming. The same with pigs, cows, etc. Raising animals at your home. It is so easy and brings fulfillment. Happier healthier families. More wholesome loving and caring individuals. It is a great thing to care for animals.
That being away from family, spouses, children for at least 40 to 80 hours a week was freedom. All lies.
Once they are off our backs. You and the people you know will have a strength, internally and mentally that you can not imagine. A true love that comes from God. Jesus does this for us.
What they are doing to starve us out, to bankrupt America is actually making people internally stronger, mentally sharper.
Embrace God's Holy Spirit today during Pentecost. Ask Jesus, your Father God to help you understand what it is to be the SONS of GOD ALMIGHTY, you'll love it. Stop being mere workers, Human Resources, peasants, working for the man. You will be REAL FATHERS and Mothers.
We will have healthier happier animals when animals like chickens are raised at home. Not factory farming. The same with pigs, cows, etc. Raising animals at your home. It is so easy and brings fulfillment. Happier healthier families. More wholesome loving and caring individuals. It is a great thing to care for animals.
2.) Before you know it each person in America will wake up and look at those business=farms and say hey that is my land, that is my Great Grand Daddies land.
Do not fear men, fear God: God said: To be an armed citizen is your right but it is your duty and responsibility to be ready to defend your country against government tyranny like this at a moments notice.
May 25, 2022 Leah and Michelle have a great uncle named "Bo" a Hollywood actor. I wonder if Bo Polny isn't named after him. Both live in California.
The earth is Huge. No one knew when Jesus the Messiah of the world died on the cross to pay the price for men's sins but a few people. So we might not know what God does on these dates Bo Polny points out for hundreds of years. The same with the stars. Only a few Wise men from the East knew the star was The King of the World's star and could follow it to Jesus, to worship him.
There is a summit live interactive on Clout Hub 6:00pm Saturday Night June 4th, 2022 with Clay Clark, General Flynn many other speakers. You can come on live on camera or not, ask questions make comments through your microphone or the chatroom. Defend Your Voice - Virtual Summit on fighting back the Woke Lies!
Most people look on the outside or circumstances to make judgements and decisions. Jesus doesn't judge by the outside, or appearances or perceptions. Jesus ask his Father who sees all, knows all and is perfect, for divine knowledge and Wisdom.
Jesus is God, a perfect Judge. No one could lie to him. So when he ask who amongst you here is without sin cast the first stone. He was saying, "I know you are all apart of setting this innocent woman up." Jesus is the very word of God. The word of God pierces through to the heart.
Every day I ask God for divine wisdom. Our emotions, perceptions, desires, plans for the future, hopes, believes have been toyed with, twisted, perverted and we end up "WANTING" what we do not "WANT". And We do not want what we really "WANT.".
Witchcraft is living by your experiences. Your life experiences were purposefully created to break your God given abilities, knowledge, desires, and defenses. Then this witchcraft rebuilt everything about you.
I have been writing blogs for at least 15 years. Started on My Space. My writings never draw a large audience. It is a work of Faith in God. No one can understand what I have written. My words are foreign to most people.
But thanks be to God. Jesus doesn't leave me this way. He is delivering me every day. Romans 8 : God help me!
Games. Football, baseball, basketball boxing. etc. Made up laws, rules, rewards, goals, field, teams, positions, strategies, etc. To win!
We have been playing in a system made up by Satan. Progressive ERA. They had a plan to flip the World from Christianity to Satan worship. Christian system is fair, just, honest, moral based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Civilized. Where people do not depend on others but are independent, Men were proud. Refused to be dependent on other men. They depended on their own skills, abilities they were born with and an acute relationship with God.
Bo Polny had May 26 as the first day of a process taking a year to accomplish. The End date was May 21, 2022 Destruction started May 26, then rebuilt by May 21, 2022 Using a protractor.
Next Date is June 6th, 2022. Pentecost.
The earth is Huge. No one knew when Jesus the Messiah of the world died on the cross to pay the price for men's sins but a few people. So we might not know what God does on these dates Bo Polny points out for hundreds of years. The same with the stars. Only a few Wise men from the East knew the star was The King of the World's star and could follow it to Jesus, to worship him.
Bo Polny: The Earth Will Rumble and Evil Will Crumble!!
WHEN? Coming Worldwide Celebrations! Bo Polny
1:05-5:31 Return in early Fall
Disclaimer: God has not shown this to Resistance Chicks. This is what Bo Polny has done a time analysist on, it is not a prophesy.
Clay Clark & Bo Polny: On THURSDAY 'I AM' Going To Rip The Evil Out Of This World!
40:55-43:29 Thursday that is June 9th
Disclaimer: God has not shown this to Resistance Chicks.
Clay invites everyone to Virginia Beach.
@RajDefendThere is a summit live interactive on Clout Hub 6:00pm Saturday Night June 4th, 2022 with Clay Clark, General Flynn many other speakers. You can come on live on camera or not, ask questions make comments through your microphone or the chatroom. Defend Your Voice - Virtual Summit on fighting back the Woke Lies!
Featuring: Dinesh D'Souza (2000 Mules), Catherine Engelbrecht (True The Vote), Mike Lindell (Franks Speech & My Pillow), Clay Clark (Re-Awaken America Tour)
Most people look on the outside or circumstances to make judgements and decisions. Jesus doesn't judge by the outside, or appearances or perceptions. Jesus ask his Father who sees all, knows all and is perfect, for divine knowledge and Wisdom.
Woman got in adulatory. (pic on left)
No trial? The woman wasn't given a chance to defend herself. No judge, no lawyer, no prayer? Jesus did not accuse her of a crime. What did Jesus know?
Is it possible they set this woman up and she was being raped? The man of the crime was no where in site that we know of.
There should have been 2 people brought before Jesus.
Jesus is God, a perfect Judge. No one could lie to him. So when he ask who amongst you here is without sin cast the first stone. He was saying, "I know you are all apart of setting this innocent woman up." Jesus is the very word of God. The word of God pierces through to the heart.
As Saints we should be doing this every day. It is a good thing to convict someone of their sins so they can call out to God and be saved. It helps others realize their helplessness against sin within and without. They know, they need God's help to set them free from Devils strongholds that control them.
Every day I ask God for divine wisdom. Our emotions, perceptions, desires, plans for the future, hopes, believes have been toyed with, twisted, perverted and we end up "WANTING" what we do not "WANT". And We do not want what we really "WANT.".
You might have said it yourself or heard someone else say: I am who I am because of my experiences. I would not change a thing. I have been very successful in the world system that evil men built by destroying God, Faith and morals. Our desire is not to keep this evil system up but to destroy it. Jesus came to destroy these works of darkness.
Witchcraft is living by your experiences. Your life experiences were purposefully created to break your God given abilities, knowledge, desires, and defenses. Then this witchcraft rebuilt everything about you.
Be ye not conformed to this world but be renewed by the word of God. Jesus restores your youth like the Eagle.
Psalm 103: God Forgives, heals, delivers you from evil men, lies, fills you with the spirit of Truth. God restores people to their original faith in God, morals, innocence, purity, peace in mind, emotions, perceptions, desires, plans for the future, hopes, and beliefs.
To enter into the Kingdom of God.
Witchcraft is the opposite of God's perfect will. Rebellion to God. We must be people willing to do anything to hear from God. To find the Truth and share it with others. It is our mind. No one has a right to live in our minds but the Holy Spirit of Truth. I have seen America rebuilt. All Natural. Bear. Naked. From here men get together and teach each other how to obey God. Which is find out from God what they right thing to do and ask God to help you do the right thing like General George Washington did. " I will" He swore with his hand on a Bible. Which means he swears before God Almighty. He added "So help me God". God help me uphold the Constitution and fulfilled my right, duty and responsibility as President given to be by God's chosen people: Servants of Jesus Christ. Those who elected him.
Do the right thing. The Bible says build a barn. A storehouse. Build a home. It does not say hire someone to do this for you. With your own two hands. Provide for your family and literally, put a roof over their heads, over your animals heads.
I have been writing blogs for at least 15 years. Started on My Space. My writings never draw a large audience. It is a work of Faith in God. No one can understand what I have written. My words are foreign to most people.
Even though History, The Bible, The Constitution proves I'm right.
I am hearing from heaven, from Jesus himself. The Work of God in me. Most people are still in the place Paul was in: I know the right thing to do. God wrote it down in the Old testament. Yet I do not do it. Why? Sin has some control in me.
But thanks be to God. Jesus doesn't leave me this way. He is delivering me every day. Romans 8 : God help me!
15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
We need to join Paul. Agree the law is good but sin or someone else's sin is holding me in bondage. Who's sin has us in bondage?
The Cartels, Car Industry, Electric Companies, Railroads, Any thing made bigger than the individual by counterfeit federal reserve play money need to know: To counterfeit money is a crime worthy of death.
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A Face that is nothing more than a mummy. HAVING no blood or life in it. Dead while Alive A Life lived out in HELL ON EARTH. |
The Cartels, Car Industry, Electric Companies, Railroads, Any thing made bigger than the individual by counterfeit federal reserve play money need to know: To counterfeit money is a crime worthy of death.
My mother had Godly wisdom. She would talk to my siblings and share that Godly wisdom. They became very successful without God's will being done. President Trump, a lot of Christians, even I have used Godly wisdom. The Bible, the Holy Spirit. Christ peace. Become successful and Glorified God. But how can that be if those without God and the Bible are successful?
Games. Football, baseball, basketball boxing. etc. Made up laws, rules, rewards, goals, field, teams, positions, strategies, etc. To win!
Someone made up these games. It wasn't God. None of it is out of the Bible.
We have been playing in a system made up by Satan. Progressive ERA. They had a plan to flip the World from Christianity to Satan worship. Christian system is fair, just, honest, moral based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Civilized. Where people do not depend on others but are independent, Men were proud. Refused to be dependent on other men. They depended on their own skills, abilities they were born with and an acute relationship with God.
Owned their Land. No property taxes because the State doesn't own the land. God does. They can not charge a dime for owning land. It is a necessity of life. You need it to grow food, built a house, A barn, COLLECT water out of wells, plowed fields using God's given money gold and silver coins. It is a RIGHT, DUTY, AND A RESPONSIBILTY TO PROVIDE FOR YOURSELF OFF THE LAND GOD HAS GIVEN YOU FREELY DUE TO JESUS DEATH ON THE CROSS. THERE IS NO RIGHT TO PROVIDE FOR GOVERNMENT, NOR FIRE DEPARTMENTS, ROADS OR PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Were not in debt to anyone. Refused to go into debt. Men would not receive expensive gifts. They were not a charity case.
Your great grandparents knew whomever you are in debt to you are beneath of or a slave to. The other person becomes your MASTER, your king. Jesus said to the rich young ruler, (CEO), "Go sell all you have and give it to the poor." Repent.
This CEO, master young ruler had obeyed all the laws and rules of the Ten Commandments became wealthy. But the "game" he was playing was in rebellion to God. It was made up, unfair and unjust.
The Sanhedrin and the Romans made up the game, The game the rich young ruler was playing was made by men without faith in God. They twist the Word of God just like the Catholic Church right before the reformation and many protestant churches for the last 100 years.
The rich young ruler always obeyed all their laws and rules without the Holy Spirit of God empowering him. His wealth did not come because of his faith in God but his faith in the system. "The game", the umpires, referees, sports league, owners, managers, judges, lawyers, Kings and Caesars decrees. Knowing who is who. But God sees the game. He knows who made up the rules of the game. When the rule gets in the way, they just change them on the fly.
It isn't real.
God's laws and rules are the real system. Never changing from the beginning of Creation.
Putting Faith in the One True God. Seeking his help. Is Honest living. Build a House, build a barn, plow a field, raise animals, get married and multiply. Use just weights and balances. Only gold and silver coins. Use horses for transportation. The life God created is perfect with his help.
Right now the Federal Government claims to own 70% of the land. If anything the States own the land. But that is wrong too. God created the land for the People. For individuals to provide for themselves and their families. It is illegal for the government to own land and take the people's gold and silver coins. The Federal Government stole all the gold and silver coins. Again the founding Fathers said that the gold and silver coins belongs to the people so they can obey God and have just weights and balances. Make sure the value of gold and silver is also dictated by the Word of God. The Federal Government has disobeyed all of God's laws. They are thieves, corrupt individuals.
Part 5
5 Memorial Day May 2022 Fountain of Youth Restore To Natural Mind
To make it easier to get out of the "GAME", the CORRUPT SYSTEM TURN TO GOD TO HELP YOU WITH HIS LOVING POWERFUL HOLY SPIRIT. ASK HIM TO TAKE AWAY THE LIES AND FALSE Perception of the angel of light, Satan.
Ask God to fill you with true light, wisdom that comes from God's Holy Spirit living with in you.
We now Pharmaceuticals are witch craft, Wrong. Here is the heart of Satan's dominion, kingdom of darkness:
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