Read out loud on video:
What is God's calling? Genesis 1 Verses 26 to 31[28] And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Tammy 1957 DEBBIE REYNOLDS "Tammy Tammy Tammy's in Love"
No one took time to think it through.
Philosophy. Thinking to come up with what is the "right thing to do."
Jesus was a righteous man.
God is righteous.
They are correct. They are Right. With some things there is no need to debate. God is right.
Think about railroads. Why didn't God make railroads if they are so good for the advancement of his creation? Making a steam Engine: If you follow it to it's logical conclusion. A few men owning the railroads will have a monopoly, more land than God gave individual. They will have an army, empire of men working for them. They have to steal or take land that doesn't belong to them. God didn't give them the land. Same with ships. This monopoly will be bigger than the individual. Charge gold and silver coins disproportionately with the individual. What an individual with his own two hands can accumulate. With the army, accumulation of masses of wealth the organization becomes an empire. Stealing, robbing, forcing others off their land. Become rulers over the individuals. Oppressors. Through sin a group of people make themselves "Kings."
The righteousness of God says each person must go to God for land, provision. People, even people who identify as indigenous to the land, Indians will get their land back. Enough to provide for themselves and their families. Through faith in God's love and forgiveness then provision. Just like the Bible says.
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Jesus died on the cross for payment of our sins. We no longer steal land but go to God through our Father who sent Jesus to die and give his life to save us. God gives us Land once he delivers us from oppression so we can worship God freely. Love God, obey his commandments. This is how the meek inherit the land.Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
1 Timothy 4:8
For physical exercise is of limited value, but godliness is valuable in every way, holding promise for the present life and for the one to come.
Psalm 25:13
His soul will dwell in prosperity, and his descendants will inherit the land.
Psalm 29:11
The LORD gives His people strength; the LORD blesses His people with peace.
Since this act of murder by the Romans with the Sanhedrin High Priest of an innocent man, Jesus Christ. Over 2,000 years ago. Millions, billions of people became civilized, sound minded, saved by God. Men do not sin any more. Are no longer rebellious to God. Times Changed. People were separated from God. They were savages. But all that changed. We were healed, reconciled unto God our Father. We were very happy. Full of Life made whole!
May 24th, 2022
I am picking up the sword to provide for myself with Jesus Christ! With the Spirit of Truth Marching On!
All men must serve Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is a very very good man. No one can accuse him of any sin! He convicts men of their sins.
Men will drop everything they think they owned, have acquired, proud of, their entire past. It was all false beliefs, ill gotten gain or gotten through brain washing of themselves and others. It is all bondage of your mind in the imagination. It was real, it wasn't real in that it wasn't based on the truth. It wasn't honest and true, God will heal everyone's past as it never happened. God forgives then fixes everything done wrong. It wasn't true from the Holy Spirit of truth.
It was stolen goods. Satan used those controlled by sin within them to cause everyone to belief and tell his lies.
It was stolen goods. Satan used those controlled by sin within them to cause everyone to belief and tell his lies.
Every word that was spoken that they had heard in their life time was based on lies. It was all lies. Turning men away from God!
Turn and wake everyone. "With God" we insist everyone speak of the good news and Greatness of the Living God. Men must speak the Truth as lead by the Holy Spirit of truth.
Spiritual Warfare names good and bad: Mother of souls, Witchcraft and Satan England oppressors, Satan, Jones the world system using fake fiat counterfeit money stealing everything or everything is stolen, GoForth Jesus said to go forth, Freeman The TRUTH, people are freemen! Trinity Church false church, plus Gold, Yukon
Spiritual Warfare against Satan. Principalities in High Places over the Land
Public School is the HUB, or Central community organization that everyone is a slave too. The Public School System is in ever community Controlling or King, Master over Every American. The Master. Witchcraft. Telling men what they can and can not do. Using Children's imagination, indoctrinating the population into wizardry and witchcraft. All Americans who pay property taxes to this Witchcraft is in a coven, unknowingly having High Priest of Satan Above them.
You can be a Christian having God's Holy Spirit and yet not experiencing the Freedom of Jesus Christ. You have a strongman keeping you in bondage in your mind. If you fear you will lose your freedoms, your land if you don't go get their counterfeit fake money from somewhere and pay them once a year. It is a Satanic ritual. Satan Worship. The Spirit of Darkness!
As I, you, and Others glorify Jesus Christ. Speak of the Greatness of the Power and Authority of God: We fix, heal, minds tortured by these demonic beings, wicked evil people. We will not be brainwashing people but setting people free! Delivering then from those who were to strong for them.
We all need to repent, go back into our minds imaginations, past denounce, renounce, turn to God's Holy Name, his Spirit for the Truth and We speak the Truth about God, The Gospel. Know We are Right the Witches are wrong. Because we are RIGHT, righteous.
Everyone must automatically start speaking the Truth and talk about the goodness of God!
God fixes us this way! After you have done all to stand STAND FAST> Unmovable in the RIGHT that you know within yourself as given to you by the Holy Spirit of Truth. (Not just read in the Bible. God must speak it to you or give you understanding from his Holy Spirit. Your thoughts will be "Holy Pure, without sin." Right is might.
We repent of everything in our lives. I have gone back and not sat by and watch my parents suffer. By telling them Drop everything the ever said, accomplished, owned, believed! It is poisoning your mind, I see them believe me do just that. With the Holy Spirit they are set free.
Healed by the name of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. So many scriptures make sense when things are fixed.
Also repent of anything on paper. They were lost in their imaginations believe pieces of paper had any authority. God is a Spirit. We are made of Spirit. The Spirit is where right wrong resides, covenants are made. We have The Spirit of Truth we can not covenant with Spirits of Darkness. (Men without God.)
Renounce the Devil! Renounce FDR new Deal, The Federal Reserve, Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie, Morgans, etc.
It is your Right, Duty, and responsibility. You'll receive power from Jesus Christ like the disciples did. Power from God to spiritually destroy All these men did! It is the work of Salvation by doing what the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution said to do. Separate from unbelievers, criminals, tyrants, those who refuse to assent to wholesome good laws for the Public GOOD. Call out their crimes. History has Proven People Suffer when Evil is tolerated.
The Spirit of God speaks of the wonders of God in love of your fellowman. Brotherly love.
These cause all around to speak about God and the wonders of God. We defeat our enemies with the Spirit of God; The Spirit of Truth.
We are all servants of Jesus Christ! Justice, Fairness, Equality, The Body of Christ!
Our piano has been given to God, it can only be used to sing about the wonders of God by those who talk about the wonders of God. So they sing also of the wonders of God.
The Holy Spirit.
We don't make people talk about the wonders of God. We share our love and Power God has given us. With Everyone! They are strengthened and healed by the wonderous power and love of God. Truth Guided by the laws of God written within us!
People are healed! Set Free! Then excitedly, happy they are healed, turned into Saints then Boldly Exclaim, cry out suddenly, especially in surprise, too, of the wonders of God!
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