Sunday, May 7, 2023

Medicinal/ Edible Wildflowers and Native Plants aka Weeds

Medicinal/ Edible Wildflowers and Native Plants aka Weeds  
1.Spring beauty- 5 petal white flower, tubers like potatoes cook

Don't eat with red or orange flower

2. Bittercress

3. Garlic Mustard

All edible leaves, roots and seeds

helps stimulates circulation of the blood.

high in Vitamin A and Vitamin C as well as trace minerals, chlorophyll and enzymes. The roots taste like horseradish and can be pickled or used in soups as a root vegetable. The seeds when ground make a fabulous mustard sauce and the dried greens can be made into a paste like wasabi

4. Chickweed- white flower

Let wilt 24 hrs for salve

Salve- coconut/beeswax

Oil- heat to 100 24-36hrs

Diaper rash salve

1 cup of infused calendula oil

¼  cup beewax

1 Tbsp marshmallow root

1 Tbsp chickweed

1 Tbsp comfrey root

1 tsp barberry root powder

5. Burdock Root, harvest and cook in fall

root's anti-inflammatory and antibacterial components may help different skin conditions, like wrinkles, eczema, acne, and psoriasis when applied topically

anticancer and anti-inflammatory

Face- tea or powder

The bioactive compounds, including lignans and arctiin, have stimulating properties that give the skin a younger, supple look.

By purifying the blood, burdock root is an excellent solution for dry skin, psoriasis, eczema, and acne. 

You can get your glow back by regularly using a burdock root mask.  Simply mix the dried root powder

The root has chlorogenic acid, arctiin, and lignin called arctigenin, which minimize swelling and redness. 

regulate progesterone and estrogen by enhancing spleen and liver activity.  This hormone regulation addresses hormonal imbalance, the most common cause of PCOS.

Using small doses of burdock root can have surprising results in relieving menstrual cramps and regulating periods.  

phenolic acids, quercetin and luteolin, which are all powerful, health-promoting antioxidants.

Burdock root is used in traditional medicine to relieve tonsillitis because it increases wound healing, decreases inflammation, and helps relieve coughs, sore throats and pain

Leaves for burns

the Amish community, burdock leaves are a common remedy for burns and wounds.  

6. Wild Violets

Salicylic acid also reduces pain and swelling, and therefore, violet leaves and flowers used in the form of a poultice will soothe inflamed skin, sores, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and skin infections. The leaves of the wild violets contain a high level of mucilage, which helps soothe irritated tissues.

7 Wood Sorrel and Sheep Sorrel


8. Dead Nettle- purple fuzzy no toxic lookalikes triangle leaves

Health benefit

Vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K,

Relieves allergy symptoms

Quercetin encourages histamine release to help reduce allergy symptoms. This paired with the anti-inflammatory

Antibacterial, antifungal

Salves for pain

Mixing in other helpful herbs like calendula, yarrow, and plantain

9. Henbit- looks like nettle but smaller rounded heartshaped leaves woth purple flowers

It's high in iron, magnesium, manganese, calcium, and vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as a whole host of beneficial antioxidants and phytochemicals. Medicinally, Henbit is best used internally as a tea. It is anti-rheumatic and anti-inflammatory, so it's great for relieving chronic pain, soreness, and stiffness.

antispasmodic, astringent, anti-proliferative, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant and antiviral.[1]

10.  Purslane

Succulant, thick leaves

Don't eat similar spurge, thin leaves, white sticky when broken open

Fresh or cooked

Cooking purslane also removes much of the sour apple flavor, making it taste more like a spinach or other cooked pot-herb.

Can use like pasta but has a musinex property can be used to thicken soups or rinsed for pasta sub


more heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids than any other leafy vegetable plant.

 It's protein and iron concentrations are higher than in any cultivated vegetable--including kale. 

Purslane has more magnesium, vitamin A and vitamin E than kale as well.

 In a calorie to calorie comparison, it has more potassium than a banana. In addition there are some B vitamins, a good amount of vitamin C, a fair amount of calcium, and a smattering of those micronutrients

Health benefits

11. Dandelion

Dry in sun

elixir of life because it purifies the body cleansing effect, it is also called blood purifier, laxative agent, liver cleanser and fatigue remover.

lymphatic inflammation, anemia, to improve gastrointestinal tract function and liver metabolism

just at the time of flowering. In addition, the roots include many beneficial and valuable substances that have a overall strengthening effect on the body, such as up to 15% protein, inulin, 10% glycoside taraxacin, unsaturated acids and bitter substances

Salve is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory

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