Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas Thread Dec 12 2023 w/PG

Read Out Loud

Rumble Part 1https://rumble.com/v417fjb-pt1-happy-hanukkah-and-merry-christmas-thread-dec-12-2023-wpg.html

Rumble Part 2 https://rumble.com/v417szh-pt2-happy-hanukkah-and-merry-christmas-thread-dec-12-2023-wpg.html

Bitchute  Part 1  https://www.bitchute.com/video/Q5DMCCiUSojD/

Bitchute Part 2   https://www.bitchute.com/video/rgHzL819gcgc 

Christine Vales New Month "Tevet"  Growing Up,  Priorities, Wisdom, Doors ahead,  a Vision from God, The Word of God, the Bible, Jesus is the Light of the World
10th month: order, tithe,  testimonies
Tevet : GOOD

Genesis: It was GOOD, Light
The Ten Commandments, the Wisdom and Voice of God
Hanukkah Dec 7-15th, 2023 
Jesus is the Light of the World

See every situation with
the whole truth.
Internal eyes God sees and
 knows everything,
We are limited in
vision and thought.

Victory and Joy
Asking God for the Holy Spirit's perspective that overcomes deception, darkness
Be angry but sin not. 
Hearts enlighten. In knowing "God loves you",  there is no fear in knowing his perfect love. Seated in heavenly places, the Kingdom of God is in you. It is like having a monitor link to heaven in you. So you are in heaven all the time. So leave the link open, connected to the kingdom of God in you. 
Connect to the power of God. 

14:15 - 24:10  Esther, Fasting, wisdom she knew God loved her.  
Samson takes down the enemy without touching them, living by the Holy Spirit. 

Jesus is the true light that came into the world and illuminates us all. He is the eternal and undying flame, which spreads its light one candle at a time. Thread 1.) Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas. Worship the Light of the world the light that never goes out and always lights our path, eyes, and minds with the Truth that only comes from The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
X is like X-rated do not use it in front of (X-mas), mas to make Christmas. It is the word for ***no Christ***.


PG here, How does God work to the salvation of our souls? What does it mean to work out your salvation? Or Wait on God he will strengthen you? Like a slave to a Master. You wait to hear his voice. Only his voice. Or a child to hear his Mother or Father, or a spouse to hear the spouse's voice, when they have heard the voice of God our Father. Wait to feel his love for you, their love for you You relish, are warmed and comforted like sitting next to a hot fire. 

Waiting to hear the love in the voices, in their words. You look forward to sharing the love God has given you with everyone around you. So they know they are loved not by you but by God.

 Jesus is the true light that came into the world and illuminates us all. He is the eternal and undying flame, which spreads its light one candle at a time. Thread 2.) Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas. Psalm 104:4 He makes the winds His messengers,


PG here, The Ten Commandments. I woke up with fear-filled thoughts and confusion. From news shows I had watched the previous days. They certainly did not come from someone waiting on God and strengthened by God's voice to share his love as described previously. The news reporters do not have words that speak the ***Truth***. They do not shine the light of Jesus to those around them. These news reporters do not love God or you. Our words are full of light and Truth given to us from heaven, divinely true, and inspired let all men know God loves you. Or God loves me. God's perfect love cast out fear. And empowers men with an impartation of the Holy Spirit's Power. I am talking about God himself speaking through a chosen Saint servant of the most God.

PG here. I learned the other day that "X" to evil means Very Evil, the destroyer, Like X rated is not good, moral, and upright. You take Christ out of Christmas you get Xmas. Elon's latest "stars" are the likes of Andrew Tate a man like himself, several women and several children, and highly immoral men like Epstein. AJ, Mark Dice, Vivek Ramaswamy, and General Flynn, fought for the bankers and became a general mass murderer around the world making countries use the fiat US dollar, or get slaughtered, etc. Elon is the highest-paid Defense contractor. who get together sharing their immorality. Vivak: means expanding, progress or development in Sanskrit. It is often used as a masculine given name in Greater India. Ramaswamy Indian (Tamil Nadu Karnataka): from a personal name meaning 'lord Rama' composed of the name of the god Rama (see Ram ) + Sanskrit svāmī 'lord'.

Thread 3.) As I pondered the chaos and confusion I was thinking. It was darkness, depression you could say.  Am I wasting my time every day waiting on the Lord? Am I being selfish just receiving my own healing leaving the world behind as I aspire to know All I can about God and be completely healed physically, mentally, and emotionally? 
 I was doing my morning routine; making the bed, getting some vitamins, going to the bathroom, getting dressed, and getting a glass of water to swallow the vitamins with a few drops of food-grade 12% hydrogen peroxide in the water, to clean my internal organs like MMS. With a drop of iodine. I was talking to my older sister in my head as children. Men really need God. To call on Jesus' very name "help me, God." They really need the Holy Spirit to obey all Ten Commandments.  The Ten Commandments keep us all safe.
Cobra Venom in a shot
A Witches Concoction

Imagine everyone is allowed to murder whenever they want to or find it convenient or for the greater good. Maybe they want what the person has so they kill the person and take what they had.  The one doing all the murdering keeps saying, to cover up their conscience and their guilt.  "They should have protected themselves, I warned them, they knew I was a theft and murderer, It isn't my fault I murdered them. They are responsible for their own death. 
United Nations
Illegal Immigration
Bringing in their slave labor

PG here my older siblings would expound how they do not need to learn Christianity, God's laws, or obey the Ten Commandments. Expounding, with big oratory speeches:  children raised on a farm providing for themselves and their families so they could grow up get married and provide for their own families well equipped to take on those challenges was slavery of the children. My Mother a Saint tries to teach them Christianity, good morals, and The virtues of God. 

Doing things for themselves! Not expecting others to be their slaves doing the work for them.   Like cleaning their rooms, washing their clothes, doing dishes, watching their younger brothers and sisters, taking the trash out, and mowing the grass. Going to the store right up the street for their Mother the simplest things. They saw/see people as their slaves. Boasting, "I make people do what I want."  "There are leaders and followers". They called themselves "Supervisors", the management. 

In the 50's and 60's. Where did they get these ideas?:   Catholic Private schools, Public Schools, Colleges, the government, newspapers, news on TV, radio, Movies, Music, TV shows. The voices in society were not inspired by God but by those who owned them. Ford, GM, Morgans, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Rothschilds, The Committee of 300, etc. Jesuits and The End Times teachers are bought and paid for by these sociopaths. The Federal Reserve, the CIA, DOJ, DOD, FBI, are just puppets on their strings.  

If you look deeper you'll see thee men live up to their names. Names can tell you a lot about a person. 

The Ten Commandments are our protection from those who have turned their backs on God. Those who hate everyone else and are selfish and want to never do anything for themselves but want others to be their slaves.
Then I spoke to my sister I said what John Locke said in his two Treaties on Government. Everyone has the right to be loved by his fellowman, by others, and to love others. To worship and love God. You can only do that in a society where everyone is obeying the Ten Commandments. My sister told her Mother, when she was around 10 years old that she did not need to obey the Ten Commandments it was OK to lie on the telephone.
Now no one believes a word she says. She lies about everything and repeats others who lie. 

I received the answer to my original question. "Am I wasting my time every day waiting on the Lord?"
John Locke changed the World. Even today his knowledge is spread around the world from this thesis paper.  No, I am not wasting my time. John Locke wasn't just writing these words in a pamphlet he was in constant prayer seeking the Will of God. He was a jurist, lawyer, judge, and physician. He realized most of his patients were sick because of the oppression of the elite, the hierarchical structure.  

The landowners were under the feudal system. 
He and other men of their time were changing the world by bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and civilization to the World. The government is by the laws, principles, and commandments of God who is the Creator, meaning the sole owner of everything on the earth. All men must acknowledge God and submit to him.  

Because all men have to right to be loved by their fellow man. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution come from his teachings with the teachings of other great men who taught the law and medicine by the Words of the Old and New Covenant Jesus Christ made between God and man and man to man. 

***Excludes the common right 
of other men***

You can not have any law for

***the greater good of society*** 
that Socialists, communists, 
capitalists, Marxists, etc. 
give great speeches on and 
support good laws.  John Locke, The Second Treatise of Government (1689) On Property

It is very Very Very Important to Share Share Share!

Worst Deal in UK HISTORY! UK Gold Heist . Check out this vintage
#NigelFarage video where takes on UK Chancellor Gordon Brown sold 401 tonnes (56%) of the UK’s gold reserves for pennies because he told the world he was going to sell it. He said the US dollar was more secure than the US dollar- oh how terribly wrong!!! The total sale of the gold bullion sold was $3.5 billion, at $275 per ounce average sale value which would be worth 23,742,541,667 today. This is why we send you guys to ITM Trading. Markets are manipulated and have been since 1913. www.learn.ITMTrading.com/chicks If you haven’t secured your retirement with metals instead of fiat I suggest you set up a free consult with ITM. • ITM Trading is a US based precious metals company with over 27 years of experience in the industry. Based in Phoenix, Arizona, the company specializes in physical gold and silver products and offers custom portfolio strategies for its clients, designed to protect wealth and assets during economic downturns or currency collapses. • Their team of expert researchers and analysts, led by Chief Market Analyst Lynette Zang, provides ongoing economic education and access to curated resources, research, and weekly insights on macroeconomics, central banks, currencies, and the global reset. Your FREE strategy session includes…

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God is Right, God is righteous. To be Right, to be a law or rule or ruler you do things the way God created them, without technology. A Bank has gold and silver coins in it with guards at the doors. ..If you do things the right way, God's Way, no one can punish you. especially those living in sin, They can only be punished not punishers, not the government, not Fathers or Mothers.

..Technology like the banking system is Broken, Gay, funny, queer, not right, the wrong way. Checks, deposits, credit cards, loans, jobs, etc. are outside of reality it is all funny money like it is gay, or homosexual. There is no life in it. Slavery to the devil, Unjust, not fair, no life, but death. No love but hatred, sin, greed, envy, jealousy, murder, false accusations, perversion, perverted, full of eyes of sin that lust for the things God did not create, full of lies, deceit, etc. Or their system is ***trans***, a boy calling himself a girl with his genitals removed. Vice Versa .. Only gold and silver coins will bring life, justice, and peace to society. The WISEMEN Brought Jesus gold coins. Call on God today to no longer be stupid, retard, gay, or have mental problems. 

Do not let fear and anger control you. The anger of man does not get the job done. (is not the righteousness of God). There are things like justice that only men with God in them can do. You are not God or another man's judge. God is. I have heard of so many stories of men being changed men after being in jail and coming closer to God: Owen Shroyer had the same experience, as Pete Santilli also, Cory Gray. Get alone with God of your own choosing, so God doesn't have to use evil men to get you to stop and spend time alone with God. Don't hold bitterness in your heart nor recount the wrongs they did, but rejoice that you deserved to be punished because you were not Merciful, grateful nor humble before the Lord. The Bible tells us if we examine ourselves we will not need punishment. Are you close to God or do you think you can go on living without his Holy Spirit and guidance?

Owen Shroyer Speaks for itself!

Lynette is asked: "What do you think 2024 holds for the financial markets?" Resistance Chicks are PROUD to partner with ***www.learn.ITMTrading.      com/chicks*** a FULL SERVICE precious metals dealer. Call them today 1-866-950-7776 for a free strategy consultation and tell them the Resistance Chicks sent you!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IRjLPEN_GU

21:24-30:05    Outlook for the Future.   CBDC's Banks closing, Bank accounts being shut, Plan, cash on hand, bail-in of banks, Government printing more money, Banks taking the consumer's assets to pay their debts, island of misfit toys, community
Tags: Lynette Zang, ITM Trading, Owen Shroyer, War Room, Nigel Farage, UK Gold Heist, Danielle Cambone, Epstein, AJ,Mark Dice,Vivek Ramaswamy,and General Flynn,Andrew Tate,Elon Musk,X,Twitter,Greg Reese,X-mas Christmas,Hanukkah,Holy Spirit's Power,

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