Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Video and Deagel.com article old Jan. 2019, But Applicable for today.....predicting massive population reduction! Debunked?

    I predict, from my own mind, that God is moving. I do think that America will go back to gold and silver coins only, even the government.  According to Deagel.com  loss of population is do to reverse migration and the elderly dying because they can not face the loss of their pensions, Social Security and savings!

   When God moves he convicts men of their sins.  In the end, people will feel the weight of their sins. Their participation in destroying a very good moral upright peaceful society and  will see all the children they murdered. All the lives they destroyed and will repent. Convicted of their sins, they will humble themselves before God and call of God to save them  They will lose everything but they will be content with that!  Resigning to "So Be it!"

The elderly will be convicted of their sins: Their greatest crimes....  Instead of listening to their parents during the 50''s, 60's, 70's they RAN into rebellion.  Believing every lie the media, universities, teachers, experts, government told them.

 1. Your Parents are over protective,

 2. Old Fashion

 3. Bigots

 4. Close minded

  Sooooooooo  Much More!

 5. Result, Legalization of every thing immoral.  Turning their backs on God, on religious instruction

     They didn't know they were being toyed with, manipulated, lied to, tempted by very evil people.

 6.  What use to be liberty, freedom, a road to happiness was oppressive, abusive, even slavery,

 7.  Mother's staying home raising their children...Slavery

 8. Children helping their parents on the farm.....Slavery

 9. Men being faithful to their wives, and  raising their children was deemed  "a ball and chain."

10.  A quiet, peaceful, good, wholesome lifestyle was "Square",

       Replaced with high stress of city life they had go, go, go. A rose the  mentality of it's a dog eat dog world; get the other guy before he gets you! A Life of competition for everything, everyone, you have to literally dirty fight for what you have....(Murder children! Children are an inconvenience, just a toy to take out and play with some times Advent of  contraceptions and abortion)

 11. Lie, cheat, falsely accuse others, frame people, question all authority, destroy any and all authority

3 Paragraphs down on page after Data...............The key element to understand the process that the USA will enter in the upcoming decade is migration. In the past, specially in the 20th century, the key factor that allowed the USA to rise to its colossus status was immigration with the benefits of a demographic expansion supporting the credit expansion and the brain drain from the rest of the world benefiting the States. The collapse of the Western financial system will wipe out the standard of living of its population while ending ponzi schemes such as the stock exchange and the pension funds. The population will be hit so badly by a full array of bubbles and ponzi schemes that the migration engine will start to work in reverse accelerating itself due to ripple effects thus leading to the demise of the States. This unseen situation for the States will develop itself in a cascade pattern with unprecedented and devastating effects for the economy. Jobs offshoring will surely end with many American Corporations relocating overseas thus becoming foreign Corporations!!!! We see a significant part of the American population migrating to Latin America and Asia while migration to Europe - suffering a similar illness - won't be relevant. Nevertheless the death toll will be horrible. Take into account that the Soviet Union's population was poorer than the Americans nowadays or even then. The ex-Soviets suffered during the following struggle in the 1990s with a significant death toll and the loss of national pride. Might we say "Twice the pride, double the fall"? Nope. The American standard of living is one of the highest, far more than double of the Soviets while having added a services economy that will be gone along with the financial system. When pensioners see their retirement disappear in front of their eyes and there are no servicing jobs you can imagine what is going to happen next. At least younger people can migrate. Never in human history were so many elders among the population. In past centuries people were lucky to get to their 30s or 40s. The American downfall is set to be far worse than the Soviet Union's one. A confluence of crisis with a devastating result.

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