Get out of Jail Free Card, Common Law, Private Prosecution
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Rona Bug 19, Bill and Mel Gates weapon that He rejoices over, 21? All FRAUD! Do the Rules of Civil Procedure (BAD), Apply to I, Man or Woman, not person. End Lockdowns using the legal System claim Property ownership! Must show "ownership" to uphold Lockdowns laws! |
SGT Report
Christopher James A Warriors Calls, Web Page
Green means GO, GOOD, GOD
Red Means RED LIGHT, Red Flag, Stop, BAD
Orange are important "Words" to remember
3 System Governing, COMMON LAW,
Universal Basic Income, you have a Contract giving up all your rights, "Ownership" of you, your body, your possessions. Give up your personal sovereignty. You become a slave. World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab
Spent 2 videos on this: blog President Trump Refuses to Denounce the "Truth" , I Pet Goat II, The Machine, Eastern Occult Fascism, Vaccines, turning our body into "Wet Works", A machine, Owned, A computer, "Digital and antalog Life", Transhumanism, Read your brain, connect to internet download into
0:00-0:35 Removing "The Bar Association". It is one of the Secret Societies. Self-Governing. Governs itself those in it's society Called : "Civil Procedures"
Trespass against you is your Birth Certificate an unlawful conversion, A fraud, from a live to dead: This is how Central Bankers, The Monarch, The Pope, David Icke adds others: China is the main Hub. Whom else?
5:29-6:20 It is illegal "ownership" of "a man" or "a woman." Human is not real > Capital Letters > AMY BARRETT, Are you looking for the created? The Birth Certificate created a fictional character using you name in capital letters, meaning "a corporation", You have to confess I had, have nothing to do with this created, "dead," Service Corporation more details below.
7:00-7:08 Doctors testify that Rona Bug was nothing more than the Flu.
7:20-8:49 explanation of purpose
Killed on paper at birth; Birth Certificate an unlawful conversion. You become "A Legal person" created a fictional character Capital Letters > AMY BARRETT,
by a service corporation, i.e. McDonalds Claim you as Property! Slave this is why "rights" are deny. The service Corporation >United States of America Incorporated Claims ownership of you!
Unlawfully instead of illegally, law and legal are 2 different meanings.
David Icke uses same analogy of McDonalds. The "cult" is already a fake, legal, dead, One World Government.
Government, or Service Company is not a government. First few minutes.
0 to 3:10 Global Occult
6:55-7:04 No one has ever proven the virus Exist. Question? Who "proved" it exist? No one.
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![]() | Organizations are being formed if the gov. comes to take you or your child from your own home. You push a button on an app. Then the group comes to your rescue. |
9:06-9:40 Lawsuit to end this practice World Wide
9:52-10:00 Do the Words of Civil Procedure No! They do not apply to people.
11:08-11:30 Legal applies to the world of Dead > corporations. Legal does not apply to A man or a woman A man, A woman is not property. So their laws don't apply to a man a woman. The Bar is a society. Laws, rules of this society, the Bar do not apply to the people. The Rules of Civil Procedure of the Bar a society, can not be Applied to the people because we are not apart of that "organization."
11:45-12:00 Common Law countries
12:13-12:25 compares "Legal System" to McDonalds, a "Service Corporation"
13:50-14:27 Leadership: Do you claim the people as your property? No, people are not property.
1.Who claim "I" property? I man, I woman
2.Who can administrate property without Right?
3. Produce obligation on which you rely? For making all these demands, and orders and trespasses against me. You do not have "a contract" with the people. Produce the The Obligation that gives you jurisdiction over I man.
Removing "The Bar Association". It is one of the Secret Societies. Self-Governing. Governs itself those in it's society Called : "Civil Procedures"
You are a Service corporation. Not a government once you were incorporated like "McDonalds". You need a contract of ownership in order to uphold your Laws, rules, procedures, of property, Without ownership you can not claim property.
15:10-15:15 To restore Justice. For all Common Law, Common Wealth countries, Canada, UK, Ireland, USA; explained at the end
15:49-16:08 Governors treating people as Property during Rona Bug: "Make demands, laws and rules, etc. They must show "proof of ownership". i.e. birth Certificate and Social Security Number.
16:10-16:40 Ontario Canada A man is prosecuting people under Common Law. Common law Before "a Justice" not a judge. A private prosecution.
Access Court rooms under "Common Law", not "legal System"
Killed on paper at birth; Birth Certificate an unlawful conversion. You become "A Legal person" created a fictional character
"Legal System" to McDonalds, a "Service Corporation"
Law and legal are 2 different meaning
The Bar must proof: The Rules of Civil Procedure of the Bar a society, can not be Applied to the people because we are not apart of that "organization."
Never use word person or citizen: because the government takes control over the private prosecution. That is the Civil legal system, not private uses the word Citizen means "slave" in 17:20 Common Law: Lawful world, Public Court not Legal World. their court their rules: "Civil Procedure"
17:17- 17:50 Lawful World prosecuting Justin Trudeau, the Attorney Generals in Canada Prime Ministers, Attorney Generals of a Service Corporation, "The Crown", Central Banks, The Pope
Under Common Law Prosecution You ask them the 3 Question above.
21:50-22:08 Guilt is Trespass add China
Truth: Rona Bug 19, Bill and Mel Gates weapon that He rejoices over, 21? All FRAUD! Do the Rules of Civil Procedure (BAD), Apply to I, Man or Woman, not person. End Lockdowns using the legal System claim Property ownership! Must show "ownership" to uphold Lockdowns laws!
23:00-23:23 SGT Report Reset, Lighting rod
1:48 I Pet Goat II Psalms, 2, 3, 23 Lighting Rod
Every Case World Wide for those who have real factual evidence of crime. Private Prosecutions asking the 3 questions listed above.
Leadership: Do you claim the people as your property? No, people are not property.
1.Who claim "I" property? I man, I woman Who= Does Justin Trudeau claim I property? No
2.Who can administrate property without Right? Who-Justin Trudeau who can administer Property without right, Justin? No one can
3. Produce obligation on which you rely? For making all these demands, and orders and trespasses against me. You do not have "a contract" with the people. Produce the The Obligation that gives you jurisdiction over I man.
25:51-26:36 Ireland, A kin to the Nuremberg Trails. 38 Common Law Courts World Wide
27:15-27:52 An Apps is going to be out soon. If anyone knocks on your door to track you, trace you, test you, take you, you just push a button people in your area come to your aid, to help. Cell phone not an internet App. can not be blocked by big tech.
29:00 This section is all about illegality of Birth Certificates. Identity thief. It actually proofs the crime, the trespass. 2 dates on the Birth Certificate. The date your born and the date they made your name a registered corporation.
29:58-30:45 Never use the word you, use who, I = pertains to people
"Lawful" applies to that which is not incorporated. God Creator.
Legal applies to the world of Dead > corporations. Legal does not apply to A man or a woman A man, A woman is not property. So their laws don't apply to a man a woman. The Bar is a society. Laws, rules of this society, the Bar do not apply to the people. The Rules of Civil Procedure of the Bar a society, can not be Applied to the people because we are not apart of that "organization."
30:45-31:02 For the people> Common law comes from our Creator. Trespass > crime > Harm Done Called a "Claim". The person opposite is not a defendant but the one who the claim was made against.
31:02-33:10 The following
Before "a Justice" not a judge.
Challenge Jurisdiction: before you go to court! Legal proceeding? It does not apply to a man or a woman. Who are you looking for? The Creator: a man or a woman The Created is the Birth Certificate, Identity Thief, Capital Letters, the Dead, Corporation. You have to confess I had, have nothing to do with this "created", "dead," Service Corporation more details below.
Jurisdiction: Land? Air? Water?
Civil, citizen, (slave), is Water> is Maritime law.
Air is Collectable: Cannon law
Land is common law.
Citizen does not apply in common law
Who are you looking for? "The Creator": a man or a woman "The Created" is the Birth Certificate, Identity Thief, Capital Letters, the Dead, Corporation.
Lawyers do not represent you.
Lawyer means re-present you, re-present the fictional character on the Birth Certificate created. Name in all Capital Letters
3 Most important words
"Property" I man property
"Trespass" claim of harm
"Who" wrote this law, rule, demand?
Write everything down, keep records
This is the alliance Q People talk about. This is the class action law suit world wide against governments World Wide.
"Constructive Fraud" they have been causing constructive harm world wide.
It is going to be "Biblical" of Biblical proportions. Unite. All Q post.
The Bar writes the Legal Procedures. But if you are not a member of the Bar you are not obligated to them.
All debts paid off. Take Vaccine, turn in your guns, give up all Soveriegn rights, become a slave. The "Universal Income" is giving up all your rights as a man or as a woman.
45:38-46:13 Bankers: Only gold and silver coins are Money. Debt was a weapon used against everyone.
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