Yes, America is a Christian nation born created by God's Holy Spirit's power in obedience to the power of his word in men's minds and hearts and inspiration.. He has anointed men, I, us, his church, his body, through Jesus Christ, given men, I, us, the church, power over all the power of the enemy, to set the captives free, to heal the sick, bind up the broken, proclaim the good news to the poor and proclaim Liberty to all the inhabitants of the earth. with the power of his Holy Spirit. As his word lives freely in us empowering us. God is in control through his church, his body on earth. Whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven. Who's ever sins you forgive will be forgiven, who's ever sins you retain will not be forgiven.
No Coincidences? "Where's Hunter?" when there is a Hunter's Moon? Or this is a huge elaborate Con/scam/fortune tellers trick, on the World by The Devil? What do you think. Pre-planned by God or the Devil? God Reformation Day, freedom through Jesus Christ, Liberty, the Constitution, Declaration of Independence. All men Farmers owning their land, marriage, Big Families? or Halloween. God or Slavery to the Illuminati, tyranny, machines, technology, full blown surveillance, one Giant Borg Hive
Mind, ran by technology, Machines, the Matrix, Communism, eternal lockdowns, Martial, Law, burning in the streets, rioting, looting, violence savagery's, night and Day indulgences! ? NWO
It will look extra Large! It is Reformation Day!
October’s first full Moon will be called the Harvest Moon, while the second will be the Hunter’s Moon. If you prefer a more creative name, you could call this special full Moon the “Hunter’s Blue Moon. Despite all the creative Halloween full Moon pictures, a full Moon occurring on Halloween is not a common occurrence and only happens every 18 to 19 years.
Halloween—also known as All Hallows’ Eve—always occurs on October 31; it’s only the day of the week that changes from year to year.
The origin of Halloween itself can be traced back to Samhain (pronounced SOW-in, which rhymes with COW-in), which was an ancient Celtic festival that was celebrated to mark the end of harvesttime. It was also the end of their year and the beginning of the new year, so it was “in between” the two years. It’s said that the spirits of the dead wander around during this time in the moonlight.
"A Great Harvest of Men" coming to know Almighty God, having their souls saved and be healed is expected this year!
Part 1 And 2 Great Awakening is Great Reformation October 31th, 1517 2017, 500 years.
The Harvest Moon is said to be the full Moon which occurs nearest to the date of the autumnal equinox (September 22, 2020). This means that either September or October’s full Moon may take on the name “Harvest Moon” instead of its traditional name. Similarly, the Hunter’s Moon is the first full Moon to follow the Harvest Moon, meaning that it can occur in either October or November.
See all Moon phase dates and times (EDT) below. See the Moon Phase

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