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Read Out Loud on video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Q3Q84Vq3yKsL/ |
NISSAN 5782 Chalkboard Teaching by Christine Vales one year behind but dates have been updated.
Month of Miracles and New Life, Redemption
Ripening of Barley Harvest,
Abundance, Harvest of souls
Month of first
Freedom from slavery: sin, freedom from the world system
God loved us First
Nissan first Month of Months, Spring
Or being a new creation born Again, Saved by God given the Ten Commandments
New Year is in the Fall 5781 to 5782
Born Again, filled with light, love Truth by
Be Baptized in the Holy Spirit
Passover 2022 April 1st Fools Day because 1 Corinthians 1:18For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
Easter April 17
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Revelation 6:5-6, Jesus Death Justice was served, Our covenant with God The Passover, Communion, Barley Harvest Buy 3 flour sacks of Wheat for a silver dime Dime is the tithe |
11:06- 13:20
Cloud by Day, Pillar of Fire at Night
The Holy Spirit lights your path.
Continuous walking, upright, God with us, Confidence
Isaiah 43:16 Going back home, God makes the path
Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Resurrection-Went Through Red Sea
Isaiah 53: 5 But he was wounded for our transgressions: he was broken for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes are we healed.
1 Peter 2:24 Who his own self bare our sins in his body on the tree, that we being dead to sin, should live in righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.
Israel at the last super, Jesus said take and eat his bread/body, drink his blood/wine, do this is remembrance of me.
Luke 22 Story of Jesus being the Passover Lamb Easter
Why the Black Horse of Revelation CANNOT be the Horse of Famine! Re-examined – By author D A Cleland Revelation6.com "Hold Your Horses" is a book written by Debbie Cleland.
How To Become The Oil And Wine A lot right, separating Christians from the World. You will know the real from the false.
Aris- Ram sacrificed for Isaac, Passover Lamb Isaac, Abraham we all deserve to die for our trespasses. We have all taking someone else property. Taxes is a perfect example. Debts we have sinned and we need to make amends for that. People go to jail until the pay their debt to society.
Aris 3 stars: The wounded, The Bruise, The Slain
The divine symbol of Egypt is the sheep. Learn more: Chabad.org Kelipot and Sitra Achra
22:00-24:50 Exodus 14:2
25:09-26:57 3 Baptisms: Excepted into the Body of Christ:
Under the Cloud, Holy Spirit, Water
Christine ended:
Lion of Judah means Praise, Boldness, Courage, Jesus
When being persecuted you still laugh, have peace, and are happy, confounds the enemy: Praise
Abusers can not stand it when someone they see as inferior are smiling and happy. Sharing the gospel, good news. Loving one another. They will do everything to stop this. You can smile and laugh only when they give you permission. Oppression makes evil men very happy, when you fear them instead of God.
29:31-29:57 Boldness
30:52 -31:17 I Dreamed, 4/12, 2022 I had to swim under a small village flooded bridge with a back pack on. About 10 feet under water over to the other side and still under water ten feet up. So dark you can not see it was almost black We are Hebrews meaning we crossed over the Red Sea from Slavery to freedom
31:41 end Our Forefathers came to America by Sea, crossed through Water: New Land Look for your great grand daddies land. Just like the Israelites went back to the land God gave Abraham under the Old Covenant, we have the New Covenant.
For this time on the earth.
There has been a great slaughter of Americans: World Wide God's Chosen People, Christendom a Royal Nation Holy Priesthood. Those Liberated by Christ Death on the cross. (Common Law the Bible), Christian laws and morals, lifestyle. Children of God murdered like in the days of the Roman Empire. Add up covid jab injuries and deaths that was persecution! Slaughter by those who hate God.
Pressed like olives to bring forth the oil of God's Anointed. Pressed on all sides to bring for the Wine of Salvation to those who have lived in darkness. The Truth is shining brighter than ever. Those who really know God are shining the light on the path of Salvation for the World's salvation.
The true precepts, principles and ways of Christianity will be known by everyone. To bring hope and understand to everyone.
Revelation 1:61599 Geneva Bible
6 And made us Kings and Priests unto God even his Father, to him, I say, be glory, and dominion for evermore, Amen.
1 Peter 2:9
1599 Geneva Bible
9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal Priesthood, an holy nation, a people set at liberty, that ye should show forth the virtues of him that hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light,
- Why he does this: Jesus is Lord. The Glory of exposing all this Corruption goes to Him!
My Response: Also talk about God's power in us to Make America "Whole." All people restored back to their grandfather's former glory of owning land, farming, using gold and silver coins! God brings justice that heals the country! As long as money is counterfeited everything you, I, everyone does is a crime. Ask God he'll tell you. Honest men only use gold and silver coins and live by every word of God which is powerful life.
- Power filled life, love filled life, happy life. Free and Liberated, Christians in power!
God said, anyone not using 99% pure gold and silver coins will go to hell for stealing and robbing. Read James 5. Once you use gold and silver coins 99% pure, The prayer of faith will heal everyone.
For stealing go on at the bottom of James 5: people confessing their sins for using counterfeit money. Then repenting and God will answer your prayers. Gold backed is compromising the word of God. Golded backed, commodity backed anything is a sin. An IOU. IOU's with people who had no intention of paying gold and silver coins to people. That con, or scam got us into this trouble. The Federal Reserves, Satan's idea. It is Still stealing.GOLD 10X | PayPal Co-Founder, Peter Thiel SD BullionSD Bullion- Start at beginning: "World Order Financial System" to 2:00 minutes
- We the people refuse their money, their accounting.
- We obey the Constitution. We obey God's Word.
- Their NWO is dependent on their fake system.
- SD Bullion talks about; crypto, digital Money, Inflation, CBD Systems, increasing prices, Russia and China also using commodity backed paper money, Wheat, shortages, Oil Fertilizer, gold and silver prices, Peru troubles, gold and silver sales are off the charts, Peter Thiel co-founder of pay pal speaking at a convention. Bitcoin 2022
- 12: 23 -13:48 Punchline at the end. Gold is the safest, proven track record.
- PG comment: Gold and silver coins the cost is men's souls and liberty, happiness, freedom, morality, peace on earth, end of corruption, relationship with God.
- God demands men buy and sell using gold and
- silver coins. It's all over the Bible. Those not using physical gold and silver coins are enslaved by Satan, by sin. No way out of addictions..... Murdering people because the world has lost it's salvation. Salvation is Sound mindedness. History proves only gold and silver coins are honest buying and selling between men.
Comment I left.
Amos 8, James 5 We the body of Christ calling ourselves Christians must save the souls of men. Life will be hell on earth for anyone using counterfeit gold and silver coins. 2 plus 2 equals 4. Silver and gold ratio is 15:1. Perfect gold and silver is money without sin. Perfect Money is written into law in the Coinage act 1792. This Truth that is self-evident to men around the world. God placed this truth in every one he created. Anything else is as insane as boys being girls and competing in women's sports it is cheating, deceiving. Causing people to go insane. Jesus died to fill men with his Holy Spirit fill men with this truth. Honesty. Do a program on "sound minded" money. Minds not demonically possessed by lies about money, currency. Yes, we do buy all our silver and gold from SD bullion. Try this for Easter, save the world people will listening to you. Be a servant of Jesus Christ, not the mass murdering globalist Satanist.
I was Watching every day news: Comments made here. Assuming you can guess the subjects.E
Public Shools:
They are twisting the word of God, perverting justice, teaching rebellion, pedophilia, witchcraft, filthiness', lustful perverted, temple of Satanic teachings. Contributing to the delinquency of minors. They are breaking the law. Our laws come from a Holy Good God, The Almighty. God's powerful love will cleans her soul and heal it like it never happened. Justice does that. True justice that comes from God makes a person body, mind, and spirit whole. Again, sound minded, no pain, not lies.
Children have the right to be protect from sexual predators, Parents have the right, duty, and responsibility to protect their children souls. Guardians of their minds so they know the love and power God has giving them through Jesus Death on the cross, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the promises of God are written within them. Have a clean, mind, body and spirit. Salvation. Freedom from sin. Know their rights that come from God.Glorify God who is very good and his laws are perfect. Praise him who is worthy to be praised. Who loves us greatly!
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