Friday, March 2, 2018

Live Stream: #LionelNation���� Who Decides Your Next Step? You Do.

Here is a real good class action law suit! Try this one Lionel. You'll win the award of the best lawyer in History!  incur debt:    to lose money, owe money, or have to pay money as a result of doing something. incur costs/expense/expenses: She may have to meet any costs incurred as a result of the delay. incur a debt: They are not personally liable for debts incurred by a lose money, owe money, or have to pay money as a result of doing something. costs/expense/expenses: She may have to meet any costs incurred as a result of the delay. incur a debt: They are not personally liable for debts incurred by a partner.

*****There is only one thing a politician can do and say, if they don't, then they go to jail.*****  ~~~~I promise one thing, just one thing.~~~~  Uphold the Constitution as it is written and is self-evident to everyone.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  That's it. No promise of jobs, no promise of lower taxes, no promise of welfare, no promise of defense.  Right now every single one of the employees paid or unpaid are not upholding the Constitution, we all know it!   Look at it honestly.  The Constitution was written for the "Individual" so the Individual always has justice and is treated equally with everyone else.  As long as the Government is run by the Federal Revere and the government is always borrowing from them we are all in debt all the time, every day.  We are never FREE!  The Federal Reserve is not Elected so we no longer have a "Representative government so we are under a dictatorship of who ever decides to "say so".   Everyone is always fighting for power and position to get that money and put  the rest of us in debt which is slavery.  We have a law in Ohio s Constitution that  slavery and indenture servitude is illegal punishable by death.  it's the law of nature and natures God to self-defense. It is self evident to everyone that it is my right duty and responsibility to be FREE from anyone who would put me in any kind of chains to bind me into agreements "For Life" to be in-debt for life. The same with property taxes!  Taxes is slavery for Life that is a prison sentence.  The Bible says, to be in debt is to be a slaver to the lender. It's true. People should never be forced to "borrow" or make loans for their entire life but that is the illegal system!  I don't have to owe the government for my entire life, for my house for 30 years either. If I owe someone I pay them right away. I will not be in debt, The Bible says not to be in debt! I am not going to incur  debt with every breath I take and have the government tell me I owe them because "I am a live!"  Right now the government says they own me and my lives work, my labor, belongs to them! That is slavery!  They have to ***prove that before God,*** ***God gave me the responsibility, a moral religious obligation before God,***  to pay for something. Like raising and educating my children, feeding myself; I am responsible for my life but I'm not responsible to pay for and provide for my neighbor any anyone else!   #Uphold the Constitution. #GoldnSilver  #Paid in full! I'm out of debt to the government! I don't owe them a thing!

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