Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The Untouchables

It is="Gangsters, organized criminal organization!" All governments even the Senior executive service gets it's ability for leadership from the "consent of the people! The people can throw off any tyranny! it's our right, duty and responsibility. I am not a slave to anyone. We are all equal. These people don't need t be fired but taking to jail, judged and the shot in a firing squad! I am their equal or "better"! I'm not a criminal and they are! Listen to yourselves! It's "self-evident" it's illegal. Government must be representatives of the people. The people "vote". Governments are formed by the people. We didn't form them. It's like the EU unelected, is communism, dictatorship. The money is real. Think about that! No one can legally just "print up wealth" That would be unlimited wealth unlimited power, unlimited corruption again tyranny/slavery. Gold and silver is the only money, limited!

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