Sunday, March 4, 2018

The Federal Reserve, The entire Government, Banks Corporations are guilty of the same crime! Mexican man assumes American’s identity for 37 years, steals $361,000 in...

Mary the money is fake! Look at the Constitution: Only gold and silver can be used! It's fair to every human being.  Limits everyone. Look at paper: just the Treasury dept. gets this paper, or some banks. It's unfair to everybody. The people who issue the money are probably printing some off for themselves, friends & neighbors, who's checking. The banks or the treasury gets the paper, who decides who gets "a Million dollar loan"?  Who gets into all this money.? Just people at the top. Giving the government, certain people @banks, the Fed. Unlimited power, unlimited wealth, unlimited corruption. They end up owning everything and the majority of people have become slaves!  So the guy became just like the people printing the money. They are all stealing. The question is are we the People ever going to see justice be done. Get our land back they robbed from our great grand parents, and our gold and silver and these "organized" co-conspirators, congress, Senators, DOJ, Judiciary, President, they are all in this together!:  money cons, fraudsters, scammers, we want them  hung out in the streets in public!   #Demand Justice!

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