Monday, July 27, 2020

Blog I Am Legend- Dystopian Society... History Is a "Scripted" Illusion Part 2

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I Am Legend- Dystopian Society...The Plans of the NWO Exposed Parts 1-5

Blog I Am Legend- Dystopian Society... Part 1 "THE PLAN"


20:25-25:50  Wage Slavery  by Dr, Nick Begich  From Alaska
    Scripted   History Is a "Scripted" Illusion 
It is cold, superficial. No depth of Love or understanding. The Way, The Plan that leads to destruction.  (Disclaimer: Disagree with some conclusions.)
38:40-39:00  Distraction, to steal the wealth
Part  2

Mastiff: Floyd, Roxy,  190 years Police Brutality, so much more 

I Am Legend is a 2007 American post-apocalyptic action thriller film based on the 1954 novel of the same name by Richard Matheson. Directed by Francis Lawrence, Will Smith as US Army virologist
​That was pre-planned too the movie "I am Legend!" It is about a virus.
.. It is Staged! All pre-planned, pre-paid for! but it is like watching a movie and  you say it isn't real theiy are actors. This is exactly that. The pain and suffering maybe real but it'is all scripted an ac!.
.. The real leaders are going back to owning land, farming, providing their own food, raising animals back to gold and silver. Honest lives! Honest living! Honest Money!
Somerset Belenoff the Appointed head
World Governing Council
Rose in Prominence in the 60's and 70's. 
Everything the NWO does now is setting people free from their control, their masks are coming off because God has heard the prayer of the righteous! In the 1960's, 70's until now we have been living under Judicial tyranny. Now NWO wants to add  medical tyranny. They want Socialized Medicine, death panels deciding who lives and who dies and,  Planetary control. 
They are telling everyone you can not fight it! 
They are the children of the master minds, they  are not their Fathers who got away with it! People were much more trusting! Then.
.. #usethegospel for protection.
Right now we are seeing the evil people introducing their new digital currency while they are trying to over throw the police and citizens again to force ever more control over all of us! It is all organized and pre-planned everyone controlled by evil men!
Illuminati The Pied Piper
Once you know the End of
The Story. You can hear the musicians!
The piper: X22 Report, Cu Post, The video below
All Social engineering everyone!
 . This happened to policemen in the 60's and 70's. They were called bigots, pigs as were the "military," who were called "baby killers." Every white man was a pig and a bigot, a racist with feminism and the sexual revolution. Evil took over the  courts who turned on the police and citizens then there were riots over Vietnam, feminism, civil rights etc.
   ..  It is all the same scheme, scam, con,  same script.  Only one side is heard! Censorship of everyone who disagree. All arguments hushed by tyrannical power plays.  All decent moral good wholesome laws turned upside down.  
​.. Evil is just doing it again. 60's, 70's, 80's   they stole the Ten Commandments, legalized abortion, then stole all the money = took people off the gold system, stole all the silver and changed the money.
Legalize Genocide of children in their Mother's wombs. Stole the Rights of Father's to claim right to their children in the Mother's Womb. Yes the child is the Father's it isn't just the women's child. It is the Father's very own flesh and blood.
Groups of people in the 100's of  thousands became homeless. So this is all the evil people introducing their new digital currency and over throwing the police and citizens again to force the micro chip into all of us!
.. ​It is all organized and pre-planned everyone controlled by evil men!

Abbey and Kona, both three-year-old German Shepherd dogs, played Neville's dog Sam
Watch IPOT In pursuit of the Truth. They always use Dogs! Before the event named the same as the dog. What was this dogs name? Abbey and Kona, both three-year-old German Shepherd dogs, played Neville's dog Sam.  In the end the "Patriots" like them will be thrown away like trash and end up dead like the dog Sam.  "Uncle "Sam" will be the one doing it.

America is made up of men who separated from their own countries to obey God. America is God's People! Chosen by God to Proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ of Liberty!
Americans are FREE by THE power and Authority of Almighty God!
How did Con artists, evil men get away with it two times before in History? Men forgot God! God and the Constitution says you can only buy and sell using gold and silver coins! Men Forgot what freedom, Liberty, Life and Happiness Are! 

Happiness is a man whose sins are forgiven. Repents, start to obey ONLY GOD. Anything else is Despotism, SLAVERY! I am No slave to YOU! I am on this earth to obey and serve God and him ONLY! Each man who, like Abraham, Israel who was separated from other men. Separated from the world. Men who heard the voice of Almighty God tell them to come out from among men and be separate, Love, serve and worship Only God! God will be his Father ad his God. God will lead and Provide for him. AND GIVE HIM LAND, Crops, animals, a wife and children.
.. That is "Being Alive!"

 Being free is living at home free from any obligations to other men!
...A Life that is Liberated,Dependent on no other man or men... A life that is Completely dependent on God!
God brings men into LAND. Their own Land! Farming! Each man owning his own land responsible to provide for himself on his own land. Responsible to dig a well, raise crops, animals, chop wood, and  heat his own home.
Freedom is knowing Children are a blessing of God. Living is obeying God: loving your wife and children. Here is the Kicker. If you love your wife your children, God, your land As God commands, You are with them 24/7/365. Love is being with them not separated by jobs, school, etc. Together all day long.

I Am Legend- Dystopian Society...The Plans of the NWO Exposed Parts 1-5

Blog I Am Legend- Dystopian Society... Part 1 "THE PLAN"

Blog I Am Legend- Dystopian Society... History Is a "Scripted" Illusion Part 2

Read Out loud on Youtube

"I am Legend", Diabolical War, Deaths, Gov. Did Not Defend Part 3 blog


I am Legend, Diabolical War, Deaths, Gov Did Not Defend Part 3 vid

P4A Technology is Destroying Man's Dominance A I , I am Legend vw PG

P4B Technology is Destroying Man's Dominance A I , I am Legend vw/PG

Part 5 Tech 47,000 Sat 5G, Smart Homes, Satan's Goal To Be God

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