Wednesday, July 1, 2020

blog Worth Remembering Gideon's Army

Second Part on YouTube

Worth Remembering Gideon's Army Solution cont 7 4 2020

First Part on Youtube
Worth Remembering Gideon's Army Part 1 w/PG

What is God's Will? I've and asked and heard a lot of atheist, Teachers, Philosophers, Prophets,Government Officials, Judges, Lawyers,  Pastors, Christians make-up a lot  garbage, "LIES" in my life time. Since I was a child. All the excuses "we don't do things God's way" or "The right Way" any more. 

Basically people stopped obeying God to obey Criminals running a scam on the American People. The scam is "look at all the things you get if you fall down and worship the devil". Use "fiat", counterfeit money.  Put men into slavery under an ungodly "controlled system" Where every one is being watched. No privacy, no time to yourself, Always working for some unseen "Goal" that is the opposite of God's will. Opposite of the law, the Constitution. X22 report does an excellent job describing the "New World Order" system Q is going to give us.

Watch Gold, The Next Economy Is Taken Shape - Episode 2204a

Watch at 14 minutes!  The "TELL" of a gambler:  "Once the people get a taste of this, [(the forbidden fruit)] They are never going back."Back to what? Our Constitution under God.

An Organization without a Name that I know of other than Evolutionist or Humanitarians. A Religious Organization.  Have a whole new Constitution, a new government, new laws based on a new religion, not Christianity! Ludwig Von Mises made up this "beliefs system."  A Rockefeller Disciple.
Who doesn't understand This?
Please raise your hand?
   Another fiat fake monetary system backed by gold, you'll never see or have in your own. You will only have IOU's, promissory notes. with new technology to be dependent on, (enslavement to things on this earth not made by God but made by evil men.) 
World Wide, with no need for God or dependence on God. Man is god.It will be just like with FDR's "New Deal" men won't be able to resist the temptation to sin. 
 Below G. Edward Griffin does I great job explaining what has happened, even with President Trump. I don't agree with his answer or solution to fix the problem. Only Faith in God and men repenting, God fixing each man's life, each man becoming responsible for himself, will there be any noticeable real change: FREEDOM: LIFE LIBERTY, HAPPINESS. because they are all blessings of God for obedience to God. "God working as one" with each man. 

Time0:00-2:00    Set up
          5:00-5:50   2 sides with conflict
          7:55- 8:44  right and left both "collectivism"  WWG1WGA 
        10:00-10:40 You can see the finish line,  it's an act a drama, it is theater
        10:40-11:08  They have never faced resistance like the Power of God
         Disclaimer do not agree with everything. 
        12:10-12:51   Martial Law Take over Police make them bigger
        15:00-17:23   "They"   Wrestling analogy it's all a stage, an act! 
        18:40-22:55  President Trump (Appears to Hate him). 
        24:00-24:30  gold and silver coins limits corruption
        25:00-25:48   Actions speak louder than words Rona Bug Vaccines
        25:49-27:00   Left purposely look really bad, driving people away 
        28:00-33:36   If you there was going to be a Populist Uprising Wouldn't you want to Lead it steer it in the direction you want it to GO?  (Project Looking Glass?)
Side Note in the 60's and 70's there was a movement that said "Question Authority" by the Hippies and Others. I wondered if G. Edward Griffin played a part then and is playing a part NOW! All the same players? Pull them out of the closet when you need them?  Cause fear, doubt, division confusion? 
Bottom Line: Put an end to your own confusion, doubt and fear, cause by their mind games! 
If people are not lead by Jesus Christ, by the Word of God, by the Holy Spirit They/we/I will be lead by Satan, sin, fear, oppression, manipulation, "many ways that lead to destruction" many different Ways.  All Very Evil! No escaping Life! Lead by lies or the Truth
I am here to tell you and everyone stop lying! Only one person is telling the TRUTH! JESUS CHRIST!  America will not Fall. America: The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution:
THE LAW OF GOD.Populism is the written law of God "self-evident" according to the Declaration,  in everyone around the World. The Bill of Rights. The Declaration, The Constitution lead all men back to Sunday School.  Church.Know Read act upon every word of God. Men don't live by Bread alone by by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. 
The Founding Fathers, Our forefathers, my Great grand parents the American citizens of the 1700's were a people/ Men who had studied the Bible since they were infants, read and memorized scripture at 3 years old. Men who in 8th Grade could translate the entire Bible from it's original language. They had to to get into College, mostly seminaries to propagate the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They knew the true way of Salvation and people like the Globalist could not lead anyone astray. The People knew God himself had saved them. The Gospel of Jesus Christ The Rock, Is Our foundation. Each man owns his own land works with his own two hands, builds his own house and barn with his own two hands Just
like our Great Grand Fathers.Raises his own children provides for his own family. This is each man's responsibility and no one should think someone else is going to grow their food or raise their animals or suppot them. Nor make "a Profit" for another man. People are not Human Resources. 
Sometimes We ask ourselves is this really worth it?
Most of the things you do the answer is NO! NO! NO! It is the opposite of what you should put your lives work into.No it is not worth it! Obedience to God knowing his will gives you heaven on earth and once you leave your body to be present with the Lord. Start doing the right thing!
. Soon people will be thinking of public schools opening. That is the opposite of "doing the right thing". It is wrong. But you and your parents were taught by evil controlling tyrants, it is the right thing.

 In this blog we go back a couple hundred years. Parents would never ever leave their children with anyone else. It is called "Parents Supervising" "their children". On a Farm parents watched their children 24/7/365. To protect them keep them safe. They did it because it was the right thing to do! It's Worth Remembering.

Worth Remembering. My Family escaped Oppression, Christian persecution, even slavery and came to America! My Family with the help of God, His Word, with other's of the same persuasion; started A country where slavery is illegal. My country is called Ohio!

Q Map  there are 127 post with the words, worth, remember, or remembering.  "Worth Remembering"

Jesus said "Do this in remembrance of me"  In modern culture we are so removed of right, wrong, proper, morals, duties, honoring others etc.Jesus saves our souls,, keep walking in the truth, these civilized behaviors will come back to your memory. Evil people purposely did things to our minds to remove our memories of our forefathers.  When I person dies that person's life is extremely valuable and they are to be remembered. God makes that possible.Today Adam and Eve are remember, Abraham, Issac, Jacob. When remembering the Patriarchs you remember the whole family.  
  1. 1.
    the action or fact of persuading someone or of being persuaded to do or believe something.
    "Monica needed plenty of persuasion before she actually left"
    moral pressure
  2. 2.
    a belief or set of beliefs, especially religious or political ones.
    "writers of all political persuasions"

Americans actually ended slavery in 1787
With the Northwest Ordinance.
 The rest was a matter of cleaning
out the Trash left behind by the British

I was praying today and I was lead by the Holy Spirit to remember my Great Grandmother's Father. She loved here Father. She passed away around 1970 at about 100 years old!  She lived a long full life had 11 children plus Grand children Great Grandchildren.  What was her secret?  She loved and honored her Father who had in turn loved and honored his Father. Etc. This takes me back to 1880's, 1860's, 1840's and even further. To the founding of our country. Yes, my grandparents were originally from Virginia. Christians! That means: Liberators. People who with and in the name of Jesus Christ, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,  using the eternal fire of God's Holy Spirit with power, with the Word of God burning and springing up out of them:  liberate others. 

George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were representing me! My family when they went to Philadelphia. My family fought for Virginia with George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both in Congress through these great patriarchs for freedom, even freedom for slaves. Eventually leading up fighting physically in the Revolutionary War and as payment Virginia solders were giving land.  First in Kentucky secondly in Ohio. Kentucky turned to be a slave state but not Ohio! George Washington representing my family made sure in the Northwest Providence Slavery was illegal.  

The Northwest Territory Ordinance. Later As Abolitionist living every near Cincinnati and the Ohio River we fought for Liberty again! We fought for God who gives us the power of his Word and his Holy Spirit to Liberate all men from any type of slavery, indenture Servitude or internal slave to others or sin within themselves. Healing any brokenness, restoring any broken hearts, lives. Establishing Justice for all men through the power of forgiveness which restores everything. It is a physical power each person can feel that goes out of a person. It is called virtue!   

The words came to mind "These grandparents of mine  are worth remembering". In the book of Malachi when Jesus comes to save men, God turns the hearts of the Fathers to the children and children to their Fathers. Why? so God can bless each person with a long healthy blessed life.  

In the mist of the Battle wouldn't you think the most important thing to remember is God who's blessings governments are formed to protect?  All good gifts come from God. God blesses each man with "Life, Liberty, and Happiness"  when they repents. Each man  is mentally and emotionally transformed from sinner to a Saint.
  Governments can never keep people free or liberate people. Only God can. Only God in men, in the people can liberate people, God working with them with signs and wonders following.

Katherine Austin Fitts said America's hope is in Gideon's Army.  A few men who remembered God.  In America a few Men who remembered that they  have a Holy covenant with God. The Revolutionary War, the Civil War were men who  obeyed Jesus Christ and "remembered" Jesus body was broken for them so they might be healed, Jesus Blood was shed in payment of their debt, of trespassing on other''s lives and land and property.(social engineering is next to go, men planning the future of other men.)
Catherine Austin Fitts – We are Watching the Mother of All Debt Entrapments
The victorious for Liberty remembered three days later Jesus came back to life by the power of the Holy Spirit. For almost seventy years the "New Jerusalem" was filled with men forgiving sins and healing. I.E. "Peter" and those who believed in Jesus Christ. They were Baptized and received the power of the Holy Spirit to bring them back from darkness, from a life of death and were given the life of God, his word written in them, his  life, his Holy Spirit is life. Men do not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from God filled with power by his Spirit. The word of God without the love and power of the Holy Spirit are just mere letters, the law. The "spirit" must bring it to life! 
  My forefathers.through them, Life, Liberty and Happiness was "shining brightly" out of them; The light of Christ Salvation, his Holy Spirit's Liberty and love and the outward showing of a clean sinless life:  shone out of men and exposed the darkness of oppression, slavery, indentured servitude, men ruling other men was      the Spirit of Death and darkness, on evil men                  put death,   oppression, to rest. 

 They secured the Blessing of God for themselves and others: Land, Farms, marriages, children The Blessings of Deuteronomy 28 were given to my Great Grandparents for their obedience to God for propagating the Gospel of Jesus Christ and in his name liberating all men.
PICture is of Leo Martin Standing in front of a Memorial to the Pilgrims. The forefathers. It is called the Matrix of Liberty by some. The Democrat Massachusetts governments calls it "The Forefathers Monument".
Leah Penniman is an award winning Author,
in the sustainable, Progressive

Do Not recommend "ideology". 
Or Political Philosophy
Freedom through Jesus Christ, Morality, Education based on the Bible Salvation, The Law based on the Bible and The End of Tyranny for obedience to the Bible, Jesus Christ. Internal law written in our hearts and minds brings morals and internal mental peace. This is expressed  externally in civilian law and then all men live in peace. 

Disclaimer I have no idea what this book is about. But it is true Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness for any man. And pursuing Independence. God's blessings are Land, wife, Children. 
Link to picture or images under this title. Farming While Black, Soul Fires Farm's Practical Guide to Liberation on the Land.

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