Monday, July 20, 2020


Please read all the way through, don't judge unto you read the "Whole" "Truth">>>> Think for yourself! It is so true! My ex-husband would always say "Trust me". So of course, I don't Trust anyone who says "Trust Me". A lot of people don't Trust Q for several good reasons. But being honest about what you disagree with is good for you! Belief me I know! I've denied my own eyes and thoughts a lot. Especially as a Republican! I kept my eyes close since I could vote. You are safe if you compare everything with the Word of God!
Q is a world Wide phenomenon. I have often wondered Why those with Q channels have such high numbers of subscribers. We were frozen to under 12,000 since 2017 ad apocalypses. But World Wide we run into people who know who the "Resistance Chicks" are or Masfaith3. We know our view counts and subscriber numbers are actual lies. If Q was such a problem why are these channels not censored completely out. Youtube just makes up a lie and you are gone. No, I haven't given up on Q or President Trump. But I do care about Souls, ***"YOUR MIND"*** Jesus came to save souls. Jesus said to examine yourself. Examine where your thoughts in your mind come from. A lot of lies are rooted in 2 areas: Indoctrination but Public Schools for 13 years! You were told to sit down and shut up, learn from them then tested to make sure you learned it! That is Military institutional, robot training!
.. This is a form of child abuse! You had to deny A lot of crimes in school to get through without punishment! If you questioned their authority or any thing you will get bad grades by your "authority" figures.
.. Another source of programming or Mind control was the Fake counterfeit dollar. A dollar is Spanish. It is a silver coin. It is worth something! It is real silver. Fiat is a "note", a promissory Note". It is a "Bill". So it would be a contradiction to say dollar which is a silver coin with 90%, 371.25 fine silver in it and a bill. You can not say both in a compound word. Why do we say it? Programming! Indoctrination. Group think. Everyone world wide says it.
... Q, President Trump are no big deal. Deception comes from being separated from you parents ASAP and giving over to Strangers at the most inquisitive and vulnerable Age!
. Do not fear! Ask Jesus Christ to forgive and your parents for your public school or parochial education and for using the counterfeit money. Forgiveness for Disobeying the Bible, God and the Constitution.
.. Confession! Confession is the most powerful psychological weapon in the Universe. Jesus came to save your "psych", your soul, your mind from insanity. (TV Programs), or programming, Public School Indoctrination or "teachings." God comes in starts to cleanse your mind. He came to set your mind free and lead you into the Truth. Just asked God for his Holy Spirit.
God's own spirit will not possess your soul, but he will live in you. God's kingdom is within. God will lead you in to the Truth set you free from lies. "The Truth shall set you free!

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